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Posts posted by whispo

  1. I also got a weird vibe

    from one image during the new OP.... the one where Sheryl is sinking into a pool of water, with ribbons drifting down - almost like a puppet after having it's strings cut.

    the image was rather disturbing...

    yeah i noticed that aswell :S , this episode made me feel so sorry for the poor girl. Looks like it aint over yet and that the emotional spiral will be going down more and more .... it could also mean that Sheryl is freed of the manipulation though ...

  2. Grace, Mao and ranka's mom worked together

    :o , battle 25 bridge :o,

    Did Michel tell Sheryl of the poison or not?

    -alto's borther saving sheryl

    -boby and bridge bunnies at cloth sales fighting ^^

    -Vajra are back to destroying entire warships >D

    -Quater's main cannon is ineffective

    -Battle frontier main cannon!!

    -Weird creature at the end :S

    next Epi: Alto is at his own place with Sheryl, those pervy two ......

  3. thanks to Fire Bomber guardian angels protecting ace combat VF pilots who're openly FIRE BOMBER's fanatic fans, like Gamlin in Mac 7.

    I think you just solved the mistery of why gamlin survived macross 7 :o! Thats the real power of song energy, fan dom! It's powers create the fan domE wich shields fire bomber fans from dying even if they're aces pilots.

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