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Everything posted by whispo

  1. BSG beeing a pretty "rough" series, I'd go for fire bomber music .... totsugeki love heart would be awsome yeah. I can imagine Thigh standing at the bridge "What the frack ...", Bill being all like "Mr. Geta where the hell is that broadcast comming from".
  2. Here we go, http://img365.imageshack.us/my.php?image=lockerqw0.gif Hope you like it, I made it a bit longer then you requested, but that way the scene looks more complete
  3. Sorry mate don't have the raw from that episode anymore. I'll ask Dex for the scene, so this might take a while.
  4. OMG I want the one with Sheryl and Alto, she looks so cute on that one
  5. what about Minmay in DYRL when you could see her nippels (under the shower)
  6. Thats also why she aint using the train anymore! She's afraid she might meet another "hime" and forget Alto
  7. +1 for the Locker scene, that was very "suggestive"
  8. here we go, http://img162.imageshack.us/my.php?image=ozmalaflagajm7.gif. Hope you like it Thanks Dex I'll keep that in mind! Well im kind of hoping to make this thread a new every week or so after that weeks episode airs. So we'll see. Oh and Mr. March, if you ever need more gifs for the site, just let me know. Update: A friend of mine still has all the raws, I think im just gonna get his raws so I can make avy's from all episodes. Btw if anyone needs aan avatar from the "yack deculture edition" episode 1, let me know.
  9. Well people I'm keeping the raw for episode 17 on my Hard drive for one more day then it goes out the window. So if anyone needs any gif/avatar from that particular episode, this is your last chance.
  10. Glad you like it
  11. Oh cut it out people ^^ it'll just turn out to be ai-kun evolving. we know it's gonna happen next episode(s). Next epi, Ranka finds out the little bugger is gone, and the episode after that she gets attacked inside island 1, Looks like the "keeping alien pets is forbidden" comitee is in for a surprise.
  12. That is just plain creepy :"S!!!! Run for the shelters everyone or search for a crash landed, apocalypse causing, alien ship!! The Zentradi are here!
  13. Here we go Misa, http://img376.imageshack.us/my.php?image=klanmicrowc0.gif. Hope you like it. it's got shot from both episode 17 and 18 in it
  14. Don't worry Missa i've got a couple of ideas for Klan I'll try to make them asap.
  15. No problem mate
  16. Here we go Dex hope you enjoy it http://img209.imageshack.us/my.php?image=ozmaknifekw1.gif
  17. Well I was referin to the real life guy in my previous post , i figured a girl woulnd't be named Alto and they aren't bold enough to form a 3-girl lesbian love triangle in macross ^^. But yeah the Real life guy seems like a .... half-half dude O.o
  18. There were moments where I thought he was a girl too .... it's hime-sama!!!
  19. voila: http://img158.imageshack.us/img158/227/lionpt2ov0.gif, that one was almost to big too upload
  20. NP mate ^^ gald you like it. I'm on it Hehe you read my mind ;'), here she is (usual 600 wide version)
  21. http://img106.imageshack.us/img106/6632/ra...irstlivegi7.gif Here we go, hope you like it (just enter the link in off-site avatar), first time it's loaded it will look alittle "laggy" but after one repeat thats all gone
  22. sorry I was stuck in episode 18, I'll see if I have the raw from 17 on my pc (otherwise I'll just download it). avatar size i take it ?
  23. I take it you mean the ones from the intro? (she aint exactly dancing during the rest of the episode )
  24. Hey guys, These last few weeks I've made quite alot of Gif files from certain moments in Macross frontier episodes, for other people here on Macross World Forums and I was hoping I could make more. Unfortunately I can only make these gifs from AVI files and not from MKV files and I'd love to use the raws for them since the subs get in the way. That said I'm proposing I'll make gifs from only the most recent episode. So if you have a request, just post it here in this thread, (tell me the time frame in the episode and describe the scene so im sure its the correct one) ooh and also make sure to type what size you want it to be ... avatar creation depends on the length of the scene, long scenes will make the gif to big and you'll ahve to upload it to fileshack and link it to MWF Since i'm not refreshing this page every minute it might take an hour before I'll create the gif (and since im European, I'll probably be asleep when some of you are posting), rest asured I'll make them asap.
  25. On the screen showing the edition of Cosmo nature, the text underneath the headline is just an explanation of how to add a certain effect/layer in Photoshop ^^, love these little things
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