The ninjas chased us back to this thread so consider it reopened.
Request at your heart's desire. requests from episodes 17-18-19 are sure to get an avatar, older episode requests might take longer/be unavailable.
Try using this site mate. It lists the air dates/times of most anime's. Make an account and it will even show you at what time in your region it'll air.
I wanted to vote Grace, but then I remembered that as a manager she's kind of awsome (despite the entire "kill my client" thingie) .... Also even her evil side seems to win all the time so she's actually kind of good at everything.
Then I saw Kaifun's name and my blood started to boil and I went into incontrolable rage. That guy was such a retarded jerk ... he deserves my vote just because he was concieved into the macross universe -.-
No problem mate I've still got the raw. The usual 600 width?
Here she is mate:;/fileinfo.html
Hope you'll like it