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Everything posted by Guppy

  1. you get sexual favours from me if you do. Or not, whichever is more persuasive. Plus I'm assuming the U31 franchise is pretty not in demand. Keith: Lucky me! I'm in australia so Region 4 is my region.. haha, years of missing out on R1 special editions. But these days most dvd players are region free or easily unlockable.
  2. In the midst of a wave of nostalgia after watching the opening credits to the classic Ulysses 31 on youtube, I got to wondering if there ever was a toy line. After a bit of looking I found Popy produced a few diecast vehicles and figures a quarter of a century (!!!!!) ago. Now if I wanted to find myself an Astronave (the cool red spaceship/shuttle that split into 3 parts) would I be dreaming? Is this as rare as they come? Has anyone here got one? And what do you think the going rate is? ToyboxDX link: http://www.toyboxdx.com/popy/popy_data/pc/pc_23.htm pics! *bangs head against wall to try and stop the theme song music playing in head*
  3. I put it down to years of practice posing Zoids!
  4. Guppy

    Questions for Yamato

    not so much a question, but get them in an armlock until they promise to bring out Macross toys in smaller sized boxes!
  5. and black hair too! I'm not sure about the t-shirt. Or the happy face. *boom tish* But seriously folks, he looks awesome! I would prefer the cannon/telescopic sight to be a bit smaller but that's just nit picking.
  6. haha.. that statement (we recommend that you not snap off the plastic cap) is the best "I have to say this to cover my ass but I sure as hell don't mean it" statement ever!
  7. I don't mind the Q-rau but I realise now it's never come out off the shelf since I got it. I need more gimmicks to keep me interested.
  8. Well done, O Resurrector. I've gotten into Civil War, but it's gone on for how long now?!? I just this second finished reading Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere. It was GREAT. Go get it! also recently read 30 Days of Night. Cute idea, great art, bad writing. What else.. I'm enjoying Garth Ennis' The Boys, and his new series of the Midnighter is great too. 7 Brothers on the other hand seems more like 'I did it for the money'
  9. I'm very late coming to this thread and I'm not reading 31 pages! All I have to say is my friend just bought one and my cynicism has been blown away. Clearing out the lounge room, cracking some beers and playing Wii sports is a great way to spend an evening! Although while playing baseball I almost killed my wife. I swung and missed her head by about an inch. Note to self. When batting, stand to the RIGHT of the pitcher! And now she's hooked on Pikmin which my friend just bought. I wonder what that would be like to play on psychedelic substances...?
  10. I'd like to know too.. I missed out on the 1st run.
  11. lol.. isn't there a comic called 'Battle Pope'? It needs More Mecha!!
  12. nice mod! The battroid's head reminds me of the alien's heads in Independence Day.
  13. for my updates, a few of the sites I visit on a regular basis are: Zinc Panic: http://zipa.inwards.com/radar.phtml Toybox DX: http://www.toyboxdx.com/set-rumble.html Toywave (new releases) http://www.toy-wave.com/ Hobbylink Japan (sci-fi/future releases) http://www.hlj.com Robot Japan: http://www.robot-japan.com/ Toys Daily: http://www.toysdaily.com/ SG Collect: http://www.sgcollect.com/ Yamato Homepage: http://www.yamato-toys.com/ Spanish Soul of Chogokin fansite: And of course, Macrossworld.
  14. thanks for correcting my ignorance on jet anatomy! Once again displaying my ignorance (and it's prolly been asked before), but is the SV-51 inspired by a real life counterpart at all? I always thought not as most of it looks pretty sci-fi but I thought the body might resemble something.
  15. thanks for the pics! I still think I'll pass on Mr.Ideon. The Jolly Red Giant look isn't my thing. Plus those big pointy toes.. but a Power Loader! I'm there!
  16. haha, we're all turning into panic merchants. For my contribution to the mass anxiety, I'm thinking about packaging and shipping. This puppy looks like it will have lots of fragile pointy bits that could snap in transit, like the tips on the VF-0 tailfins did (for eg, the split wing tips and the fuselage fins.. dunno what the proper name is). I wonder if the toy could be shipped without them attached?
  17. Transforming sneakers is officially the Worst Toy Concept Ever Conceived. Worse than transforming rocks.
  18. Graham has been strangely quiet since the pic was posted.. I thought he'd be able to let a cat or two out of the bag now there's a proto. And it's funny.. a few years ago I though this would be the 'toy they could never make' as it's so skinny and fragile looking. I'd prefer them to take their time on QC rather than have it asap.
  19. the painted megs looks awesome. and the legs aren't too skinny either, I reckon. I hope they do the same thing as they did for Starscream and have to face versions. I 'd love to see a 'maniacal evil laugh' face on megs.
  20. hmm.. showing my age but... I had one of those watches as a kid! And there was another type which transformed from a chubby fighter jet to watch mode IIRC.
  21. Cool!! you should photoshop out the roof and lights and replace it with a sky background.
  22. I love the EX version. The others fuggedaboutid.
  23. saw the trailer yesterday. I'm super excited about this. Danny Boyle + Alex Garland + great actors = hit. I thought 'Event Horizon' too but this won't be a horror/sci-fi I think. More spiritual & meaning/existence-of-god-etc themes.
  24. jeee wowzer that looks amazing. I've got the one which is 2nd in from the right side in the top pic and this new one looks a million times better.
  25. please tell me that hasn't been transformed properly. And the quality is so CHEAP! solid plastic chunks for hands and the ugly peg sticking out of the leg.
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