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Everything posted by Guppy

  1. The only one I like in this series is Garada. I just couldn't get into this Mazinger sculpt. I do like how he's so scary looking but I can't stand those huge boots! Looks like he should be playing guitair with Kiss! IT should be called Mazinger 1975!
  2. quick! Don't walk, run to hlj. Aoshima Black Getter is 40% off. I just bought it and Dancouga. It's gonna be an expensive year..
  3. haha... that would be perfect. And I want a roll of stickers made so I can slap them on people's backs.
  4. who cares about his flight! Post the pictures!!
  5. haven't seen you around these parts in a while, Cyc.. I'm not surprised you're back with all this Mospeada action happening!
  6. I reckon he means the Ennis one. The first miniseries he did I thought was pretty crap but the new one I like. It's Called Trail Of Tears and it's set in the American Civil War. I'm with you guys on the ending of the Civil War series. Basically nothing happened. It just ended at the same place the first issue ended at.
  7. I just figured out why I don't like Ideon. He reminds me of a robot santa claus wearing ice skates.
  8. Looking at those pics I realise I would actually like to have some 'fake' addon leg parts to attach in robot mode. Chances are there'll be someone who could make some modded resin parts for the fans.
  9. re above - I rest my parts on match sticks so they don't touch the paper. Also when spraying I use some thin pliers (such as needle nose pliers) with the bent tips so I can pick up each part, spray it evenly and put it down again. most parts you can find a screw hole or something on the inside to pick it up with so you can spray the outside all over.
  10. I'm so ashamed.. I haven't seen this thread til now. OK, I was away from home for 2 months when this thread started. But damn amazing job! That is begging to be made into a toy especially now we can see how great it looks.
  11. Jardann's right - if you are just doing a bit of painting go with spraypaint. If I was doing it, I would go for an acrylic matte finish. I like acrylic better than enamel, but enamel is more durable but it's oil based so can be messy. Other tips - try lighting roughing up the surface with a light grain sandpaper before painting so the paint will bond better with the surface. And one thing I do to mask little fiddly bits, I use blu-tak to plug the gaps. I think in the US it's called Fun-Tak? For me this is a lot easier than masking tape for very small areas as you can just squish it in and cover the area you want to mask without having to make small cuts with a scalpel. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blu-Tak And as Jardann says, practice first! I can bet you will be overeager (like I was) and spray too close and/or too much. And when you spray don't spray 'at' the gun. Make back and forth 'passes' - ie, don't start spraying when aiming at the gun, spray next to it then pass across the gun, so you'll get a nice even coat. And patience is important! You don't need to do it all in one coat. Do a light coat, let it dry, then do a second rather than soak it in paint the first try. And last tip, take the gun apart before painting it. You will have a lot less mess and anguish if you can do it that way - it will be easier to paint and you can lay it down to dry on newspaper (I place my parts on a few match sticks first so the wet part won't stick to the newspaper).
  12. Call me a philistine but King Joe does nothing for me. He looks like what he is: a dude in a rubber suit. Reminds me of the robot from that old sci fi movie Forbidden Planet. Question time again! What's the difference between the Mega House and the Fewture tachikomas coming out soon? I'm definitely getting one of them.. just dunno which one. Is one more gimmick-laden than the other? Bigger/smaller? Washes your dishes? 2 mins later after Googling.. Mega House is 1/20, Fewture is 1/24. Mega House is ABS and seems to have a lot of gimmicks and a Motoko figure that can fit inside. From what I can gather, the Fewture one is a gokin version of the vinyl toy that came out in late 2006. pics here! http://robotjapan.proboards12.com/index.cg...8571&page=2 I think I have to say I'm gonna be a traitor and get the ABS one with the cool gimmicks. It's cheaper too. Edit: pics of the Fewture toy: says diecast is 60% and some sort of engrish translation about an led light gimmick in the back.
  13. RE3: putting the 'stink' back in 'extinction'.
  14. I went and dug up and old thread I posted of a custom I did complete with ugly amateur photos. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...amp;hl=scopedog edit: link would help
  15. nice display case! Is that custom built?
  16. lol, and that makes us so old that we'll probably be dead soon and nobody will remember at all.
  17. I have a big mame collection which I haven't looked at for ages. Might go play some now! And with your trackball you can play Marble Madness like it was meant to be played!
  18. woohoo! Great news on the Getter team and Zambot! they are the only two I am chasing.. besides the Dancouga and Yamato and.. Based of hlj discontinued prices for the above the standard prices should be around Getter Team $124 Zambot - $149 Now I wonder if they will release the Zambo ace to the general public?
  19. Classics Jetfire looks cool from the pics I've seen. Anyone who's got it, can you tell me if it would be possible to do a mod to have the wings fold down battroid-style instead of up? That's the only thing I don't like about the toy, the way the wings stick up in robot mode.
  20. I just found this link while surfing aimlessly: http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=e...l%3Den%26sa%3DG What size are they? They looks suspiciously like PVC to me...
  21. seeing the vid of the cyclone killed my interest. I already have a finished IMAI kit and the 1:12 Gakken toy. This thing doesn't look any better than either. Beta looks cool - trying to place where they kit bashed the hands from. And the lavender legioss? ha ha ha!
  22. Funny, my wife said the same thing early in our relationship. OK, just to not be a total knob I'll ask something relevant. Those of you with the SOP Yamato, what are your thoughts? I heard that the re-release fixed some problems that the original had. And it's still available at a reasonable price. Including shipping, the Yamato and Dancouga are the same price, so I am choosing which one to get as I can't afford both. Although, the new 2.5 foot long Yamato is out. For a bargain price of $375! I watched the video on hlj.com and seriously considered redrawing some mortgage money to get it (and not tell my wife. Although where I would hide it I have no idea)
  23. I bought Gothic 3. It has proven to be the most difficult game to get running I have ever had. In 18 or so years of using computers. Ah, I feel better after saying that. RE compatibility issues with Vista, Australia copped it bad. I read that Vista users can't connect to the biggest ISP in the country and the problem won't be fixed until the middle of the year, haha. what a screw up.
  24. FYI Hobbylink Japan has 20% off Combattler V. He's the perfect partner to display with your Voltes! And what's the going rate for Dancougas at the moment? hlj has them for 163, is ebay much cheaper? I just had a look and they must be 1st editions cos they are selling around 300.
  25. I got the Guyver 1, and all the probs Graham mentioned I have on mine too. I think it's a great looking figure with great poseability but it's 'pose and don't touch'. And it falls over all the time. It happens so often I leave it there for days. In fact he's having a sleep as we speak. and he took all the Berserk figures with him.
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