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Everything posted by Guppy

  1. lol, well put. And the price tag.
  2. I think I did this in the other thread but I can't remember.. anyway, slow day at work so: 1/48's: 8 1/60's: 12 1/60 Vf-0's: 2 1/72 mac+: 5 1/72 mac7: 2 1/72 hcm: 1 1/55: 8 Other 1/60 QR Mirya: 1 1/100 VB6 Koeing: 1 Accessories 3 FP's and 2 GBPs (1 big, 1 small) edit - forgot some. (I'm not including any kits or non transformables here of course)
  3. RE the STALKER questions, I'm running it on XP with an Nvidia 6800GT card, so it's getting a bit old now but it runs on medium graphics pretty well. I get the occaisional dissapearing quest (or the same quest that turns up again and again after you complete it) but it's been pretty stable and not too hoggish. But Gothic 3! That is the most ridiculous resource hog I've ever played. I reckon when this PC gets too old I'll finally move over to consoles. So what's the general consensus here? Is the PS3 better than Xbox360?
  4. how many times has this damn series been released and released and released again?? Does anyone care anymore? Is it just so all the endless toy releases will be current? It would almost be better if they just redid the entire series in an alt universe like Gundam does. Whatever, I stopped caring after End Of Evangelion came out.l
  5. Slightly off topic as it's a PC game, but I'm playing STALKER at the moment and loving it. I don't think I'll ever be able to pat a dog again.
  6. here's 3 quick and dirty pics. You can't really tell from the pics but there is a really nice darker blue weathering on the armor. [attachmentid=41747] [attachmentid=41748] [attachmentid=41749]
  7. ok, I'll take one when I get home. Stay out of trouble!
  8. I just got the Hot Toys Robocop - it's amazing. Great detail and it has a nice anodized metallic paint scheme to it.
  9. Cos it's metal!
  10. couldn't resist.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76E2_52sus8
  11. I know this has probably been asked before, but does anyone have an exact date MP Megs is hitting the street in Hong Kong? I have a friend passing through there in a week or so and it would be great if he could pick me up one.
  12. damn, 98 bucks had me excited!! I got my Aoshima black getter from hlj yesterday. Awesome toy. It's a good subsitute for the Fewture one I will never own. Got the Dancouga too.. he's one big boy! I need to sit down with him for a few hours and get to know him better. uh.. on second reading that came out fairly suspicious sounding.
  13. nice work!! good to see some of us sydneysiders are flying the flag for customs and painting kits.
  14. Got the Fewture Getter 1.. secretly ashamed of how much I paid for it (which was the standard retail price) - I would love a Black Getter but it will never happen unless I win lotto.
  15. Wish it had been a series if it had to be made at all. I bought this graphic novel about 17 years ago and I've still got the same one. God knows how many times I've read it. I fear I'm too big a fan to get behind this movie even though I did love Dawn (haven't seen 300 yet but the trailer looks great)
  16. beautiful! best jetfire mod eva.
  17. OMG.. that talking walking tachi is unbelievable! Shudder to think how much it would be..
  18. Fantastic work man! I too think the panel lining is a bit (and I mean REALLY nit picky when I say a bit) too heavy, but it takes courage to leave a strong panel line and not keep airbrushing more and more coats on it so you can hardly see it (which is my problem, too cowardly)
  19. Haven't bothered posting here yet but this was too funny. I've been working in tv for 7 years and next week will be the highlight of my career.. I'm interviewing Take That. :D
  20. lol... crying over Brokeback he-man and Armi. And seriosly, I am looking for funny youtube stuff as part of my job. I work in TV. So I save lives, solve world hunger and find solutions to our environmental crisis every day!
  21. Look, I am a pretty responsible poster so I should get off with the occasional irresponsible post. But this had me in tears so I had to share. http://www.superdeluxe.com/sd/contentDetai...A950D7BAC168725 edit: while I'm at it, this one made me cry too. Computer game rage at its best. (warning, harsh subtitled language) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBVmfIUR1DA Hey mods, (look, look! I'm doing some sucking!) Can we start a thread of funny youtube videos? Like the thread we had for Engrish pics? I have uears worth of this ephemenral garbage.
  22. Nice helmet Graham!
  23. sweet! Glad I stayed up late. Is that box art the actual box art or just a quick and dirty poster they knocked up for the festival? I can't tell the difference.
  24. FYI, it's back in stock at hlj. I just bought a pile of stuff so I will be in serious trouble if I get this.. must.. not.. click.. buy.. http://www.hlj.com/product/TKT69275
  25. nice work! And I like how you were lazy on the leg lines because it's covered by the leg armor anyway. Work smart, not hard!
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