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Everything posted by Guppy

  1. heh heh heh! ....Sebastian.. spending MORE money!
  2. Yes.. OK I admit it! Thanks for the reminder - I'll take the camera home!
  3. LOL! You are very right... except for me being lazy! I will post a pic in a few hours, I swear!
  4. These questions are TOO HARD!
  5. I'm guessing he used a few pencil shavings and smudged them for the weathering effect? Did you clearcoat the valk after weathering? As pencil markings come off very easily when the toy is handled. And I guess also that the beauty of doing this with pencil is you can erase a mistake!
  6. Magician Lord was da bomb. Did you ever beat it? I've seen people who can beat it with 1 quarter but I've never been able to accomplish that feat. No.. I never did beat that bastard. I'm getting into MAME again lately. It's the biggest nostalgia trip ever. My most proud gaming moments were when I beat Aliens and Robocop in the arcade when I was 13 or 14.
  7. Guppy


    haha! Nightbat.. I LMAO at "get the newbie".
  8. I took my 1/35's off the shelf for a dust off yesterday and I had never noticed until now how bad the decals are - they are peeling and yellow, and whoever owned the green one before me got creative with the decals - the 'intake' ones are stuck on the top of the toy. tom64ss - Thank your wife on behalf of all of us!
  9. Thanks to MAME I get to play all my favourite Neo geo games. Metal Slug, Samurai Spirit and Magician Lord were (and still are! ) my favourites.
  10. hehe! Sorry!! I keep forgetting to take the camera home from work. I have a LONG day today so I will take a pic and post it tomorrow. (about 24 hours from now) I've got half a mind to leave it the way it is! It kinda looks cool! But anyway to answer your question, all of the legs (not including the feet, landing doors and intakes, ie the hips) are diecast. Inside the chest there are two diecast parts as well, so the toy has a nice weight to it.
  11. Good luck man.. but make sure you don't leave MW - you've got a lot of friends here! Now go back and rescue your collection. All those valks will make you feel better.
  12. I am a massive JC fan! MY fave movies are: Assault on Precinct 13 (night of the living dead with street gangs) Dark Star (one of all time top 10. You will LYAO) The Thing (how will we make it? ...maybe we shouldn't.) Big Trouble (oh crap jack!) Escape from New York I agree with Graham. He's been bad for a long time now. Although I did like In the Mouth of Madness. Escape from LA, Vampires, Village of the Damned and Ghosts of Mars all sucked horribly. Also, check out the great cover Plaid did of the theme song from Assault on Precint 13. it's called 'Assault on Precint Zero' and you should be able to find it on any file sharing network.
  13. What about Pokemon? WIth cute little furry muppet pokemons? Only kidding. I always hated that show.
  14. I remeber seeing the live action version on TV.. it was crap! About the only anime I can think of that I'd watch as a live action movie is Perfect Blue, as it plays like a live action film anyway.
  15. stay away from gundam markers. They suck ass. I use a .2mm felt tip pen, or a mechanical pencil (the ones where you load the lead sticks into). I find gundam markers are way too thick and they don't deliver a steady flow of ink. Using the mechanical pencil to do panel lines looks good if you're after a more subtle effect (like a gray rather than a black)
  16. Unfortunately the yamatos are not on sale any more, but there's a 1/55 going cheap. You should just check this page regularly so you don't miss out! http://www.hlj.com/cgi-perl/hljsalepage.cgi But I reckon I would have paid about US$30 including shipping to Australia - it was 70% off!
  17. Sebastian: I haven't started painting yet.. I am still shopping for paint! I've been to 3 stores now and none of them have what I want. But I might put it together to show what a 'naked' valk looks like! Scand - I had trouble with the landing bay doors too - so I left them on. I think I can paint it OK with them in. Same with the nose - I left the tip in. I figured by the time I got it apart there would be scratch marks all over it.
  18. update: My wife now wants one after she saw Toonz's design! Guppy / 2pc / 42" & 36" / Navy Blue / Polo / Short
  19. Design 1 looks like it might be the winner! I would prefer the design on the back. izzyfcuk - I don't think it's just for the HK crew.. the only problem would be distribution.
  20. That's what the thread is about! Get an empty ice cream container, and put all your parts into it with some pine-sol and sugar soap. leave it overnight to soak and then remove the paint with sandpaper (I also used a small flat head screwdriver to remove the thick paint from the legs). A screwdriver! Seriously though, if you want to do a good looking custom job you have to completely dis-assemble the valk first.
  21. LOL! Well we WILL be a bunch of tourists!
  22. Wow, Toonz! Fantastic designs.. I have to think about which one I like best! They are all great! It's REALLY hard to choose, but I think I like the 3rd from the bottom (Design #1) in a collared navy. I kinda like the skull & crossbones for the front. BIG applause from me!
  23. Well there was Warriors of... yeah, you're right. Twenty years and no US release. shh.... whatever you do, don't mention HIS name!!
  24. Thanks Sebastian! (except for the 'wombat' comment! ) LOL! You put his right foot on backwards! Thanks for the advice. I'll put extra clearcoat on the insides of the legs and the peg holes on the back of the legs. And thanks for the advice too Manji! I didn't know about that stuff. I'll give it a try.
  25. Nausicaa rocks! And it only took them, what.. 20 years to release it in the US? The Perfect collection manga series is on the top of my 'must spend more money' list.
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