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Everything posted by Guppy

  1. whew.. I thought the Blue Tracks was gonna be changed to Ravage for a sec.. I think the Ravage is just a photoshop job.
  2. Sin City (1st book) is by far the best and a Dame to Kill For is a great noiry type story. Big Fat Kill is not bad, but more violence than plot. Yellow Bastard was average and I stopped reading after that. Mr. March - other good Miller stuff is Batman: Year One and Batman: The Dark Knight Returns (best ever comic next to Watchmen). Also, track down Hard Boiled (eye popping artwork by Geoff Darrow) Give Me Liberty is also excellent. He did the 4 issue Woverine mini series that preceded the regular series which is good too, and heaps of Daredevil in the late 70's/81/82. Ronin (6 ep mini series) was OK and The Dark Knight Strikes Again was a total disappointment (IMO).
  3. I'm just making a guess here, but the format might be vaguely reminicent of Pulp Fiction, in that it's 3 short stories all happening at the same time so you get some overlapping in places.
  4. Missed it! Damn. I am really looking forward to this. From the trailer, can you tell if it will be shot in black and white? I REALLY hope it is, so it'll look like the comic.
  5. You don't need to worry about making it remote control. Just get yourself a dwarf! Or stick your 5-year old in there and let him out at dinner time. Or just feed him through the periscope. And tell him that he gets extra dessert if he makes bleeping sound effects.
  6. That should be interesting. And George won't be directing so it should be great! And wasn't the clip of Mark Hamill discussing 7-9 more of an anecdotal story? I think that conversation took place before GL dismissed the idea.
  7. lol, 5 years ago, could you ever imagine saying that you would be saying that now?
  8. Had a thought... I have an unopened Jedi Spirits 3 figure box set at home. I wonder if this will drive up the price?
  9. I'm with Blaine.. MPC Prime and the Gakken Cyclone. I love all my SOC's too. Shiny metal is always a good thing!
  10. What a rat bastard. he deserved that and more. I now officially believe in Karma.
  11. Well, when you run the galaxy, cannon fodder is no longer in short supply so it's safe to assume the storm troopers aren't clones in the OT. And as was stated earlier, it's keeping the population under the thumb.
  12. Can anyone post a screencap of Ian McDiarmid as the emperor in ESB?
  13. I'd forgive the Greedo scene if they just added the Star Wars Christmas Special as a bonus. I've been trying to get ahold of a bootleg of that one on dvd.
  14. *sniff...* those fruit drops.. so sad.. wahhhh!
  15. I have one word to sum up the excessive floppiness in the MPC design.. "magnets".
  16. It really IS a dry spell when a thread lamenting no new information gets to two pages this quickly! At this rate with no new yamato macross toys to spend money on, I'll be forced to do something grown-up with my money, like take out a mortgage!
  17. ..did you see his I.D? When I when through the xray at Hong kong airport, I had a 1/48 1J & fastpacks box stuffed FULL of toys from a 3 day shopping spree.. I had thrown out most of the packaging to fit them in this box. The 2 security guards starting laughing at me when it went through the scanner.
  18. I LMAO for 5 mins when I saw that on a funniest commercials show.
  19. Ahh, the Longest Thread. That was a fun place to visit, until it got abused by a few members intent on upping their post tally. I don't think too much has changed around here. The only change for me is the bigger MW gets, the less number of member names I recognise so sometimes it feels like you're standing in a crowded shopping mall rather than hanging out in a bar with the usual suspects.
  20. Rahxephon is fantastic. Watch it if you watched Evangelion and were disappointed with the ending. This is very similar but the plot, while having a lot of thread like Eva, managed to stay on the rails and make it into a coherent series. Although, I thought the Rahxephon mecha looked a bit fruity..
  21. Don't you mean last? ha! or maybe it should say "ever"
  22. Wow, Fulcy! You are coming closer and closer to realising the dreams of macross toy junkies everywhere. At the rate you're working, you'll have this finished before Yamato releases its Zero toys.. or Monster. Whichever they get around to releasing first.
  23. I know. At this rate, he may as well completely remake eps 4-6! He can PC the whole thing, characters work out a peaceful solutions to their problems without the use of blasters, Stormtroopers everywhere start talking in New Zealand accents, and yoda becomes a lot more energetic when he gains the use of his (now CGI) legs.
  24. you will love Hound. He's my favourite so far. It still amazes me when I look at them in car form - it looks so good as a car you could show them to a model car collector and I reckon they would think it was just a nicely detailed car toy.
  25. yep! I thought that Q was too easy! Your turn.
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