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Everything posted by Guppy

  1. I wonder if all the toy marketing people for ep 3 were scratching their heads on how to market this for a young audience. It's like all those Aliens action figures that came out and flopped. The kids didn't like em cos the movie was too violent and they never saw it. The adults who liked the movie didn't like the toys cos they were for little kids and super-crappy. My favourite Aliens toy is this micro machines playset from Alien. There's even a little diorama for the kitchen scene with a chestburster popping out of John Hurt's chest. Just realised I got way sidetracked! hehe. Anyway my point is that it's funny to see dark/violent/scary movies with toy lines aimed at the kiddies.
  2. Hey Toonz, I happened to notice that Dark Knight Returns Batman fig.. what's he like? any posability? I'm not a batman collector but the Hush fig caught my eye, then the DK cought my eye too. Now I don't have any eyes left! Sorry, bad pun.
  3. You're right.. I LOVE croissants.. with ham and jarlsberg cheese, grilled for 5 minutes.. *hungry*
  4. Yup, they're the ones. Sorry, I thought he made em for some reason. Anyway, they're great. They will easily support a 1/48. I can even balance a large size star wars y-wing toy on it.
  5. My friend got mugged while traveling through France recently.. he'll appreciate this one! DISCLAIMER: I still think France is a beautiful contry.
  6. lol, WTF is that thing?? I have never seen that one in my life. And I was TF obsessed when I was a kid. I would have loved that thing at the age of 9!
  7. and the MW member s_i_t_h_l_o_r_d made some fantastic fibreglass stands on ball joints a while back. I don't know if he's got them for sale still but they are great. I bought 3 of them.
  8. I haven't got mine yet, but for the barrels, how hard would they be to mod to make them longer? Can you remove the barrels from the housing? or is it all one molded piece?
  9. every new pic I see gives me more and more hope that this will be the best ever SW film. great pics!!
  10. Beautiful! You made an already awesome toy look even better.
  11. I have been ebay window shopping for a 1/40 Orgroid for years. They are just a bit pricey for my sensible tastes. haha.. me, sensible.
  12. Ah yes, the magic of Penny Arcade. That and a cup of cofee gets me thru every morning at work. http://www.penny-arcade.com/view.php3?date=2004-12-08&res=l
  13. That PG looks like it needs a car wash!
  14. as far as I know it's just minor tweaking - the Renewal version has tighter joints, etc. I was in Hong Kong and saw both the original and Renewal and bought the original as it was cheaper. And I can say there is nothing wrong with it!
  15. yeah, it should be the other way round. you guys make a GOOD product, we will buy it and then you will have the support to go and make a Beta. Which I am interested to see as it will have to be an original design, unlike every other toy they have made.
  16. lol, a discussion about 1/60 suck/don't suck etc.. I don't believe I've seen this topic before!
  17. I have that problem too. I have taken to calling it the 'banana effect'.
  18. IIRC MaK was from the late 70's early 80's too, so I'm sure the Dorvack mecha style was doing the rounds. There's this toy coming out soon which I am deliberating about getting: http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljpage.cgi?MAX06010 I love the skull marking but the poseability on these things isn't fantastic.
  19. Really nice!! I still have mine in the 'waiting to build' queue. I might try a battered style too.
  20. nice photoshop job, but I would not bother adding the "play/rewind/stop" buttons on his waist. As he's now a car it renders them pretty useless.
  21. You should pay ME the 10% for carrying the boxes around. You need some excercise to work off all the excess weight from you nice desk job!
  22. haha, thanks for picking up those toys for me. Now stop posting on MW and get down to the post office!
  23. Hey, Neova, are you still taking preorders for the Koenig? I'm hiding a bit of my tax return for this fella.
  24. finally!! I have been waiting for Hicks for ages. He looks great. Pity he'll probably be another mcfarlane 'statue' toy.
  25. Excellent idea max. Especially that I work on a kid's tv show so I can farm all of you for story ideas.. just like the machines farm the humans for power in the Matrix.. meheheheh...
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