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Everything posted by Guppy
hahaha! You just want to begin your plans for World Domination. I don't think your investors will be too into this idea. Just go sit down with the bottle of Jack and don't think about this plan any more.
If I was Yamato that would piss me off enough to lose interest in producing Macross toys. I too am hoping this isn't the beginning of the end for macross toys..
I think this will be OK, as it will stay with us in MW. When John was promoting the Legioss he had to go outside MW to get a bigger market to justify the production costs and that when HG swooped from the sky like an angry licencing demon. Or something along those lines.
what the hell is going on in that pic? it looks like he ghost of anakin is fighting the ghost of his mother and Qui Gon gin??? the old woman looks like the librarian from ep 2? maybe?
aah.. that samuel jackson photo is a bit of a spoiler.. I didn't know he fought that person. (I am being vague in case you can stick it in the spoiler forum instead)
never been into Guyver but after seeing Guyver III pics I want that figure! Is it made from ABS plastic? or is it more of a vinyl material?
heh, close enough = good enough, that's my motto! Anyways, I'm away from the computer all weekend so here's an easy one that doesn't need me to check it. What is the Leek alien from Gantz's favourite saying?
It's like the generic credit that Sunrise use I think. Like 'Alan Smythee' is in Hollywood movies. Although the 'Alan Smythee' credit is used for people who don't want their names on credits of really bad movies.
haha, at least I can say I have more 1/60's and 1/72's than you! well, only 2 more 1/72 than you.
He looks fruity.
Looks like a Japanese version of 'Das Boot'.. I am guessing the ships getting pulled sideways is the 'secret weapon' in action the american captain mentions. Looks pretty good, especially now for me - I am watching and reading heaps of WW2 stuff.
That's the funniest sh*t I have read in ages.
hmm, windcharger's growing on me looking at that singapore pic.
I consider it a spoiler as it shows a critical plot point, where padme is (probably) dying. And this is my own conjecture but it looks like obiwan is above her, suggesting to me that anakin finds them and that makes him lose the plot and hate obi, thinking he was responsible. Once again, just me making stuff up looking at the pic, but it's enough to do myself spoiling harm. So I am testing my will power now and avoiding the spoiler thread. I will probably last 3 days. . edit - then again, she could be about to give birth and that could be Bail Organa. Actually that makes me feel better. That's probably what it is.
lol, if you can only afford one, you're collecting the wrong toy! They are all amazing. I do like the Hikaru 1J and the Roy 1S the most. But you can't go wrong with any of them. Buy whatever you find is the cheapest!
Good idea.. now it will be my own damn fault and no one else's. So as far as what constitutes a 'spoilerish' picture it will have to be down to the judgement of the poster.. too much power..
4 threads on one page.. this must be getting close to a record... just to make sure we need to see every thread on page one about Yukikaze.
damn, wish I hadn't seen that last one! man, this thread is like a car crash. I don't want to look but I can't help it. EDIT- and I might just eat my words and buy another star wars toy. I have to say it looks pretty neat. And who would have thought, in that yellow scheme. http://www.rebelscum.com/ROTSsneakstarfighter.asp
I think Moore came out with some superb series in the 80's (V for vendetta, Watchmen, League of X Gentlemen, Swamp Thing) then went loopy. Brought out poetry and crap. Anyway, the movie's largely based on Garth Ennis' interpretation of John. Not much Moore in there. Forget the movie comic adapation and go find a trade paperback of 'Dangerous Habits', the 5 part series the movie is in part based on. One of my favourite ever stories in a comic. PS - Judging by the 'touch of death' Alan Moore movie adapations have, the Wachowski (sp) bros making V for Vendetta should be a shambles.
I almost bought SWG just to get the chance to dogfight in an fighter again, but then I started reading reveiws that pretty much said you couldn't even get a fighter unless you'd had massive credits or XP you'd been building since the game intitally launched. Frankly, I'm not going to play or pay for 6months at 20+ hours a week just for the CHANCE to fly. They need to stop with the Rogue Leaders and make a sim-type game. Not to go any further off-topic but, anyone else prefer the A-Wing over any other figher in the games? I liked the A-wing more for the 'protect the convoy' type missions - you could zip around super fast and fend off attacking tie fighters. but I'd always choose the xwing for the perfect balance of speed, toughness and firepower. the y-wing was just a crawling death trap.
The Jimmy Smits shot reminds me of that email that's going around at the moment - the one with the CHiPS guy in a really gay 80's pose and the caption reads, "just in case you forgot.. you're gay!" well, you had to be there. The other 2 pics are fantastic. about 90 or so days to go!!
seeing a 1/60 with some significant diecast content would make me fall to the ground in a quivering mess. Add to that some great posability to get some cool action stances. If yamato make us destroids I imagine they would be 100% plastic given what they've done (very well) with recent non transforming toys like the rau, scopedog and the Zeoraimer (I am guessing that one is all plastic) I only say yamato because they are the only ones making serious macross toys at the moment (not counting cheapie plastic stuff and toy catcher trinkets)
I've been collecting Hellblazer since issue 48. So I am a bit worried. I might miss it purely cos I don't think it could measure up. Like Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas. I heard good things about that movie too but could never bring myself to watch it. Didn't want it polluting my ideas about the book.
I'd throw rocks at all those films in equal measure. Well, maybe a bigger rock at Armeggedon.
darth who? Darth Plageus? Did he copy someone else's homework? That must be what turned him to the dark side.