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Everything posted by Guppy

  1. I was in shanghai last week visiting sebastian and we found this little gem. I had to share it. I love the creative touches with the multiple skulls on the tail fins and the use of orange, silver and grey on the back.
  2. Imageshack is much easier! thanks! see above for hot linked pics now.
  3. finally! got them up. the box the man the kids
  4. ok, got the pics up. Notice that the chest is a lot bigger than soundwave's. You can fit both tapes in there easily. soundblaster's colour is really dark blue, almost black. edit - I can't hot link the pics.. cut n paste the url below.
  5. Any pics of soundblaster? Just got home from OS a few hours ago. I'll try and get the computer up (we're in the middle of lots of house renovations). You will DROOL!
  6. WTF??? You paid HOW MUCH! The Olson you bought is pretty rare. I just bought the standard colour one which is much more common and paid $90. Sebastian from MW bought the one you got from ebay and paid like $250. And it was pretty yellowed. Good luck finding spare parts though.. these toys are getting pretty rare. So the one in the pic is the actual toy you got? Looks in pretty good condition. So what parts are missing besides the hand?
  7. wow, that looks super cool. I am getting that for sure. Did a bit of shopping while overseas and picked up Grimlock (so cheap), blue tracks and Dead End BT's. Also got the Soundblaster re-release because I missed out on Soundwave and can't afford him now. I have to say I like the very dark blue/almos black look over soundwave's bright blue. And Ravage and lazerbeak look cool in black.
  8. haha, the tips and info on site was the only thing between me and total modelling crapness. now I'm screwed.. and I'm doing a PG strike!
  9. I am crying with laughter. Doesn't matter if he's kidding or not, the result is the same! edit - I actually think he did smash it. Soon after that post he was spotted in the 'for sale' forum expressing interest in buying another xbox. And the calibre of his posts don't add weight to his IQ.
  10. great custom. I think the hands look great. I thought they were PG hands before I read you'd used Rick Dias hands. I really like the detailing on the side of the fuselage. Very sharp!
  11. where's dooku and the Grevious robot dude? I thought they were main players too.
  12. I'm looking forward to this too. Ep 3 has made me go all ultra hopeful. One good thing that can't be denied: GL won't be directing. Every SW fan's dream will come true. He'll be the exec producer but leave it all up to others. with his approval of course.
  13. even in Australia they're collecting dust on the shelves of Electronics Boutique. poor little fellas!
  14. haha, love your sig Kin.. you must have been really bored one night..
  15. Guppy

    Yamato USA?!?!

    seeing that this is the 'slow' topic I'll ask my slow question. Why is the US release of yamato's scopedog going to be so much cheaper? Is it simply a greater production number?
  16. can you post a pic when you're done? The last mod I saw on a BT made me buy it when before I didn't like it much (Sideswipe/Lambor's boot mod)
  17. I have a special madness in my heart for gatchaman. I bought both versions of the Unifive diecast God Phoenix toy.
  18. a a closer look it looks like he's built the diorama to fit a shelf of his glass cabinet which is pretty neat. I guess if I was him I would make the scene a repair scene where the mechanics are tinkering rather than refuelling.
  19. haha, looks like they have to manually transform them in real life too!
  20. too lazy to post mine, but trust me, it will look twice as good if you put the stickers on it. I find with stickering it's easy to procrastinate but once you get started you've finished it in less than an hour.
  21. Damn, those pics make me want to pull apart my gakken and paint it (probably ruining it in the process, haha) I bought that Imai kit - painted and built it. It is a really nice kit in proportions, but it is pretty fragile (well, it is a kit, not a toy). I have left mine in armor mode. I only transformed it once. PS - you would definitely have to paint it. Kits that are molded in colour rarely make the grade without painting. maybe except MG kits.
  22. I'm going with milkman, Baldur's Gate was fun. Also, Morrowind sucked up about 100+ hours of my time. Fable was good, but the game ended about when it felt like it should be getting good. way too short. I heard some rumours that a 1.5 version would be released but I don't know if it's gonna happen.
  23. me too... I just had a very brief sick to my stomach feeling when I saw this thread before seeing what it was about. whew.
  24. I can't believe nobody has posted this yet. Shock and Burnie
  25. HAHA, just like the Simpsons episode when Itchy and Scratchy stop airing. Me, I'll get around to completing the 6 or so kits I still have to build and paint from buying in HK a year ago, AND the 11b custom I have been meaning to do for ages, and.. uh, pay more attention to my wife! ..I wonder if this lull in macross toys will end up in a few extra kids being born..?
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