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Everything posted by Guppy

  1. LMAO!!! http://cgi.ebay.com/Realistic-silicone-lik...1QQcmdZViewItem And he even 'tests' them!!!
  2. The punch line is, someone has bid on his "Stealth/Max/Jetfire VF-1S" auction. So really, we're all just jealous of his MAD SKILLZ! Or maybe his mom bid on it out of pity.
  3. "The custom FUTURE Jetfire has a very nice and intimidating robot and jet mode. " He may need to have his fingers chopped off to stop him from attempting another custom, but he's got the salesmanship going!
  4. I can't believe no one has mentioned.. SHOWGIRLS! One of my favourite movies of all time. So many great lines. "I LOVE doggy chow!" and the commentary on the new special edition is hilarious.
  5. Of COURSE you should paint it! You just bought a PG zaku which usually costs $100 so you shouldn't be worried about spending a couple of bucks on paint. At the very least, give it a clear coat so it will have a paint look and not just shiny plastic.
  6. "gotta catch 'em all!" I wasn't too wild about Sideswipe but bought him anyway. I did the boot mod and like him a lot now. I'm trying to stop myself from buying Shockwave as already have a Meister but my will is eroding..
  7. I think I read on the boards the repaint will be in silver. I agree, a red ironhide would be the obvious choice. or Traildreaker or Brawn could be other possibles.
  8. That would make a great Penny Arcarde comic strip. I actually can't remember if mine are in or out.. it's been that long since I touched it. I guess if one day I see a brown corrosive puddle underneath it, then it's still in there. I did get a good laugh the one time I turned on the light.
  9. damn international shipping restrictions on anything not a cd or dvd with Amazon! I tried ordering the PG zaku and got told "*** We're sorry. This item can't be shipped to your selected destination. " AGGGGGH!
  10. I really don't believe it.. I did it again. I am really not doing this on purpose! *humblest apology bows*
  11. haha, cheers to another aliens collector fanatic. My micro machines apc is here on my desk too! (I love the rear 'broken transaxle noise' and squashed alien on the underside) I was so nuts I even bought the little 3-pack of aliens MMs for the mini APC so it could go in the dropship loading bay.
  12. I just found pics of the new Skids over at the tfw boards.. my wife saw them and commented that he "looks like a turtle with boobs". http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/thread79333.html
  13. edit: delete. just woke up.. posted in wrong thread.. hehe. so... how about that Tread? nice eh?
  14. I've got a friend who's going to HK in 2 weeks. I am demanding he get one of these for me while he's there!! With the MPC, does the side door open?
  15. eww.. that UNSpacy Glaug Gerwalk is fugly. Put a bag over that thing's head, er, torso.
  16. LOL... I wanna see a pic of you wearing him as a wig! Reminds me of a book I had when I was a kid.. about all these cute plushy pets the townspeople had, but then they got lazy and the plushies went spiky and evil.. can't remember the name. now that's gonna bug me for days.
  17. And I like that bit of trivia I read somewhere (probably on imdb.com) that said that both Bill Paxton and Lance Henricksen have been killed by the Alien, Terminator AND Predator.
  18. Thirty. Three. Centimetres... wow! and guys, I totally belive what you say about waiting for the reissues.. right up until when it comes out and all the MWs start showing pics. Try waiting then!
  19. also, what's the size comparison of the figures you get with this baby and the Galoob micro machine figures? I've got several of them, so if they match I'm laughing.
  20. Jeez.. what was the shipping cost? I live in Australia.. where did the x-wing go to? I'll do a B&E and take some pics!!
  21. man, that pic of Tom Bateman... he wins the prize of "Total Has-Been Still Living in the Past" previously held by Mark Hamill.
  22. jeez, I was away for 2 weeks as well and look what happens. It's true that saying: "A Watched Pot Never Boils" - or some old corny thing like that.
  23. Are you sure there weren't any black out periods the last time you saw them? What could you possibly have done??? 314218[/snapback] Well there was that incident where Graham supposedly drank his own weight in whiskey and marched up to Yamato HQ and peed on the front door... but I'm pretty sure the cameras never caught his face. Just kidding, newbs. Graham can't drink his own weight in whiskey. It must have been beer. 314278[/snapback] I've seen G drink. It couldn't have been beer. It must have been lemonade!
  24. best laugh I've had all day!
  25. I'm assuming the hands are 'work in progress' hands. They look like bad recasts of gundam kit hands.
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