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Everything posted by Guppy

  1. ...and the skygrasper. This and the PG Strike have the best decals! lol, I didn't notice the paint smudge on the tailfin until just now.
  2. Next I finished the aile striker & skygrasper for my PG. Here's the aile.
  3. I finshed 3 kits on the weekend.. here's the first, a HG 1/100 Zaku warrior from Seed. I'll scrounge up some leftover decals from MG kits and give him some love. needs some paneling too.
  4. Great cockpit detail! And I love the 2 shades of grey you've used to weather it.
  5. That's funny, it is those very pics of Tim Brisko's scopedog that made me wanna customise mine. I'm gonna do mine in a red shoulder version like his. I just finished 3 kits simultaneously on the weekend and this one will be next on the list. edit - so sebastian you have to tell me the secrets of your great paint chipping technique! *bows*
  6. yeah, you can get clear paints in a range of colours. And if you want a lighter tint, mix the clear paint with colorless clear paint. One bottle of the stuff will last you forever. I've had mine for a couple of years and it's hardly gone down at all. Gunze Sanyo and Tamiya also do them in both acrylic and enamel.
  7. yeah, you can get clear paints in a range of colours. And if you want a lighter tint, mix the clear paint with colorless clear paint. One bottle of the stuff will last you forever. I've had mine for a couple of years and it's hardly gone down at all. Gunze Sanyo and Tamiya also do them in both acrylic and enamel.
  8. yeah, you can get clear paints in a range of colours. And if you want a lighter tint, mix the clear paint with colorless clear paint. One bottle of the stuff will last you forever. I've had mine for a couple of years and it's hardly gone down at all. Gunze Sanyo and Tamiya also do them in both acrylic and enamel.
  9. only one.. but you can bet I'll be getting every variant.
  10. I was thinking about that. EVERYONE is getting one, so I hope Yamato make enough for all of us! Multiply that by 3 to account for the cashed up addicts..
  11. Almost finished my VF-0A kit! Just have to find where I left the front landing gear.. Got a few more little bits to stick on then its done. I thought the grey colours got a bit boring so I mixed in a few drops of blue for the highlights. Came out bluer than I expected, but no matter. Sorry for grainy pics.. I took this in the kitchen. edit - removed crappy pics.
  12. that's the Yamato one. I think he's about 35cm high? Just a bit taller than a 1/48 I guess. Great toy.
  13. haha, up until this moment, I'd never even considered collecting cels.. I hope this doesn't become another nasty habit.. although, I do have no more room on my shelves..
  14. looks great! I don't think it's too weathered. These guys fight on the ground in dirt and dust etc. I love the paint chipping effect you did too. Now you can tell me how you did it so it will be easy for me to do mine!
  15. exact same thing happened to me with Mr.Hobby clearcoat. What really sucks is you've finished your fantastic kit, finish it off with some clearcoat and... ruined. I had to start all over again.
  16. Just got my BT-15 Police ver. prowl. Really nice! Good proportions. No bulging bits like Lambor.
  17. I showed the pics to my non-toy-loving friend. He called it a "Redneck Transformer"
  18. A friend brought me back the 1/100 HG BlazeGunner Wizard zaku. He's gonna need a bit of work to make him look nice. Has anyone painted this kit up? How did you go doing the missiles? They look a bit fiddly.
  19. Is the nosecone removable on this? I notice a seam line at about the same place where the nosecone seam line is on the 1/48. After further ogling, I have to say the panel line detail on this is fantastic.
  20. Suh-WEEET! That is the best news I've heard since I saw the first proto pics of the 1/48. That does look heaps better than the kitbash from Wonderfest.
  21. haha, guilty as charged. I went searching for the post that got him banned. IIRC it wasn't a single post but more of a build up of the mods (and us) getting sick of him.
  22. LOL! UGLY! I had Wheelie when I was a kid... what on earth made them think he was worth a reissue? Orange and Aqua.. the 2 finest colours to make toys in.
  23. haha, don't pick on his 'Winnebago Mode'... even robots go camping sometimes! Seriously though, did they really think that a campervan mode would be a cool thing?
  24. Here's one of 3 things I'm working on, a hase VF-0 kit. I'm trying something different this time, I panel lined the whole thing with a 0.2 marker and next I'll airbrush lightly to (hopefully) keep the panel lines. The hase kits have such great detail I want to make sure it stands out.
  25. Here's my Patlabor with the alpha hands. I painted on some thinned black paint to show up the detail on the armor and airbrushed over it. I think it's a bit much but can't be bothered giving it another coat.
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