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Everything posted by Guppy

  1. It's like a little death whenever I see the super-duper sales get posted.. Damn Amazon for not shipping toys internationally.
  2. 349868[/snapback] LOL! I knew it.. it will be a box office SMASH!
  3. ugh. I was about to dispute it couldn't be worse than Resident Evil films or the House of the Dead but after seeing the pics I think it could be worse. Well if they base it on the first film all they need to do is pump so much fog in that you can't see anything. Or maybe they should pump the fog into the cinema itself. If I can't see the screen I might enjoy it more.
  4. I'm saving for the Max Factory releases. The Tortoise looks cool. There's a pic over at zincpanic:
  5. I will assume he was doing a search on the word "Takatoku" and not "Erotic Vinyl".. .. I HOPE!
  6. looks awesome. I would swear it was a movie prop.
  7. Guppy

    Metal Figures

    great link.. I've never come across that site before. ah, the memories. ah, the ugly robotech figures. http://www.robotechmuseum.com/miscitemsindex.html 7th item on the page. 348769[/snapback]
  8. I know what you all mean about WTF are they supposed to be.. if they DID something instead of popping off and then having the owner spend half an hour trying to snap them back on while viciously swearing then I would understand.
  9. wow, never knew that!
  10. do mean the plastic cockpit bubble is tan, or the cockpit and pilot inside? Mine has a green bubble and tan cockpit and pilot underneath.
  11. Now where's that puking smily? Mental picture time: Buy this! and your buttholio will be rubbing against a piece of fabric that has rubbed up against another man's buttholio, a man's man at that, cause let's be honest, this guy is as gay as they get. Oh... and before I forget, what are you doing searching used men's underwear on eBay? 347133[/snapback] ahahaa! Damn, my 2nd hand g-string fetish addiction has been discovered! I was having an ebay window shop and one of my favourite brands is Mossimo so I typed that in and voila! I find Men's Thong Heaven!
  12. haha.. put it back in your pants guys. That movie looks frigging terrible! Bad video game adaption spliced with Charlie's Angels ball bustin' babes. I laugh even harder that our failed aussie soapie b-grade star Holly Valance is in it. She must have worked for free to get in a move... ANY movie.
  13. Guppy

    Macross Sneakers

    cool! First time I've even considered buying a shoe with yellow trim.
  14. Guppy

    Latest 1/48 GBP Pics

    waiting for pic to open.. half of MW must be doing the same thing! edit: pic opened. F*%! that looks awesome. Up til now I was sworn off buying it due to the high price.. damn! I'm going off to ebay to sell some stuff for spending money.
  15. Here's the word from the man himself: Martin's update on Feast from May '05. 346550[/snapback] I remember reading that when I was starving to death waiting for the next book. His exacto knife solution is great! As I mentioned David Gemmell, go check out his new book Lord of the Silver Bow. Factual based on ancient Greek times! He's changes his usual format a lot: no magic and almost all the 'good' characters have a lot of 'bad' in em.
  16. It's not a toy, but.. anyone want 23 USED pairs of MENS thongs and g-strings? "you get almost a kilogram of skimpy fabric to indulge every sexy occasion!!" http://cgi.ebay.com.au/23-x-Mens-Sexy-Thon...1QQcmdZViewItem What a surprise.. no bids. I'll eat my oldest pair of undies if someone bids on this.
  17. Love it. Best fantasy series I've ever read. I'm a big fan of Gemmell and others, but this is the best. Problem is, it's so politically, character and plot deep I have to read the books again before I get Crows. I've been waiting for this book since I finished the last page of Storm of Swords. IIRC, Martin split this book into 2 books as it became so huge, so the next book is due in a year or so. I can't remember if that one will be the final book. I hope so. I don't want another Robert Frigging Jordan.
  18. Go download the song by Lemon Jelly caled "Go".. shatner does cool beat poet lyrics. fantastic song too!
  19. the charity one...
  20. I got the plastic skull logo one.. I'd forgotten I even owned it until I saw this thread.
  21. I should do what Guppy did and add all the SoCal people that are too lazy to sign up. 344646[/snapback] hopefully you have pics of all of them in underwear!
  22. there's also a guy who sells on ebay who's from Shanghai. He does a lot of macross and gundam sheets which look good. Can't vouch for qualirty as I've never seen em. this guy: http://cgi.ebay.com/TOY-in-Decals-For-MACR...1QQcmdZViewItem he's got 100% feedback so must be some happy customers.
  23. I'm 99.99% sure there have never been any yamato bootlegs. I guess they're too fiddly to reproduce. But if there was ever a boot 1/48... oh boy.
  24. added myself.. and I added Sebastian for him. He's gonna kill me when he sees the pic I posted of him.. HAHAHA
  25. Now that guy is a great actor... Anybody ever see him in Sexy Beast? He makes Satan seem like a pusy in that movie. 343855[/snapback] I think his character was called Logan..? Gets my vote for Scariest Bad Guy Ever.
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