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Everything posted by Guppy

  1. I think this thread has jumped the shark! Well, I'm off to Vietnam for 5 weeks, hope it's all sorted out by the time I get back or heads will ROLL! (haha, maybe I should be the new mod overlord myself!)
  2. got the 4th book for xmas. I'm re-reading the first 3 again first.. man, these books are even better the second time around.
  3. yeah, the bancrap's are somewhere betweeen 120 and 144 scale. PS - the toothpaste method doesn't work! best bet is to repaint.
  4. beautiful trim! Makes the boring CF look great.
  5. welcome to the club!
  6. the landcruiser actually looks great! Shock horror. The Supra could do with a head change but very nice for boots. I remember seeing these around when they first came out but never saw a good photo spread til now.
  7. Even if a bit pricey for an action figure I love the Guyver 1 I got. I hate those shoulders that pop off in a light breeze. Do all the guyver figs have the same problem?
  8. he was not asking.. he was telling! Now go there right now and photograph it from 100 angles!
  9. It's gone, baby. Option 5: take a re-released 1/48 and custom paint it as a low viz.
  10. if anyone's got any pics of their LED pimped-up cabinets I'd love to see em.
  11. Thanks for the write-up! now I really want one. any HK stores stocking these at a good price? I think Graham had to order his from OS so they probably won't be any cheaper.
  12. Do we need more admins? Anyway, A1's got a full time job being admin on his pecs.
  13. hell, what about A Bridge Too Far? Or The Longest Day? Those movies were one massive battle from start to end.
  14. yeah, Aliens was more a series of fighting retreat skirmishes, definitely not a battle.
  15. Guppy

    1/48 Vf-1d Completed!

    nice airbrush weathing, very subtle and it blends perfectly with the shade of cream you used. *slobbering on keyboard*
  16. post a review when you get it! I've had a couple of Wave kits, some I've liked and some I've hated.
  17. I'm with Drew.. Troy is up there with Glitter and Battlefield Earth for truly testicle-stabbing experiences. In that list, what is 'Heaven'? is that Kingdom of Heaven? And is Nevsky that circa WW2 Soviet propaganda film?
  18. had a thought.. if I bid on and won this auction, and proceeeds go to charity, can I claim it on tax!!!????
  19. Jonwayne: thanks for the tech info.. I'll probably run 4 along the top, it's about 1 m high, and all glass shelves so that should light the dimensions ok I think. Kanata: nope I meant 'veins'! haha. I thought you'd have the same thing in the US! Many public toilet cubicles around the city are lit with this purble UV fluro lighting so if a user was trying to have nice quiet little shoot-up, they can't see their veins under these types of lights. So it keeps unwanted elements out of public toilets.
  20. Looks like LED lights might be the winner! Safe on your toys, plus they consume a lot less energy. Polarizing filters/gels won't do anything much I've been told. Although I do like Kanata's idea.. if any of my valks ever turn into junkies I'll get one of those blue fluro lights you see in public toilets in bad areas so they can't see the veins. :DF
  21. good ideas there! thanks! Kanata: thanks for the ncie offer! I'm in Australia so I reckon I can scrounge a few ones here. Kensei: I'll ask one of my friends who's a cameraman about polarizing filters. If it's good I can grab some off him for free. I'll send you some too!
  22. Firstly, excuse bad pun in topic description. I bougth myself a second cabinet, and now it's all set up in a semi dark room, the tinting I didn't notice when buying it makes seeing the toys rather difficult when the room loses light as the sun goes down. So rather than go to a glass place and get 4 new doors which would cost more that I paid for the cabinet, I'm thinking about lighting it from inside. Now my question is, what types of lights emit the least plastic-yellowing UV? I have heard that halogens emit less than fluroescent as they have a narrower spectrum of UV. And if halogens are the best, I guess I should just go for the least wattage available? And is there any kind of filters you can put over the lights to decrease UV more?
  23. haha, what Mechamaniac said about ebay above is so true.I joined up in '99 after a freind told me about "this place where anything you can think of you can buy". I didn't believe him til I saw it and it blew my tiny little mind. I had no money for the next 4 years.
  24. basically if you wanted macross valks and couldn't afford Takatokus, you had to buy yellowed old jetfires and customise them. I remember those days fondly as that's how I taught myself to paint. My first custom was a cannon fodder, primed then hand painted. the lines were neat and all, but when I compare airbrushed stuff I do now to back then..
  25. oh god.. so funny. Next to farting, Engrish is the only other thing that remains consistently funny for so long.
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