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Everything posted by Guppy

  1. get Hound! Probably my favourite and I have 9. If Mirage comes out as a BT I will have 10! I'm a sucker for diecast..
  2. I actually don't mind. on realistic looking paint schemes you can dress em up with different insignias. I like that they've given us the choice. Plus, it means extra bizness for the decal makers around here!
  3. hooray for living in the Southern Hemisphere! I get to see the pics before all you yankees! That's quite a wide seam line down the back of the head..
  4. nice gimmicks! The front landing gear looks pretty bad, hope it's still at proto stage. And I think it would looks sleeker minus the marone stripes on the wing edges. Love the navy font "SS" on the tailfins.. cute!
  5. me too.. damn you drugs! (kidding) (sort of) anywayy.. looks great!! It is a pity we probably won't get a comics ultra violence film, they'd be flushing 75% of their profits down the drain. damn kids.
  6. hahaha.. I'm a huge Evil Dead fan and I love the idea! brilliant! Extra cheese. I've never been an overly precious fan (although I refuse to admit Alien3 or Resurrection exist, so maby I am) I'm just sad this will probably never make it to Australia!
  7. I saw the trailer for his new flick The Prestige yesterday and it looks great! http://www.apple.com/trailers/touchstone/t...ige/medium.html
  8. the white trim on the chestplate works wonderfully! haha, the only other time I've seen a 1J head on a CF was the banpresto.. this looks juuuust a bit better.
  9. Guppy

    Munny Custom Vf-11b

    hehe, so cute! looks like a koala.
  10. My friends like to call me "Peter Pan" - cos I play with toys and never grew up. When we rented and the agents did their regular inspection, after the lady would get to the spare room and see 'it',her expression read something like "uh oh, this freak is a serial killer.. don't make any sudden moves.. back away slowly to the exit.." My mother just thinks I am mad and/or semi-retarded for collecting toys.
  11. all the better to be in disguise! Everyone knows bright red flames are the best form of camouflage! I am hating the paint scheme. why can't they just be traditional and make it red?
  12. Actually Guppy, TakaraTomy has moved away from making their Alternator Mold Transformers in Die-cast i really don't know what kind of Mirage to expect from them because of this (if at all), but I'm hoping they'll come to their senses when this TF:Kiss idea bombs and move back to making Real Metal Binaltechs with Mirage as one of their first new releases. Here's hoping. 412704[/snapback] Ahh... of course. After I got Prowl and Grimlock I stopped paying attention. Now you mention it, I was wondering why I hadn't seen any more BT releases recently, only that KISS rel-release crap. On the bright side, Mirage will be a lot cheaper. I've been religiously buying them all in diecast.
  13. just when I thought my interest in BT's had ended.. sold. I'm getting that fo' sho'.
  14. I remember I loved my gobots combiner power suit thingy. this one: http://www.toyarchive.com/Gobots/Combiners/Courageous.html I sometimes think of buying it off ebay for nostalgia's sake.
  15. I just showed my wife the "for the ladies"... she's laughing. dunno if it's at me or with me.
  16. interesting.. up til now I thought this WAS a reboot of the Supes franchise. I haven't been paying attention to this movie at all. Also, they had Superman 3 on TV a few nights ago. I couldn't look away.. it was awful. I haven't seen it since I was a kid at the cinemas.. it's just a 2 hour Richard Pryor slapstick vehicle. It seems it was only made cos he was a hot item at the time.
  17. good time to do a poll like this. seems like a lot of interesting stuff will be coming our way. I voted SV-51 as I reckon that'll be a likely choice, although I have no idea how you'd make a toy work in battroid mode. it'd be so thin it would break if the wind picked up.
  18. didn't want to start a new thread but wanted some info on this: http://www.toymania.com/news/messages/5098.shtml it's an Aliens Deluxe Playset - like a diorama thing. none of the figures seem to be painted though. Saw it in a game shop today on sale and almost bought it. but then thought where the hell would I put it?? Anyone got this? good/bad/worthless?
  19. haha.. so true. instant death for everyone! I just watched it again the other day and was shocked. Even main characters like Wheeljack who you just see lying dead for 3 frames.
  20. Guppy

    1/48 Gbp

    oh NO! It looks so much better... I say 'no' cuz now I want to buy it. I was happily disappointed with the old colours as I had no spare toy money..
  21. Also Garth Ennis' comic The Pro has funny take on superhero sex too.
  22. looks great! If I was to have one tiny gripe, I wish the symbiote suit was smooth. The movie one looks like his usual suit with the colour dropped out. But like Azrael said, might see the smooth suit one day.
  23. no.. I have about 10 1/60's. I just couldn't sell all of them and replace them with another 10 1/60's. I'd probably buy one just to check it out though.
  24. being an Aussie it's really interesting to watch the cultural revolution with soccer in this country right now. Aussies love their football (rugby leage, rugby union and AFL) so Soccer always got left behind. Add to the fact we've never been very good. In my lifetime (30 years) soccer has never been very popular in the mainstream. I played for several years as a kid and it wasn't something you went telling everyone! So now with the whole country going apesh*t for soccer it's something I've never seen before.
  25. I have just one word... WHY?!?
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