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Everything posted by Guppy

  1. I never liked the Gunbuster design either.. but this SOC has sold it for me. Big chunky transforming shiny metal robot toy.. it's MINE! totally OT.. I just installed Mozilla 2 and the spellcheck function is a great idea (what do you mean, you don't know the word 'Gunbuster'??). I especially love the adblocking addon.
  2. Just to tempt you even more, here are some old pics I took when I got my stands about 3 or so years ago (man, so long ago!! ) [attachmentid=37447] [attachmentid=37448] [attachmentid=37449] [attachmentid=37450]
  3. great pics! I love all the gimmicks too. I might be giving the detail under the head cover a light dry brush with gunmetal paint. It looks like plain gray plastic color in the pic.
  4. I did - I stopped around 12.. I vaguely remember thinking that toys weren't cool anymore. And when you're in your teens you're terribly concerned if you're cool or not. By about 22 or so I definitely didn't care anymore. PS Haterist - I also have three ferarris and a warehouse full of 1/48's. But don't hate the playa.
  5. I remember I bought that Boba Fett Vs IG-88 2-pack for a laugh back in '97 or '98.. it just spiralled from there. About the same time I discovered ebay and I was able to mine my nostalgia for toys I loved as a kid. Then I discovered hobbylink japan. So here I am today, in my computer room surrounded by thousands of dollars worth of toys in shelves on every wall looking at me.
  6. someone take those links down... I so want one now. good lord, what would international shipping BE for that thing??
  7. great work.. if the Froating Head saw these pics he'd slap himself for not adding the extra hardpoints himself.
  8. nice pics! Bit small for the price for me though. although there aren't a lot of options when it comes to buying SDF's. I got the old little matchbox one made from the taka mold and hated that POC.
  9. cool news.. if it is a gun I am guessing it would have to be boxed in robot mode due to customs being not to happy about importing of replica guns.
  10. everything seemed bigger when we were kids!
  11. what a f__kwit. This guy should really get a life. I bet he also strangles cats for fun.
  12. wow.. for maybe the first time ever I am enthusiastic about a remake of a film I really loved. I'm really harsh when this happens cos it's got a lot to live up to. I'm of the opinion that it has to be better than the original to have made it sucessfully worth the bother of remaking.
  13. really nice! I like seeing 'realistic' paint schemes on gundams. how much were the custom decals and can you get MG decals too? How about custom decals for other PG kits like the zaku?
  14. man, he's THAT small?? Between this and the slime green colour I have gone off this fella a bit, and I have been itching for it to come up til now. If I buy one I'll repaint him grey to look like the low viz ver.1.
  15. I'm happy with the engrish thread.. saves my lazy ass going to engrish.com!
  16. re MP megs, it's probably been discussed already so I am gonna get slapped I'm sure, but due to bans on importing gun replicas in many countries, it'd be too damaging to sales making a megs MP I'd think. And who wants one with bright yellow nerf parts to make it obvious it's a toy?
  17. I'm seeing ebay buy it now preorders for Starscream as low as $70. can I hope this will be close to the real price?
  18. lol.. weird! I just played both fallout games again recently too. I must have a lot of free time. They are GREAT - hard to find though, so maybe it's ok to download them via file sharing. Also play Planescape: Torment if you can find it. Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick was great too.
  19. not meaning to change topic, but I just bought the 1st volume of The Losers to try it out. Sorry to say I hated it. It's just the A-Team with every FBI/CIA/super spy movie cliche you can think of.
  20. Love DX. didn't mind the second, but I couldn't really get into it much. If you love Deus definitely go grab System Shock 2 from a bargain bin. I just played my copy again recently - you can get a hi-res patch and a better textures patch that fans made a couple of years ago which work really well.
  21. haha.. terrible! Although it's probably good for Robert Patrick, he's doing a good impersonation of a Walken bad guy. man, I hate dodgy computer effects like that casing eject from the gun.. it makes me think their audience is too dumb to notice. Hang on, I just reread that last sentence.
  22. pink pony girly packaging is one thing but an 8 year old stripping on the cover... WTF? yeah, i know about japanese lolita obsessions and I know the character is supposed to be of legal age but she's intentionally designed to look like a child.
  23. I read about that. Even though it's Scorsese I thought, "why"? I also read somewhere there's a remake planned for Oldboy. I can't see that being remade with any success.
  24. my very faves would be: Akira Soundtrack - Kaneda Cowboy Bebop - all of it! Berserk - Behelit, Forces Complete, Gattsu, Tell Me Why FLCL - Ride on Shooting Star Gantz - Super Shooter (gets boring about halfway thru though) Ghost in the Shell - Silent Cruise, To Tell The Truth, Rise and Inner Universe of course Gasaraki - Opening Theme, forgot name Noir - Canta Per Me (possibly my VERY favourite, and I don't even like the anime)
  25. re hound again: when I was in China I saw bootlegs of some of the Alternators. Hound was one of em. I had a close look and the quality was pretty good for a boot. Just in case you see one on ebay for cheap (although promoting pirated products is bad form! )
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