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Everything posted by vf1_soulja

  1. Exactamundo... and a better sculpt for the VF-19
  2. What's the deal with Rogue Squadron only being released for the Game Cube? I really want a copy for my PS2 edit: my fat fingers hit the wrong key...
  3. UH, in that case, I hope your a lady JK BTW anywho, I mostly model auto's and racing cars (yes, big nascar fan, and yes, I am a hillbilly) I've been getting into macross and gundam quite a bit lately, I allways customize a kit, The only kit I didnt customize was a 1/100 Arii strike valk Actually, me girlfriend does for me. Just had to make a smart@ss comment I used to build US Navy warships, mostly WWI & WWII era. The capital ships were much more impressive than todays warships. Not enough gun turrets bristling on the deck. Now that I've got a big 'ol box of Bandai Macross models, I'm slowly getting back into the former hobby.
  4. ...er, I model ladies lingerie B)
  5. Looks really sweet Master Cheng If only if they left the Yamato factory that way...
  6. I think one persons definition of an "army" would be different from the next guy. Several factors come into play: wallet size, storage/display space, etc. But in terms of hard numbers, my opinion is an army being several squadrons, with the famous Skull Squadron being just one of them. I'll be content just having the full complement of the Skull
  7. Since I've bought several of sithlord's stands I may just get one of them. BTW, nice pic rdenham
  8. 1/60 - To complete the line: VF-1s, enemy mecha and Destroids. And it'll be much better on my wallet and storage/display space.
  9. vf1_soulja

    It's official!!!

    I'm slowly running outta storage space myself. The closet that was practically empty at the beginning of the year is nearly full . I cant imagine trying to stuff a 1/60 Monster box in there
  10. My only other obsession besides Macross is getting on as many jump manifests that I can. AIRBORNE!!!
  11. If it don't transform... Heck, NO!!!
  12. Don't think... Get 'em. I would use this analogy: Comparing Takatoys and Yamato stickers is like comparing the Yamato 1/48 valk and Toynami's MPC. There's no question which is far superior. You've already spent $120+ to buy the toy, spend a little more to make it PURDY!!!
  13. Wowzers Takatoys' sticker sheet for the low vis looks excellent - Finally different squadron emblems. And his 1/48 armor sets are lookin' good as well. I wonder when they'll be ready to purchase?
  14. I'm having bad flashbacks from college I hope there isnt a statistics test at the end of this thread! Cool info mcpaz
  15. True Dat
  16. Actually it is the HBO "cartoon" series. Guess it really isnt classified as "anime" since it's not of japanese origin. edit: yes OE, they are the uncut versions.
  17. There's a Spawn 3 on DVD? I gotta get that one, but I didnt see it at Best Buy. Then again I picked up the Spawn set as a impulse buy (that & it was dirt cheap). I was actually shopping for a new HDTV.
  18. For all the Spawn fans - I just picked up the Spawn & Spawn2 DVDs from Best Buy for $5.99 each. Pretty cheap if you ask me. They're not new versions, they're the HBO anime from a few years back. I really enjoyed watching the whole Spawn story all over again.
  19. I say "Both are good when used right". The Yamato 1/48 valk has a higher plastic content than ,say, a Bandai SOC Great Mazinger. Both are high quality toys using the two materials in different ways.
  20. vf1_soulja

    God Help Me

    I feel your pain, bro... My wallet is kinda hurting after this month: 4 - 1/48 Fast Pack & Elint & Ostrich all in the same month. I hope Yamato spaces out there future releases, especially with the forthcoming Monster and Q-Rau
  21. Agreed... The elint looks spectacular. Another wallpaper/screensaver. thanks for sharing firefox!!!
  22. Geez... enough with the polls. You must be Shin Densetsu's evil twin brotha Gittin' all "poll" crazy!!! Besides, I really dont care for the VF-4
  23. My votes for Mac+, I really dig the mecha designs.
  24. GBP armor for me . Although, I'd like to see some TV version valks.
  25. Wow, looks great Coyote187. Just one thing, do you have any smaller pics? The large ones are kinda blurry.
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