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Everything posted by vf1_soulja

  1. Ooohhh... Me drools at the sight of dat beauty!!! Can't wait till I get one.
  2. Army here... still am. I didn't "join". I just kinda fell into it. Don't regret it though, I LOVE my job. oneredlude, I'm Signal too Do you still work in the satellite field in the civilian world?
  3. Of course that tank is made up, it's a cartoon It sure aint based on a real tank. Totally made up by the animators.
  4. Sent a PM Monkey. Need info to complete the transaction. Thanks
  5. Nope, none of those... you were suppose to be in some field hospital in Iraq so you could perform the med exam on 'ol Saddam Back on target... $200 woulda bought you a 1/48 -1J WITH the FPs
  6. i dont think its the GBP armor sold separately, the price just seems too low. i'm thinkin its the super/strike upgrade parts. thanks for the news Sebastian!!!
  7. Pics, damnit... PICS!!! I need to drool while I wait for mine to be dropped off by Brown Santa
  8. Ooohh ... i can't stop droolin'!!! w-e, I'd get both if you can spare the coin. If not, get the -1J with FPs.
  9. This aint Macross, but is sure is definitely a novel way to sell your stuff. Check out his other auctions. Vanna White, she aint!!!
  10. Lookin' Good... are you gonna paint the head the same color?
  11. hevangel2, what kinda lights are you using in your display case? looks good BTW
  12. That's cuz they're both Mandalorians.
  13. Yes, I fly my valks around but I dont make whooshing noises... I sing Minmay songs
  14. Liked it, BUT.... How 'bout a little longer episodes? 5 minutes is too much of a teaser.
  15. 31 and still a "BIG" kid ...
  16. To fullfill a childhood dream (mom can't say no this time around), ... And because I gotz the money to buy each and every version that is produced .
  17. There's a new Macross PS2 game?!? I must be a relative of Rip Van Winkle cuz I definitely missed that one Thanks for the newz Graham, Got any more from Yamato?
  18. Answers (somewhat) to yer ?s: 1. & 2. - ??? 3. - tips - buy the aftermarket sticker sheets from either anasazi37 or takatoys. I've bought from both and their products are light years ahead of the OE stickers. 4. the yamato booklet does have a good sticker placement guide to go by. You've just missed out on the recent anasazi37 sticker/decal offering (deadline was the 15th) but if you can wait till the next time around when he'll offer them again. Or just order some from takatoys - his offerings are just as good. edit: go here TakaToys 1/48 Sticker Review for an excellent review by Hurin
  19. MPC : Master Piece of Crap. There is no quality. I regret paying $50 bucks for one on eBay.
  20. ALL 3!!! I'm all "Gimme, gimme, gimme..."
  21. vf1_soulja

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    Man, Go away for a week and a lot happens One step closer to getting the 1/60 complete, Yamato just needs to start producing enemy mecha
  22. I've got the $$$ saved up, but not specifically ear-marked for the Monster. I keep tellin' myself I'd buy one, but at such a high price point I'll be hard pressed to try to justify spending that much cash on one single item. It's gotta be super-detailed and high quality, not like the poor quality of the more recent Yamato 1/60 line.
  23. One of each (to include variants), thank you very much
  24. Chan, Are there any other SW stuff from Code 3? Tie fighter, X-wing, etc?
  25. Mine was a VF-11B, hips didnt fail till two weeks after I got it. That initial bad experience with Yamato quality (or lack of) did little to stop my lust for valks
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