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Everything posted by vf1_soulja

  1. Cool pics. I used to live a hop, skip and a jump away from Oceana. Hmm... changed to the super hornet, eh? . Those jets are loud, but after living close to the NAS for close to 13 years you get used to it. I Love Jet Noise!
  2. Great news and thanks for the pics G. Now hou 'bout a two-seater like the VF-1D, Ostrich or Elintseeker...
  3. Back in the day when I was a kid: Hotwheels/Matchbox, GI Joe and Star Wars. Now: Toybiz Marvel Legends and DC Direct figs.
  4. Ahh... the ol Pukin' Dogs squadron based outta Oceana NAS in Virginia Beach, VA. Saw alotta Navy jets flying by living in VB, everything from A-7 Corsairs and F-4 Phantoms back in the day before they were retired; E-6s, F-14s, F-18s. And the annual Airshows were cool, within casual bike riding distance. Got to know every Naval Aircraft intimately. Sadly I didnt pursue a career in the Navy, I chose the US ARMY, Hooah!!! Airborne!!!
  5. Gots all the Bandai re-releases. Just hoping that they'll re-release the GBP armor, and other valk variants (ostrich, elint, etc) but I know thats wishfull thinkin.
  6. I dig the new BDUs, just hate the fact that I'll be shelling out some coin for a couple new sets, not to mention all the patches... As far as the whole beret issue goes, I think the former Army COS, Gen Shinseki pushed for the black beret for everyone in the Army to instill an esprit de corps that elite units like the Rangers and SF enjoyed. Basically a way to increase morale. The only berets in the Army that signify elite troops is the tan (Ranger) and green (SF) berets. The maroon (Airborne) beret really doesnt mean anything overall - there are a bunch of "dirty LEGS" serving in Airborne units. The only way to ID an Airborne troop is to see if he/she has wings on their chest. One good rule to tell a soldiers' qualifications is to check his left chest for "hooah" patches and left shoulder for the Ranger tab or long tab.
  7. Picked up my set from the post office, Thanks Rob!
  8. I bought a valk from they a while back, VF-11B (with bad hip joints ) Really didnt buy from them afterwards. I only buy from Valk Exch and Twin Moons
  9. Yeah brutha... I'm in Fayettenam. This town sucks for anime, and general culture, but I do enjoy the Carolina style barbeque.
  10. Great news... I almost forgot I placed an order for them.
  11. I'll tell ya who's crazy... sithlord just checked out the link in his sig that shows his collection It's friggan' INSANE
  12. Someone outta round up all the customizers, put em in a toy valk sweatshop and put em to work so everyone can have a kick @ss custom NICE customs, BTW...
  13. I just messed my pants.... thats such a schweet mecha!!!
  14. That TRU is stocked pretty full. I'd be lucky to find the local TRU that well stocked, even at Xmas time. I'd definitely spend too much at that TRU in Japan if I was lucky enough to visit.
  15. Great idea... I'm interested but I'd like to see what the final product design would look like.
  16. Here's one that's really crazy, better off saving yer coin for an Armani wardrobe... General Clark's Sweater Being in the military, I support General Clark, really fine officer. Don't know about leading the country though...
  17. Get the 1/48. You won't regret it. WARNING: Buy it & you'll be a 1/48 addict!!!
  18. Am I the only one who voted . For me it's both. Play n Display!!!
  19. Cool ... It almost looks like your display case is at some show. Nice Work!
  20. Looks like a valk with some insanely huge FPs to assist it getting outta the atmoshpere.
  21. Ooohh... Finally a GBP armored valk to add to my collection without having to pay out the wazoo for. Actually I will pay out the wazoo for it, I plan on getting the valk/armor set and 2 sets of the armor Now , just waiting on the 1/48 version...
  22. Thanks for the pics Kevin... I'll pass on getting these at full retail. I'll wait till they're discounted drastically like the MPCs were after their release.
  23. GDomino, There arent any PRC-O#s out there, just PRC-E#s Remember, It's not the size of your Antenna that counts, but your Frequency!!! Darth C, Nice assignment you've got there! Australia, eh!?! Out here... Dont be a Dirty Nasty LEG!!!
  24. Yamato, Hands down. Toynami shouldn't even be mentioned in the same sentence as Yamato when it comes to valk ( Oops, I did it myself). Bandai is a great all around valk, nice "playability".
  25. My 1/48 VF-1J with FPs
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