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About vf1_soulja

  • Birthday 08/29/1972

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  • Location
    Bay Area, Kalifornia
  • Interests
    -Cycling: road and mountain.<br>-Rock climbing, trail running.<br>-Jumping out aircraft while in flight. WooHoo, Airborne!!!<br>-Anime, collecting Macross toys and stuff.<br>-Collecting Marvel Legends and Star Wars figs.<br>-Building the ultimate home theater.<br>-Makin' my Frontier look purty and perform like a Desert Runner.

vf1_soulja's Achievements

Destroid Armour Waxer

Destroid Armour Waxer (3/15)



  1. I've got a pretty good sized Action Fleet collection sitting in a box and was thinking of selling them... ...and the rest of my SW fig collection (mostly Jedi/Sith/Clones). Just don't have room and lost interest in the line.
  2. ^ No 1/48 2-seaters being considered!?!? I was hoping on finishing collecting the 1/48 VF-1 toy line.
  3. ^^^ It seems that it'll be over $200, but IMO it'll be worth it. Yamato has been putting out some damn fine collectible toys with astounding detail and perfect transformation. Simply amazing! ot - it's a shame Yamato isn't considering 2-seater VF-1s in 1/48...
  4. Very nice work! I've bookmarked it for reference/favorites!
  5. This is out now?!?! I haven't had the chance to pick up a VF-0A! Thanks for the review Graham. 7 years since the 1/72 YF-19 release... that was a while back
  6. Huh... ya really can't tell the valk underneath the armor is the woodland camo version. From the pics, looks to be a cannonfodder.
  7. Ehh.. doesn't pique my interest. I'd rather Yamato give us some two-seat VF-A version.
  8. Yes... it would be silly... just ask Solscud007 412614[/snapback] Ha ha ha ... too cool!! 412674[/snapback] That's funny, I was just thinking about painting my moto helmet to resemble a Valk pilot helmet. It'd almost look the part if I did, dontcha think...
  9. The only one where I have photographic proof, The totally HAWT super/swimsuit model Rebecca Romjin. This was at Camp Victory, Iraq the summer of '03. A buncha celebs did a USO tour or something and visited Baghdad.
  10. +1 what he said...
  11. dood YES!!! Make the sticker kit for the GBP. Waiting to place my order for the new sticker kit.
  12. I bought my copy from the Kinokuniya bookstore in SJ. I almost passed it over (I can't read japanese kanji) and I just barely noticed the mecha art on the cover. Very nice mecha artwork book.
  13. The VF-0 looks better every time new pics of it come out. When is it suppose to be released? Sorry for the question, I've been outta the Macross loop for a while... damn motorcycles!
  14. Nice pics Sephiroth. Dig the scale maintenance crew.
  15. More Bandai 1/55 reissues.
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