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Everything posted by bigrich68

  1. havnt posted in around 2-3 years lol. Going to LA in a few weeks, was curious if there has been any new bootleg macross, robotech, mospeada toys put out?or any thing else coo :rolleyesl put out I should keep my eye out for? thanks.
  2. Actually the boot cost 7 dollars all the paint and other materails cost around the same.Like I said I have more custom boot to post. IM000059.1
  3. another IM000058.1
  4. another IM000056.1
  5. some more views IM000057.1
  6. sorry fellas forgot to resize. heres another pick IM000057.1
  7. I finally got my hands on a digital camera. This is probably my best custum job I have done. This one of those 5 dollar bootleg valks with the booster packs. Tell me what you fellas think. P.S. I got a few other picks to post of some of my other custom jobs but will post later.
  8. Checked My Wal Mart but no valks, they did have a loy of other galexy warrior toys though. Maybe someone snagged them all. Was wondering if they come in there on case when shipped or are they cased with other galexy warrior mechs. Seen a space shuttle and some other plane gallexy warrior toy and are boxed in the same size box and the the art work looks very similar. Going to keep an I out for a while and maybe take a few other trips to some other local wal marts.
  9. Somebody send me a Message when these pop up in the L.A. Toy District B)
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