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Everything posted by Yang_Neumann

  1. Didn't Grievous make an appearance in the last mini-sode of the Clone Wars series on Cartoon Network? Man, he was scary. Also, I think they have released his action figure as part of a four figure sneak preview collection.
  2. areaseven and Fortress Maximus are bang-on with their suggestions. I would highly reccommend Clamp's X, both the movie and the series. If you happen to find a copy of Tokyo Babylon, grab it because 1)it's a prequel to X and 2)it has been discontinued. If you liked the AdVid Notes option found on the Excel Saga DVDs, check out Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi, as it also has this feature.
  3. What about that goofy tunic Kirk wore on occasion? Don't get me wrong, I'm not far from being a Trekkie, so I'm a little ashamed I've never known. Oh, don't forget that Laverne & Shirley introduced an off-camera Star Trek uniform color in one of their later episodes: Purple=Janitor (By the great Gods, I have no life...)
  4. NO MORE STATESIDE LIVE-ACTION ANIME ADAPTATIONS. EVER! (except NG Eva) Doesn't anyone here remember Fist of the North Star? Gods only know I try to forget it. Malcolm MCDowell, Chris Penn, Melvin Van Peebles (...the hell was he thinking?), "Downtown" Julie Brown (meh) and that goofy kid that played Rufio in Hook.
  5. Too bad they pulled the plug on the health awareness ad starring Mickey Rooney. There's just something eerily intriguing about seeing a man in his 80's running out of a sauna naked. Oh, well, once a has-been former child actor..... BTW, favorite SB commercial-Bud Light ad feat. the guy with the third arm...HILARIOUS
  6. You mean they actually pulled off hat many eps.? Man, I'm so out of the loop...didn't they try to bring the Borg into the series briefly?
  7. It wasn't there when I last went to the site, which was about two weeks ago
  8. Just to see Aerith's spirit trying to assure Cloud that the world is better off the way it is and to stop beating himself up over her death is reason enough to see this ASAP! I'm a sucker for hopeless romance
  9. Follow the link below to subdue your desire to see this movie for a couple of minutes. By that I mean I hope there's at least someone out there who's as excited about this movie sequel as much as I am. Advent Children Trailer 4
  10. Special thanks to Metal Massacre. PS nevermind
  11. Just two minutes away from the SCR Airport in Gallatin, TN 36-22-36.641N/086-24-31.531W Any other members on the East Coast?
  12. given another choice, this would be me in a nutshell...you're a person finding their place in a world that has individuals who are content with not understanding you, yet still like to poke and prod you to find out what makes you tick
  13. close-but not quite...
  14. Which zombie movie has zombies ripping people in half (Exclude any less-than B-grade horror films from Europe and New Zealand, please )
  15. At a glance it kinda looks like the anime equivalent of Lord of the Flies to me...I'm not saying that's a bad thing, btw.
  16. Isn't that what Barbara (Patricia Tallman) was muttering to herself at the end of the NotLD remake with Tony Todd? BTW, I have to agree with the "down with the speedy zombies" crowd. They were never meant to sprint at you. Stumble, yes. Run like they were going for Olympic gold, no.
  17. Just don't add insult to injury by buying the movie from a retail chain that allows the distributor to remove the inserts from the package prior to shipping. I'm talking to you, Wal-Mart!
  18. I'll take a wild guess...Brave Raideen?
  19. The poster is nice, in a Giger-esque sort of way... I can't find anything new to say to bash Uwe Boll-it's all been done
  20. ...eww This coming from the guy who named himself after the Macross character who is hot for a homicidal AI hologram. Holograms aren't tangible. I wonder how well the Cylons can imitate body heat
  21. Too bad that scene is from the second book
  22. Garth Jennings recently stated in an nterview that Marvin will not be voiced by Stephen Moore. Instead, he has hired Alan Rickman to voice the morose robot. *bleh* On a lighter note, it has been confirmed that the whale will be in the movie.
  23. Give the Japanese market a little time. They'll probably have one as a launch title or at the very least a couple of months after.
  24. So far the roster of titles out for the Nintendo BS...er, I mean, DS are mediocre at best, Sure, you have the cemremonious release of a Mario-related title, but most of the games (Hell, there's only ten games for it by my count) don't do much to interest me in buying one yet. This coming from the same man who was praising what this system would offer inthe long run. Now comes a genre that I never thought would see the light of day in regards to being released stateside-THE DATING SIM! New out for the handheld is a title called Sprung, which is the first dating sim I can recall ever being released for the American console/handheld market. Anyone have any info on this one? And do you think this one will sell to anyone aside from the Feel the the Magic xo/xx crowd?
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