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Everything posted by Yang_Neumann

  1. After more than a year away from the forums I'm making a comeback to MW. I'm starting off with a question regarding my GX TV. It's been faithful to me since I bought it years ago, but I've lost the remote to it and keeping it in storage during my divorce has taken its toll on the wiring. I'm not getting ant sound from the main speakers, so I'm ging to attempt an operation to get it up and running as good as new. Does anyone know of a link to a PDF of the schematics so I can get started? If not I'll pay a repair shop to do it for me.
  2. The year is 1998, and I spent $90 on a Space Battleship Yamato model, only to have it thrown away by my wife two months after I bought it (NRFB). We divorced in 2000, then remarried in 2003. We are now in the process of our second divorce and she threw away the second Yamato model (One of my few items which survived the tornadoes which came through Gallatin last month) I bought on eBay in 2004 for $190. The moral of this story: Leave those damn Macon County girls alone
  3. Yeah-just read the obit...I'm at a loss. Just last week I was talking to some co-workers about how he passed the torch to Dave Chappelle and then Dave had his nervous breakdown in Africa. Anyone have their favorite RP moment? I don't want to mention mine just yet.
  4. I'll be going to see this film tomorrow evening. Kind of crept up on me, since I thought it would be coming directly to DVD. I'll save any comments until I see it. In the meantime, has anyone else seen it yet? Feel free to share your thoughts.
  5. Just popping in for the first time in months. Thought I'd fill you in on this title-better late than never: 1. It is an OAV. 2. Story, character design and animation done by single person (Think "Voices of a Distant Star", only this guy was using a professional studio as opposed to creating the anime on his home computer). 3. It is available on DVD from Central Park Media.
  6. Why are they trying to kill off Daniel...again? And what is with all of these special geust Jaffa- First Wayne Brady, now Issac "Chef/Shaft" Hayes? Who's next, Blair Underwood?
  7. Plus, using the ASCII Grip allows you to have a free hand to smoke, drink a soda or....pet your cat. Okay, I'll stop now.
  8. Since everyone was still on this controller tangent, I decided to throw in my two cents. This is , by far, my favorite controller for the Playstaion-Perfect for the puzzle, strategy or RPG fan out there.
  9. Think Blade Runner-Kojima style. Whoa....that sums it up. And to think I've been sitting here for about an hour trying to put together a step-by-step synopsis of the game without throwing in one of my patented spoilers. Well put, Valk
  10. Gotta part company with you on this one, Mike. While the titles you mentioned are good, Ninja Gaiden deserves to be at the top of that list. Granted, the game is hard. But who wants to spend good money on a game with an overused engine (Dynasty/Samurai Warriors) or a title the can beat in practically one sitting (Demon Stone)? ps Fable would be a close second, followed by the Onimusha remix for the XBox. I'd rather spend the money on a game I'd beat in a day or that's wicked fun despite its over-used engine than spend money on game, plus money on multiple controllers, for a game that makes we swear at my TV until the neighbors call the cops because I'm stuck on the same boss for a week. A challenge is fun, but Ninja Gaiden isn't really challenging... it's hard for the sake of being hard. Too hard to actually be fun, in my opinion. But you have to admit....it does make life interesting for you and your neighbors. I think back to all the cursing I did while playing Thunder Force II and III, not to mention Lightening Force (TFIV) and how my neighbors knew it wasn't a domestic dispute-it was just that crazy kid next door stuck on another video game.
  11. You'd be surprised how Sony has revamped their Customer Service Dept. as of late. Example: A friend of mine had a PS2 which he sent to Sony to be repaired for free, and ended up getting a voucher for a new one when his system was mistakenly sent to Sallatin, Indiana instead of its intended destination of Gallatin, TN. Later the same unit was discovered to have a faulty power cable, so the system's cable was replaced. Gotta keep the customer happy by any means necessary.
  12. Gotta part company with you on this one, Mike. While the titles you mentioned are good, Ninja Gaiden deserves to be at the top of that list. Granted, the game is hard. But who wants to spend good money on a game with an overused engine (Dynasty/Samurai Warriors) or a title the can beat in practically one sitting (Demon Stone)? ps Fable would be a close second, followed by the Onimusha remix for the XBox.
  13. It never fails-I have been watching JL and JLU almost religiously for the past three years, and last week I had a family event to attend and forgot to set both the VCR and the TiVO. I knew from the closing credits in recent episodes that Doomsday would be showing up sooner or later. I wish I paid more attention to my DC fanboy friends whenever they talked about the comics when we were younger. I'd like to know what the deal is with that one character who looked like a Black Zelda Reubenstein that referred to Bats as "Rich Boy" in the commercial superhreo team episode. I'm ashamed I don't remember tha name of it off the top of my head, but I know some one out there will refresh my memory...
  14. There's a reason why I didn't mention them, nut now that I have seen that Nausicaa is coming out on DVD on 2/22, I can say with the greatest of confidence..... BUY ALL THINGS GHIBLI!!!!! Three Ghibli films coming to DVD this Tuesday. First time in their original format. Contentment is nigh- 'Nuff said!
  15. Actually, I was rather surprised by that. Normally it is that the AI goes rogue on its own without any outside influences. Skynet, HAL, Sharon Apple... the list goes on and on, so I'm rather pleased that Stealth isn't going with that over-wrought route and is going for something a little different. And yes, those specially designed T&A flightsuits are annoying, but they're not nearly as bad as they could have been and they're uniform across the gender board. I'd be having a much more ranting time if they'd given Her Albaness a special, womens-only flightsuit that had the midriff showing... Or the Ai goes rogue because it finds out they are cancelling the AI programme and scrapping him etc etc... I think the Lightning strike thing has been done before. Some 80s robot on treads. He had a number for a name. Can't recall the shows name. What made edgar (from electric dreams) go rogue? Champagne or coffee? Are you talking about Short Circuit? Johnny 5? With Steve Guttenburg and Ally Sheedy? And that El Debarge song? I forgot all about that film...it was pretty funny for the time. As for this movie...it might be one of those guilty pleasure films...plus it's not like there are a whole lot of aviation films out nowadays. No, Electric Dreams. It's a movie about a guy who falls for a new tenant is his apartment and he uses his newly puchased computer to write songs for her to show how much he cares for her, which are performed by PoMo groups like Culture Club, for example. Unfortunately, the computer becomes sentient when the guy accidentally spills coffee on it and ends up falling in love with the girl too. Anyhoo, I've avoided talking about Stealth only because I figured someone would make mention of it in the thread concerning the feasability of a live action Macross. I'll spend my 11 bucks to see it in theaters, just so I can critique any high or low points. In the end, it couldn't be any worse than Gigli. Finally, I can definitely see Jamie Foxx winning the Oscar now. Just look at the movies other Oscar winners have done after they won the Academy award. Remember this Cuba Gooding, Jr. classic which came out after he won his Academy Award for Jerry MacGuire (by the way, it was nothing more than a knock-off/remake of a Skeet Ulrich movie made one year prior to it's release).
  16. That's what kitbashers and toy modders were invented for Speaking of which, if anyone out there manages to pull that one off, it'd be nice if they lent their services to those of us who don't have the time or patince to do it themselves (see:ME)
  17. It's my understanding that they don't plan on producing a female version of the unit featured in the "Guyver Out of Control" OAV. That's a pity, since I would prefer to see that version of Unit II over the Lisker (Risker) version.
  18. Nothing gets by you, A7. Who's next?
  19. I have a simple one-Name the American voice actor who provided the voice of Kaworu Nagisa in the Evangelion Director's Cut.
  20. I'm still only seeing one head on Zaphod. He finally has three arms, though. Other than that, I'm content with how it looks so far.
  21. I happen to like Yukikaze-Thanks to that series, sentient aircraft became the biggest anime minority, thus knocking African-American characters in anime out of the #1 spot. "We're moving on up!" Okay, let's see how long we can keep this thread on page one before it's officially closed.
  22. ...then we have the same image in it's original format.
  23. You know what I just realized.....I've seen the sneak preview figures in my local Wal-Mart SuperCenter about two weeks ago-are they supposed to be out yet? I'd hate to get the store fined-AGAIN http://www.entertainmentearth.com/prodinfo...ariation=&lg=1&Coming Soon (?)
  24. Three lightsabers at once-damn, that's scary.
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