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Everything posted by honkhet

  1. yeah due to the different back pack transformation for the VT-1, yamato had to make them smaller still it isnt too small, just nice i am really loving the pics of the VT without the booster parts. awesome
  2. Hi berkut, wow that is some job you have done but i never had any problems with jet mode for the normal valk, its the super parts that make the legs sag at the slightest touch (on a display stand) and they dont tab in like the armored version does
  3. yup i agree... still buying this though, can't wait hope to complete armored ozma before this comes out
  4. the diff shades of blue are now coming out really nice man i wish i did that on my alto but its a bit too late now almost went insane cleaning up all the smudges too alto's being white is so prone to smudges i'll try to find the Tamiya Finish polishing compound you recommended...
  5. gosh i am still admiring how carefully you painted those missles they look neat i just cant get the same on my side those chest missle cover decals are a real pain to put on too, glad to see urs come out nice and neat i took a few days off from work to work on my armored alto, will post a new thread soon on my progress i am finally getting why there is all this love for WIP threads
  6. hi guys, js wanna ask is the pilot for the new YF-19 the VF-11B isamu or the old YF-19 isamu? also do the shoulders lock in gerwalk mode? thanks
  7. yup i agree, this is the color u are looking for!
  8. gosh i myself havent come roud to painting those missles yet but really glad to see more and more people doing justice to the VF-25 model kit keep it up man, ur doing good
  9. ok, now i get that you want to paint the entire booster in the same color, firstly i thought u only wanted to paint the booster "pockets" in blue ala TV super max VF-1J as for the latest mix you have, i still dont think it would go well with the blue valk... perhaps a dark grey would be better still, if you could show us a pic with a booster on one of the blue wings we can make a better judgement as in the end, we want them both (wing/valk and booster) to look good together
  10. hmm... trying to go for a TV Max kind of scheme? doesn't really work... just my opinion ur gunpod looks ace tho
  11. great stuff, keep it up lolicon!
  12. hi micky! (i'm back from my hiatus due to ROTF fever;)) i would like to see you paint the super parts for mine, i really regreted not painting them they really look too purple/blue its too late for me now as all my decals have already been applied but js wondering what would be the correct color to paint them? i am thinking of painting my armored alto parts with something close to metallic dark iron...
  13. thanks for the tips! now i'm gonna try some on my max vf-1s... by the way how many yamato 1/60 vf-1 do you own? i saw so many in ur pics are they all panel lined? that would be awesome
  14. what?? really??? they look really good! which type of gundam marker did you use?
  15. sorry for late reply, but Kyp has got it right already
  16. fren, i have brought this up in macross world before, maybe you missed the discussion. and its too hard for me to find the link to that thread for you anymore. but please obey this one rule: NEVER EVER use gundam marker for the 1/60 ver2 VF-1 you will regret it. *note: gundam markers work fine for 1/48 VF-1 BUT NOT the 1/60 ver2 VF-1 you better use a 2B pencil for panel lining ur 1/60 ver2 VF-1.
  17. OMG its you again! ur GODLIKE customs collection simply take my breath away everytime i see them! i am so jealous of ur custom miria VF-1A and VF-11B keep up the good work awesome dude
  18. i would think the weathering would be random pretty much we can do the weathering ourselves. i am planning to panel line my max valk with a normal 2B pencil, it actually works! i'll post pics when i'm done
  19. the normal bare naked Valkyrie has no problems with the legs sagging in jet mode, even without clear coat tightness. you'll only start seeing the problem when you add the super parts. clear coat will help a little. but only magnets will truly solve the problem. luckily, the armored version has tabs to lock itself together. so, i just want to say that the super parts are quite poorly design from this perspective (only).
  20. hi guys! great stuff here's some from me
  21. some of my quick pics in jetmode: and this might not be what you wanted, but js posting it here for fun:
  22. congrats dude on ur first super messiah model glad to hear that u like it more than ur DX i myself have made 4 super messiah kits, my only complaint is that the fighter mode doesnt lock together, and that the display stand adapters do a poor job supporting the weight due to this i have actually removed all the super parts from my kits, and they are all in the normal bare naked vf-25 modes right now... from ikhii pictures, i see that the armored version is a big improvement also the armored vf-25 actually locks together in jetmode cant wait to get my hands on one!
  23. that is simply awesome ikhii! i am so glad the display stand adapter seems really good! am i hoping the armored battroid display adapter works good for super battroid as well the orignal display adapters worked fine for bare naked vf-25, but it was really having a tough time handling the weight of the super vf-25 in the super version, all we got was a new adapter that could work jet and gerwalk mode, which doesnt even allow u to attach the gunpod in jet mode, and was poor at supporting gerwalk
  24. thanks for more great pictures ikhii kep it up one question, does the armored vf-25 gerwalk mode display adapter work for the super messiah as well? i am really hoping it does....
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