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Everything posted by honkhet

  1. thanks man! a compliment coming from u is truly an honor yeah i did them one by one but honestly not all of them are even these few days i was still doing some touching up on them
  2. thanks shinagami! those earlier green missles were a mix of green + yellow, more to the yellow though. i dropped the green missle scheme in the end, as wanted to be closer to the canon colors cos i figured that i had to have the canon SMS squad collection first after i finish my ozma, i will definitely want to do some non-canon armored messiah schemes
  3. hi man! i painted the whole missle block in dark iron, then the missle tips (only) in white, lastly i painted red dots on them i like how they look this way, rather than painting the missle white with red tips
  4. that looks like a great color to go with the blue! i really admire your patience and attention when it comes to getting the right color
  5. Thanks man! i used a solution called "mr hobby's retarder mild" (funny name huh) it keeps the paint on your brush fluid for longer periods, and greatly reduces brush strokes
  6. thanks for those comments guys! i used a solution called "mr hobby's retarder mild" (funny namehuh) it keeps the paint on your brush fluid for longer periods, and greatly reduces brush strokes
  7. thanks mickyg! yeah actually for those pics with both guns mounted i merely used thumb tacks its just for photography purposes, i simply couldnt resist the temptation since bandai provided both guns anyway
  8. some poses from my 1/72 armored alto model, just completed
  9. finally completed my model kit and i couldnt resist doing the following stuff: THUMB TACK ALERT
  10. i finally completed my model and photo shoot here are some pics, and you can view the complete set here: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...mp;#entry786019 thanks for viewing
  11. hi man! thanks for ur comment everything is hand painted with a good array of brushes, and clear coating comes from a spray can i dont have an airbrush
  12. phew, finally came to the end it has been a long road, thanks to all for viewing presenting... part 3: battroid mode
  13. part 2: gerwalk mode
  14. thanks for ur comment thom i finally completed my model now, posting these pics before i go to sleep thanks everyone for viewing part 1: jet mode
  15. posting some pics of my completed armored alto in jet mode cant show gerwalk and battroid mode yet cos still working on the hands and rifles more pics at my blog
  16. Thanks alot guys! Its ur comments that make it so worthwhile for me After my macross hiatus due to that movie called revenge of the fallen, its good to be back!
  17. hi guys, this is really a great thread! i have just completed the jet mode for my armored VF-25F, in the end i kind off decided to stick to the canon scheme, but still retain the black armor plus some metallic here and there. i cant show gerwalk/battroid mode yet cos i havent finished painting the rifles and hands was supposed to finish them this weekend but i was travelling and forgot to bring the related sprues. so i js contnued with what i had brought along with me, and here are some shots i made at the hotel
  18. thanks for the comments guys, really appreciate them! meanwhile, i have just completed the jet mode. in the end i kind off decided to stick to the canon scheme, but still retain the black armor plus some metallic here and there. i cant show gerwalk/battroid mode yet cos i havent finished painting the rifles and hands was supposed to finish them this weekend but i was travelling and forgot to bring the related sprues. so i js contnued with what i had brought along with me, and here are some shots i made at the hotel
  19. hi mickyg, same as lolicon i also use mr mark setter all the time, its a really good product! do try ur best to find it... will make ur life easier meanwhile, keep up the good work
  20. that is looking very nice, good work! i oso like the rabbits scheme that you choose, a good break from the typical skull scheme i plan to do a VF-25G in the VF-0A scheme soon, will definitely refer to ur work when i get to it
  21. hi macross world! i am working on alto's armored messiah in a non-canon scheme right now, and wanted to share some pics of the work in progress the armor scheme is not yet finalized, but i admit its too late to change most of it already i dont have an airbrush at home and all this is hand painted so here are the pics, any comments/advice are welcomed shoulder parts: the legs: shield: armor pack: main body: overall scheme trial run:
  22. i agree with most of your points i too think the VE-1 would give more bang for buck than this VT but the VE is more expensive, as listed by yamato at their website
  23. the head is a better take than yamato's for sure great job!
  24. first time i am seeing this, wow just wow for now need time to digest
  25. fantastic work man, pure madness!
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