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Everything posted by honkhet

  1. Ok guys, i think we are all just trying to help wwkkim in his tough decision here. All our views given here are actually just swayed by how much we still love the VF-0 inspite of the known shortcomings and the availabilty of the vf-0. Thus we are all divided in our opinions and have this heated debate here Ok to cap my own point of view, i'll just say that eversince i got my 1/60 vf-1 ver2, i just simpy lost my love for the vf-0. Its sad but true...
  2. wwkkim, so far of all the yamato valks i have bought, the VF-0 is the floppiest and NOTHING ELSE EVEN COMES CLOSE. the YF-19 fighter mode is not floppy at all in fact it is VERY solid. the only downfall for the YF-19 to me is the GERWALK mode where nothing holds the upper portion together, meaning if you hold the YF-19 upside down in GERWALK the whole upper portion will flop around. but we already have guides on how to fix that problem in the MWF about the YF-19 go search.
  3. Hell YEAH! SYMBOL OF THE UNIVERSE! peace...
  4. That is very true, putting a 1/48 vf-1 with a 1/60 vf-0 does look more natural to me too. I dont know why, but i just can't accept the fact that an older valkyrie (VF-0) can be bigger than a more modern one (VF-1). no matter what the justification such as the VF-1 was designed smaller than the VF-0 so that it has better thrust to weight ratio, thus saving on fuel/energy consumption. this is of course, only according to the story. however, if u put a 1/60 VF-1 together with the 1/60 YF-19 or YF-21, then it doesnt look akward anymore. when ppl view my macross collection, i love telling them about how the macross mecha evolved from a VF-1, to YF-19 and to YF-21. i always liked to assume the YF-21 is more modern than the YF-19 simply bcos i can tell ppl "look at the pilot, he sits in the plane with his hands in a praying-like position, cos he only uses his brain waves to control the plane." the oohs and ahhs i get from them is hella satisfying
  5. i totally agree with jenius. i have both the vf-1s roy focker 1st release and also vf-1j hikaru, and also both the VF-0A (cannon fodder) and VF-0S (ghost combo). The ver2 VF-1 are both are in fantastic condition and most importantly, they are simply better toys than the VF-0. i practically have no complaints about them. The problem with the vf-0 is not only confined to the shoulders (my vf-0A had shoulder problems, my vf-0S did not). I can immediately point out there are also other problems such as - the floppiness of the whole neck of the jet. - the legs cant peg firmly in jet mode, especially when u use the display stand adapter (it fits in between the front intakes causing both legs to slightly spread apart) - the looseness of the ankle extension locks (that sometimes give way to the weight of the battroid when posed as just standing) (i know this is supposed to have been fixed from VF-0A shin combo onwards. i have the VF-0S ghost combo, but still its too loose for its own good) - the chicken hands that cant grip the gunpod firmly - the GERWALK mode forward bend leg extensions (mine both VF-0A and VF-0S has cracks there and i covered them with some super glue and coating) - the material of the toy (simply feels inferior to the vf-1 ver2) the only thing the VF-0 does is look awesome in all 3 modes and thats it. the moment you touch it, you will know the beauty is only skin deep. so far the release only mentioned about the fixes for the shoulders (i guess nothing else) and i dont think its worth it to freak out on just one report of the VF-1A shoulder breaking, as you are missing out on a very good toy. well ok yeah if u wanna play safe then go for the VF-1S Hikaru. and yeah as jenius pointed out, who knows what problems the 2nd release VF-0 will have? and are we gonna freak out again on a few bad reports, cancel our orders and wait until all the smoke clears again? nothing is perfect in this world, when buying toys there will always be a risk involved. as far as i'm concerned, the risk for the 1/60 VF-1 ver2 is low enough right now, but i do sympathize with those who had problems. my advise: get the 1/60 VF-1 ver 2
  6. There is no question about it - that 1/60 ver2.0 VF-1S is just awesome. 1/60 ver2.0 VF-1S > 1/60 VF-0S :D:D
  7. need to mention here that i also loosened up the shoulders of my vf-1j a little bit. felt they were a bit too tight out of the box. here are the pics i took back in my room
  8. my vf-1s roy that i got together with fast packs also has the dreaded hairline cracks on the shoulder tabs, but they are not yet broken... its sad but i think i knew very much the risks of getting the first release. i gues i'm js glad that eversince the vf-1a, things have been A ok
  9. i just got my super vf-1j too while MWF was under maintenance. i'm happy to report that its awesome and has no problems at all! here are some pics i took during the weekend Hope u guys dun mind the dirty background as i took them in a factory... this is what hikaru has to say to those who still havent bought their 1/60 vf-1 ver2: thanks for bearing with the pic spam
  10. (sorry.. please ignore this post, it was a reply to an already answered question)
  11. HAHA i see what you mean yeah the VF-0S i have is floppy in jet mode, this cant be helped... but mine has no loose joints, shoulders are 'A' OK! note the shoulder "pads" in my photos which i point upward, it was only possible to do this after adding some super glue inside to create residue and give some friction. else it would be too loose and the shoulder "pads" just flop down. but this is only a small problem =) this fix was worth the effort, as u see in my first pic, shoulder pads pointing upward in GERWALK mode is darn awesome (assuming you will agree with me ).
  12. my sentiments exactly hahaha vf-0 looks so much more advanced than the vf-1 but i wouldnt blame anyone for that... vf-1 has been around since 1980s... and the vf-0 has done nothing less but look beautiful in all 3 modes. even my mama says: "you said vf-0 is the predecessor to the vf-1??? please go check your stories before you come home tell your mama" T_T
  13. Greetings from Malaysia! At last i got my 1/60 vf-1s with strike parts, and have been scrutinizing the toy for the past 2 days. i compared him with the vf-0s and the 1/48 vf-1a. man there is so many things to say, but overall, the new 1/60 simply rocks. however, buying a 1/60 vf-1s to replace your 1/48 vf-1s in your collection, could be as wrong as buying a yf-19 to replace a vf-0s, if you get what i mean. anyway, i dont even know where to start to comment, i'll just let the pictures do the talking. a pic says a thousand words...
  14. sorry double post..
  15. Greetings from Malaysia! At last i got my 1/60 vf-1s with strike parts, and have been scrutinizing the toy for the past 2 days. i compared him with the vf-0s and the 1/48 vf-1a. man there is so many things to say, but overall, the new 1/60 simply rocks. however, buying a 1/60 vf-1s to replace your 1/48 vf-1s in your collection, could be as wrong as buying a yf-19 to replace a vf-0s, if you get what i mean. anyway, i dont even know where to start to comment, i'll just let the pictures do the talking. a pic says a thousand words...
  16. greetings from malaysia! i have just bought mine and transformed it to all 3 modes with no problems at all. its absolutely perfect, but in no way a replacement for the 1/48... but this discussion belongs to another thread. thumbs up!
  17. my vote goes to the 1/48 vf-1j with FP. i think for the 1/48 series, the 1j head is the nicest.. and the stealth color scheme is the best, with vf-1j hikaru a close 2nd. max and miria are also really really not bad at all. the stealth scheme comes with extra hands (as with all 1J), and also the low vis pilot, which IMHO is the best pilot mould ever for any valk yamato has ever released. however the hikaru/max/miria pilots are an eyesore with that joysitck glued to the hands. and miria should have been a diff mould with boobs... oh well...
  18. this Ukrainian flanker scheme simply rocks and i would BUY it! i also wish they had a radical 3rd scheme for the VF-0A, the current cannon fodder and shin schemes are js too close to each other i would buy a 2nd VF-0A if that came out
  19. brought my ivanov to office today! many thanks to dogjumpjump's fix, i am now able to proudly display it in launch mode! yeah! now this managed to get more ooo's and ahh's from my colleagues than any of my other valks ever.. the only one to get more ooo's and ahh's was masterpiece G1 starscream.. i guess starscream is js too famous
  20. many thanks for the warm welcome dudes... regarding valkoholism i have already sunken deep into it... my collection now are just remnants of what was.. many thanks to ebay today i managed to sell off the valks that did not make the cut (to me) haha! so as u see, only the macross zero valks made the cut.. regarding armament on the wings, i can say that my nora is nice and tight. on my ivanov (which was first batch) there were missle pods that cant quite snap on the wings, but its no big deal as it can be fixed.. but i dont expect the drooping wings to be able to be fixed, the load is so heavy for just the small piece of wing, its pitiful.. in the end, i would say that sv-51 wil suffer drooping wings on full load no matter what. but it is by no way at unacceptable levels.. just use the display stand instead of landing gear. i would say my nora droops as much as my ivanov, so i dun think any improvement was done for the nora.. i am not sure how much they fixed the drooping wings on the alpha though.. i wish someone would go buy that alpha and post pics here for us to see ^^
  21. hi everyone, this is my first post! i have been reading macross world forums for a few months already, and finally registered to start posting yesterday. js wanna say that the sv-51 is my current favourite among all the valks, i currently have both ivanov and nora, and seriously thinking about getting the alpha too. my ivanov was among the first batch and it had the left wing hinge problem, i solved it pretty easily using dogjumpjump's method. our valkyries are very expensive and not problem free, i am just glad we have a good forum where we can find info on how to fix these problems. thanks alot macross world forums and its great to be here! pics of my humble collection:
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