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Everything posted by honkhet

  1. yeah.. my sentiments exactly.... but i'll still try to answer that: by right, skull leader shud have a black canopy to distinguish himself from other skull vf-1As.. but since max was promoted first and already received his black canopy, and hikaru got promoted later, guess UN spacy told hikaru: "hey... so u see, while you were still bonding with misa, max was already promoted to skull leader and did a great job. now that you're back, well ur still promoted but... you're gonna get a red heat shield... so please live with it, any questions?... oh yeah, please use the same fast packs you got for ur 1A, we'll add a strike canon for you... and yeah no black color code for ur fast pack skulls either"
  2. thanks IXTL! i eat my words, black it is! it sure looks awesome with a black heatshield not doubt guess max got it black cos he was promoted prior to hikaru in the movie roy and hikaru were still missing in action when max was promoted by having a black heatshield, max' vf-1s definitely looks higher ranking than hikaru's vf-1s with red heatshield, dont you guys think?
  3. even though i hope i'm wrong, but that heat shield looks like blue, its just under a shadow. also, i put the japanese into google translator, and it says nothing about a black heat shield.
  4. what i am doing during this economic downturn, is limiting my new purchases to only 1/72 model kits (hasegawa or bandai frontier), and a few yamato 1/60 vf-1 v2 once in a blue moon (no destroids for now). once the economy picks up again, BANG i swear i'll own every repaint recolor and remold of all the yamato 1/60 and DX chogokin and friggin destroid out there
  5. yes they are different. and i'm sure by now, you would have checked the pics again and noticed the differences... on a side note, i wished they made the TV 1A head a bit fatter like in the lineart... and they clearly did so for the GNU-do TV 1As, why didnt they do it for 1/60 v2
  6. hahaha take it easy on that guy he joined macross world on oct 2008, that was before he bought his 1st valk. now, its only feb 2009 and look at his collection
  7. LOLed but hey, not enough leg room in the rear seat for a full sized pilot? if they do a virgin road vf-1d, then miria's also gonna have to have her knees pulled up like minmey, or she would have isamu legs. and we all know how much that would suck... did yamato ever have a virgin road or CF vf-1d in mind? seems like they didnt after all... hope there's enough room in the rear seat for the VT-1 and VE-1
  8. honkhet

    yamato's next move

    this is just crazy...
  9. agreed, WAAAY overpriced... i really have no idea who would buy them, even a half assed noob modeller like me can do a decent job on the hands, its no big deal
  10. i still dont get it could someone enlighten me?
  11. *hides in a corner and cries...*
  12. ZOMG!!! this is too much to bear. i'm SO glad not to have bought any of the DX, now i will have money for these true beauties!
  13. ZOMG! cant wait to get my hands on one!!! or should i wait for the standalone super parts on 26th feb??? damn...
  14. thats for yamato to think about let them do the work... afterall, we are paying good money for these
  15. And, that has GOT TO BE MISA HAYASE in the VT-1... please please
  16. but they released these VFX2 versions of their VF-11B and VF-19A GNU-Dos... right?
  17. New cockpit... OWNING!!
  18. honkhet

    yamato's next move

    VF-22S!!! VF-11B repaint! and... in 2 years time, yamato will get the FRONTIER license. you may not believe me now, but i will be saying I TOLD YOU SO 2 years from now...
  19. hey, so the: - alto super vf-25f kit is suppose to be out 19th feb - luca rvf-25 26th feb - vf-25 super parts 26th feb i have yet to hear any news on the super vf-25f... i just cant wait!!!
  20. will we have that VFX2 variant of the vf-11b i wonder, that scheme is also damn good! i wouldnt mind at all having 2 VF-11Bs
  21. i support the idea of this thread too, but guys, we have to limit this thread to only scoop reports. i think its time to stop posting replies/discussions on this thread anymore, the purpose of this thread is so we can have a fast look up for any breaking news. adding more replies to anything here is going to kill the whole purpose sooner or later. can the mods do something?
  22. "SAL" and "can't wait" can never be mentioned together
  23. aw man!!! great job!!! can u also show the conenctor u used to connect it to that gundam display stand?
  24. i have to say, the panel lining DOES make it look MUCH better! congrats on your purchase, ur pics have swayed me quite a bit
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