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Everything posted by honkhet

  1. first of all to avoid further confusion, those are called "super parts", not "armor". i wont dare to go as far to use the Gundam action stand for the DX VF-25 with super parts... its too heavy! even the 1/72 model kit vf-25 with super parts is a bit heavy for it but come on, the mikhail DX VF-25 that comes with super parts does come with its own display stand anyway, you shouldnt even be cosidering the gundam stand if your getting mikhail
  2. don't worry chewie, there's plenty of love to go around at macross world so regarding your question, yes it works for the DX as well, you may refer to here for pics on the action stand: http://gamu-toys.info/goukin/gouki/dxf01vf25s/02.html after careful observation though, you can see it doesnt really work for GERWALK mode also i suspect the peg doesnt really secure the battroid mode.
  3. i hope for a standalone vf-11B also, but it seems highly unlikely
  4. i used only the normal stickers (not the water ones) for my model, they do the job pretty decently... they include stickers and water decals for all 4 colors (yellow, red, blue, green) although if you could find the correct paint color, i would recommend to paint it as its only 4 small parts to paint. i am planning to replace my stickers with the water decals later on when i have time, using mr. hobby's mark setter and some clear coat for protection. the good thing about water decals is that you can adjust it as much as you want to get a perfect fit before allowing it to dry
  5. jet mode this is the mode where it really shines. simply can't describe how breathtakingly beautiful it is, i only hope the pics i posted here do it justice. this is where you get the ultimate satisfaction from adding the super parts. i was also pleasantly surprised that the legs do hold up pretty well when the jet is posed on a display stand. and yes, its still the same gunpod+peg that holds it!! still, i feel its best that it should be on its landing gear. and this is the way my super messiah will be displayed for a long time. conclusion by all means, do get the super parts! its simply beautiful and everybody will go WOW when they see it on your display (well, almost everybody). if you are thetype of guy who just likes displaying your model kit and not transforming them alot, then you should get super parts for all your vf-25 except of course for ozma. but i would not recommend getting more than 2 if you like to play alot with your model kit (like i do). after experiencing the transformation with the super parts on, the original non-super parts model seems a whole lot more easy to transform and durable now. the main let downs is the non-existent gerwalk mode. i dont want to pretend that i can live with that... but nothing much can be done. also the robot mode unable to stand very well is a minor issue, as all you need is a cheap gundam display stand. Verdict (For the super messiah as a whole) As a toy: 7/10 As a model: 10/10 I had to put 2 types of ratings to be fair. I know its a model kit in strict sense, but there are people (like me) getting it as a cheaper alternative to the DX toy. It's awesome beauty, awesome value for money as a model. but as a toy it has some glaring flaws and not so playable. when the awesomeness dies down, i know i will prefer a vf-25 with NO super parts.
  6. hi guys, here's my mini review of the super messiah model kit. first thing's first, here are the pics of the parts needed to be replaced from your regular vf-25. quite alot of work here. the whole area near the intakes of the jet mode need to be replaced. the groin area of the robot mode needs to be rebuilt. also, the side armor and back armor for the legs need to be replaced. but i'm really loving the new shield. here's a comparison between the super parts shield and the original shield: transformation if you found the vf-25 transformation a pain, then the super messiah is even more so. still, it is pretty much the same steps, with 2 additional pegs for the missle pods needed to be added when you're in robot mode. the entire leg armor also has to be removed when you want to access the peg to extend the feet out. surprisingly this was quite easy to remove, compared to flipping open the leg armor of the original vf-25. i would advise to remove the wing boosters first whenever you attempt to transform it, even though you do not have to. this is to reduce the strain on the wing joints, as the joints are rather small. battroid mode this mode can barely stand by itself due to the weight of the wing boosters at the back. even after you get it balanced, it WILL topple over anytime. you really need a display stand for robot mode, simply no other way. anyhow, it looks freaking awesome!!! a wholesome upgrade for the messiah indeed. i love the pose when even after equipping these super awesome super parts, the weapon of choice is still the good ol' combat knife. looks darn stupid, yet absolutely stylish at the same time! gerwalk mode unfortunately, gerwalk mode was simply non-existent for me. the weight of the boosters is simply too much to bear and the whole wing portion just flops down in gerwalk mode. you may be able to use super glue residue to create enough friction for it to stay up. but i am not going to do that for now... i am pretty amazed by those ppl who are able to get GERWALK mode to work with the super parts on, and have seen a few pictures. BUT i am really not surprised as to although we have already seen the Ozma vf-25s with ARMOR PACK model kit pics, NONE of them shows the GERWALK mode... if anyone has seen one do let me know
  7. i noticed that they do provided "opened" landing bay covers, but do they provide "closed" landing bay covers as well? i was wondering if i could put hasegawa model on a display stand, without landing gears deployed, and the landing bays covers closed...
  8. i dont mind if they can be removed, but can the covers also be folded into place? or do we have seperate parts for "folded" landing covers ala vf-25 model kit? i was just concerned as to whether the landing gear needs to be always deployed i PERFECTLY UNDERSTAND this is a model kit. anyway thanks for your reply.
  9. i wish you good luck at doing that, but bear in mind its difficult to rub off any mistakes, as implied by dobber's post
  10. the black heat shield is sweet! also love the vf-1a!
  11. miriya, the 1/48 yamato vf-1 plastic is very different from the 1/60 ver 2 vf-1 (as dobber used it on his vf-1d) i just want to warn anyone here about being misled, into thinking of using the gundam marker on their 1/60 ver 2 vf-1 if anyone can show that they can easily rub off marker lines from their 1/60 ver 2 vf-1, i'd be happy to be proven wrong.
  12. by the way, may i ask if the landing gear of these hasegawa kits are able to be removed/retracted and the landing gear covers folded in? or do the landing gears always have to stay on?
  13. Hey Man! NEVER EVER use gundam markers on Yamato (edited for clarity) 1/60 ver.2 VF-1 plastic!!! it is a totally different ball game, the plastic is different than the model kit plastic. it is more porous so the marker ink totally goes into it, you cant rub it off with your thumb, and yes like what happened to you, you needed nail polish or some other stuff to get it off and may hurt your yamato in the process. whatever was mentioned here was with regard to MODEL KIT plastics, where the gundam marker really does wonders. and can be rubbed off instantly. ...i am really sorry you had to learn this the hard way
  14. holy cow thats some serious posing skills i havent seen in a while!!! ruskiii, looks like someone is here to give you a run for your money
  15. :S what he meant was in comparison with the DX chogokin pilots, not ur destroid pilot or maintenance crew... the DX chogokin pilots are much smaller than the 1/60 pilots done by yamato. so although a 2.5cm Ranka might be correct in terms of scale, the DX chogokin pilots are not in scale
  16. thanks alot for the comments and inputs guys! sorry for my slow reply as when i posted it, it was already 230am in my part of the world i didnt use any gloss paint, only tinted the inner side of the cockpit using mr. hobby's clear coat (blue and smoke grey) the afterburners and nozzles on the super parts were already in bronze thanks to Bandai! most of the gloss came from my camera's flash i think i only used a gundam marker GM02 for all the panel lines. as for the choice of color for the cockpit tint, yeah maybe will go for grey as the standardized shade for all 4 of them (ozma, alto, mikhail and luca) the blue tint looks great too, but may only be suitable for alto i am still waiting for my luca to arrive
  17. After many late nights, at last i just completed my super vf-25f :D:D i am still undecided whether i should go with a blue or grey cockpit though i'd be glad if you guys could give some inputs on this adding the superparts really made it beefier, the wing boosters are huge! now it dont look so out of place anymore side-by-side with yamato's 1/60 vf-1
  18. ZOMG that is awesome work! sorry for my noobiness, but wow i never knew there were 1/72 tomahawk kits? who made them?
  19. wow vegas, ur collection is probably what defines nirvana for a macross fan... a bit off topic, been seeing alot of yf-19 pics, inverted wings 'n all, yf-19/vf-19 its really a beauty of a mecha... but its a real shame that the main characters that piloted it were idiots (referring to isamu and basara) its the main thing that deterred me from buying a yf-19
  20. okay okay... enough rants about clear parts. I have never seen cathy in such a SEXY pose!!! man those cathy decals RULE. simply js gotta get that super ozma even tho i already have an ozma built damn bandai
  21. Thats right right now i already have an ozma and alto assembled, plus an extra ozma kit yet to be... "i'll keep it unassembled until the armored pack is out... or until i freak out and just assemble it... whatever comes first" i'll keep my present alto un-superparted, if needed i will buy the alto bundle, but i wont super part my completed alto... for sure
  22. yup, i really dont think they will change anything in terms of sculpt and mold...
  23. holy smokes thanks for the reply to my question guys!!! VERY appreciated this kinda justifes collecting the max vf-1s and a miria vf-1j later on... as its appearance in macross 7 proves they do co-exist. previously i thought only the max vf-1j co-existed with the miria vf-1j (ala SDF TV series)
  24. HECK, we even saw yellow heat shield for roy when he chased the captured VT-1 and entered that zentran ship and got himself captured. yamato's move of changing max heat shield black to be "anime accurate" no doubt will spring tonnes of questions about anime accuracy... i mean this debate is going to be endless lets all just refer to the macross mecha manual... ahhh black heat shield for vf-1s max... what about hikaru... damn cant really see the heat shield in that pic, but the fast pack skulls are in black so the heatshield should also be black... peace
  25. ... did max vf-1s ever appear in macross 7? sorry that i never watched macross 7
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