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Everything posted by honkhet

  1. nice job at the tiniting, general chaos, keep up the good work! i tinted all my valk cockpits in smoke grey, but purple or blue definitely looks good on alto Hi Dex, the brand i am using is "Mr. Hobby" i'll take a photo of the paint products that i use when i get home from work, 8 hours later meanwhile, i'd like to eat my own words regarding the gerwalk mode with super parts. it is possible, no cheating required! Bandai were not lying when they said its a 3 mode variable kit seen here, again all the clear coat on the joints are doing the magic. guess when it comes to kits, no one else but yourself is in charge of the QC. i want to say to all those assembling their kits right now, do your very best, and you will definitely reap the rewards no cheating this time!
  2. superb collection man! a good mix of DYRL and SDF vf-1, posters, action figures and that poor 1/72 vf-11B, spending its last days on the shrine
  3. wow, it'd be nice to display with 1/48 yamato vf-1
  4. HOLY poo! cant wait! come on, come on, COME ON!
  5. Thanks guys for all the comments very appreciated
  6. WOW that collection is in a class of its own! those huge huge HUGE models! welcome to the forums, and hope your collection continues to grow
  7. totally agree on that, ozma also has the same problem with his yellow its not so bad for hikaru and luca though good luck with your decals and hope to see ur pics soon
  8. here goes, me and my 1/72 vf-25g model kit's desperate attempt to imitate swoosh and the 1/60 vf-25g DX chogokin... thanks for the inspiration swoosh, and hope you dont mind hope we didnt do too bad this is just for showing off the abdominal muscles and to end this...
  9. thanks for the lengthy explanation dude, alot of stuff i didnt know before. only regret is that i should have read it earlier, as i just only finished my latest photo shoot
  10. very creative and hilarious poses
  11. hi again, here are my 1/72 vf-25g mikhail in jet mode pics
  12. ...and jet mode pics hope you all enjoyed it
  13. finishing my stint with michel, here are the sniping poses...
  14. if you apply clear coat on all the joints, you'll definitely solve the floopy issue at least for me it has but you have to make sure you dont overdo the application, else it will become too tight
  15. honkhet

    yamato's next move

    i'd definitelty love to see the yf-21 in a different paint scheme my guess is that yamato can go all in to make kick-ass, non-canon paint schemes with the non vf-1 molds that they already have this would avoid license issues i guess YF-19 YF-21 VF-11B VF-0 SV-51 (already has 3 schems to it, unlikely i guess)
  16. hi man, can you put ur DX mikhail battroid and your model kit ozma battroid side by side for a pic? js wanna see the size comparison thanks
  17. WoA man! that was really brave
  18. for the model kits, you pretty much OWN the QC of your own model that is the good news. i wouldnt say there are any structural improvements on the vf-25g, but what i did was apply clear coat ( a thin layer, dont overdo it) on EVERY SINGLE JOINT in the model. yup every single one, and it really paid off! right now i js completed my mikhail and i can say it is really really solid even with the super parts on now i can even pose the battroid mode even with the super parts on, no display stand needed! anyway js talk is not enough, i wil post more pics of my mikhail tmr, but for now here's a pose to prove how solid the elbow and shoulder joints are right now:
  19. thanks man after some experience with the model kit (Mikhail is my #3) i applied clear coat on every single joint in the model kit i could find, and it really paid off! even with the heavy boosters the wings do not flop around anymore. everything is really very nice and tight right now and i'm very happy but talking about it is not enough, i'll post more pics tomorrow for now, here's a pic to prove how solid its arms and elbows are right now the elbow can sustain the weight of the whole sniper rifle
  20. hi guys, this thread is really on fire! this is a pose using my 1/72 vf-25g model kit i'll try to imitate swoosh's DX sniper poses later
  21. thanks for helping vegas, you have mad skills!
  22. that is simply WOW, macrossman its the first time any picture made me feel the vf-1 looked more anvanced than the vf-0 i like the angles you used for the shots by the way, whats the scale of the bay crew you used? here's my contribution to this thread (this is a 1/72 model kit, NOT the DX chogokin )
  23. nice pics nylcbv, especially ur mac plus ghost X9 i am barely able to resist getting the super parts + ozma bundle right now (which is at 20% discount right now) try my best to wait for armor pack + ozma in june meanwhile, me over here just completed my mikhail, here's the pics
  24. Thanks alot for the clarification jenius! at least you made the effort to look into it, instead of just brushing it aside a VF-25 burning its own tail fins is really a horrifying sight glad the smoke is cleared up now
  25. hi guys, js wanna ask if the tail fins are in the way of the super parts after burners? if it really is, i have nothing more to say about the DX, cos this is really the last straw
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