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Everything posted by honkhet

  1. nice pics alfye makes me wanna remove the super parts from my mikhail, really, the model kit is a fine and sturdy toy without the super packs i also need to get my ass cracking and get on doing those water slide decals
  2. seems the VF-1S max is still on schedule though, but will it have the shoulder pin fix...
  3. noticed ur vf-25g white stripes are really bright, alfye my guess is that they're water slide decals? well done man
  4. thanks miriya great pics alfye vf-25 is beautiful in this pic, shooting off for a mission "code victor"
  5. yeah, i meant to the audience i have to admit, i'm one of those people who didnt actually notice Max piloted a 1S until someone told me
  6. hey no problem mate the thing about the model kit vf-25 is that its rather small.. look at the size comparison with the 1/60 vf-1j, and ppl complain about the size of the 1/60 vs the 1/48 most of the time i find if i fit in the whole 1/72 vf-25 body in the pic, my cam cant pick up the small details (panel lines esp.) of it anymore, and the pic turns out a bit blur. i'll try to play around with the settings and steady my hands (dont have a tripod) abit more
  7. a bit dumb to ask this in a max jenius forum, but which 1S do u guys think made the most impact in DYRL? hikaru or max? i simply cant decide between these 2
  8. man, its getting embarassing to post my pics here anymore i really need an SLR! should i sacrifice my 3 next macross purchases just to buy one? damn some sucky non-SLR pics for the day:
  9. your pics look good, 1979!
  10. ...so guys, how many of you are getting the 1S and/or the 1A? i think i'll get the 1A, cos my guess is that my gf would be furious if she saw i got an exact copy of roy, with just a blue line for another 100 bucks (USD)? she'd practically slaughter me
  11. very impressive! how i wish i had a diorama setup like urs that drinks vending machine is da bomb! on a side note, i think you forgot to extend the neck of your vf-0A the 1/60 yamato vf-0 actually have necks and you need to pull up the head to reveal it. however this neck is not as apparent on the vf-0s due to its large chin
  12. i know people who, loved kakizaki and even felt sad when he died my fav is the G
  13. here are the joints that i recommend to be applied clear coat for tightening i managed to attain gerwalk mode with super vf-25 by doing this, and gone are the days when my super vf-25 robot mode was "barely standing" the rest is up to you optionally, you may tighten the hip armor here and remove this tab, and you wont need to remove leg armor everytime you transform it.
  14. yeah, i think thr should be no diff between semi-gloss or flat i really recommend using the retarder altho its a bit more costly without the retarder, the paint on your brush will dry up very fast
  15. definitely, the joints need to be tightened somewhat... clear coat is one way to do it, and its working for me so far maybe someone knows a better way? if you make the effort to tighten every joint (but dont overdo it), not only do you get a gerwalk mode, but u get a rather sturdy toy overall. notice in my picture of the sniping pose, the wings stay up very well despite the weight of the boosters:
  16. thanks man really looking forward to add armored ozma, and hoefully some q-rae, vf-27 and vf-171 in the future, go Bandai!
  17. yeah, the box art itself is damn awesome i would collect them if i could unfortunately, all my stuff i bought as standalones very tempted to get the super ozma vf-25s bundle, which is still at 20% discount over here and nobody's buying :S
  18. haha! yeah its minnie, mickey is hiding behind that yamato launch arm box
  19. here's my 1/72 vf-25 collection so far
  20. agreed with macross1979, everything is superb about this shot! the pose kicks so much ass, makes me really tempted to make a destroid my next purchase meanwhile, here's my 1/72 vf-25g super messiah again, this time in gerwalk mode no cheating this time
  21. Aww man, you beat me to it! Congratulations on your completion bro i'm sure no words can describe how it feels like my collection is still missing the Ozma, damn... but at least i have mickey mouse
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