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Everything posted by honkhet

  1. definitely already happened to my 1J, it just cant be avoided. weathering is compulsory for all TV valks (hik 1J AND ALSO max 1A, kakizaki 1A cos they are the same white) or you can wait till end of year when the GBP armor comes out, then just cover it with GBP armor it doesnt bother me one bit though... just need to get around to doing the weathering
  2. hey u could try go here: http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/image/10039940a2/20/1 big enough for you?
  3. so far so good actually been transforming it a few times since i completed it, and now i need to put on the super parts which i have just completed decaling. i used mr. hobby's semi gloss clear coat spray and mr. hobby's top coat spray will post photos of each mode here again if anyone's interested wow! i never knew we heard of the designers even thinking about a PG version. be it 1/48 or 1/60 i dont mind, i just want it bigger than 1/72 then it will be a REAL awesome piece. 1/72 is js not awesome enough without super parts its still a solid toy to me, but with super parts i'd treat it as a "transformable model. handle with care" anyway whether it becomes a model or a toy depends on how well you build it me too, i never ever did any model kits before this. i have the DX to thank for leading me to my first model kit. Thanks, DX what do you mean by semi-painted proto? this is the model kit and this looks like the final colors, the rest is up to stickers/decals and up to you so far no news, but if they come up with standalone armor packs i gues you could put them on your luca/mikhail lets wait n see
  4. Agreed with everything you said
  5. simply awesome ikhii! how i wish i had that but i only have vf-1s strike roy and vf-1j super hikaru
  6. oh yeah pete, about decals right, they are very fragile, easy to rip apart and curl up, and after that there's abosolutely nothing u can do to save them its bcos every single decal takes so much work and care to apply, screwing up just one, just once, feels like screwing all the rest of the hardwork
  7. congrats pete on your completion OMG i come home from work, and this is THE news i get! very excited about the armored alto and it comes with SNIPER RIFLE OMG OMG thanks bandai!! life is worth living again
  8. well, the RVF-25 did come with another piece of arm armor that doesnt have the antenna attachment, you cold use that, and give up the antenna. if u want both the gun AND the antenna, then blu-tak is porbably the only option. anyway, luca didnt use his gun very much in the anime, i am perfectly fine about my RVF-25 not having a gun at all
  9. yup each decal needs to be soaked and done individually its helluva lot of work and pain, and takes ALOT of time, waiting for it to dry and coating n stuff and after all that, if you find u screw up one, just ONE decal due to handling, the feeling is like dying a thousand times decals are definitely preferred over stickers though, they are much much more beautiful... by far you'll js have to see the diff for urself, in person thats why ppl go to insane lengths to apply them... and about being frustrated about not going for the DX, i know that feeling all to well... am almost slipping to the darkside
  10. i used cold water and they worked just fine but, i dont dip them for more than 10 seconds, i just make sure to see the whole back of the decal sheet is soaked in water, then it will be just wet enough for the decal to slide off the sheet. if you soak it any longer, the decal and the sheet will separate in the water, and when you try to take your decal out from the water it will curl up very easily and this is very dangerous. always, bring out the decal from the water using the sheet (dont allow them to seperate in water) bring the decal to your model and slide the decal off the sheet. this is the safest way
  11. thanks pete yup the decals need to be soaked in water and only then u can peel it off and apply it to ur model although i must say they dont stick very well, at all (for the vf-25's case) i had to use a mark setter solution to make them stick, and as caution after i finished the decals, i sprayed around 6 layers of semi-gloss clear coat (2 layers per day) and finally a layer of top coat. so this is all to protect the decals from being screwed up especially during handling/transformation. after all the coating, my model practically smells like whisky or rum or some kind of liquer :S
  12. good work westfall & pete i am just done replacing stickers with decals on my michel and also had trouble with the hexagon shoulder decals here's some pix on my finished work, working on the super parts now
  13. honkhet

    Yamato stands

    i was expecting to get these stands to replace my launch arms cant believe yamato did such a bad job
  14. Man!!! i wish i had a collection like yours! Keep it up!
  15. i fully support more repaints of the vf-0 the more i look, the more incompatible they are vf-0s and the vf-0a (dun care CF or shin's) they just dont look good together for me
  16. actually i dont think so... i'm very confident we'll get at least the vf-27, vf-171 and the q-rae they will come out sooner or later the only thing on my want list that i am not sure about is the Destroid Cheyenne Mk II and Destroid Work.
  17. by the way found some CF vf-25 pics while re-watching Mac-F its in ep20 just after sheryl starts singing and the CF squadron is sent out to defend the frontier from vajra, while skull squad members are still stuck underground the sms base. we can see the head! its a....
  18. as always, a nice and objective review Jenius! by the way found some CF vf-25 pics while re-watching Mac-F its in ep20 just after sheryl starts singing and the CF squadron is sent out to defend the frontier from vajra, while skull squad members are still stuck underground the sms base. we can see the head! its a....
  19. haha good catch, yes i did indeed change almost all the stickers to decals got the inspiration from Alfye now i am working on the super parts as well while they're off *EDIT* i sprayed almost 6 layers in total of semi-gloss clear (it became an obsession) and lastly topcoat, js to make sure the decals didnt get ruined while i transformed it back and forth
  20. that kit is coming out in June so for april-may we have no vf-25 kit releases... dry spell while i went shopping today i almost bought a Gundam 00 raiser kit out of desperation, i also went over to eye the yf-19 25th anniv hasegawa kit... guess june just cant come soon enough to kill time, i removed super parts from my mikhail/michel/michael and took some pics
  21. those shots remind me of a Venice themed hotel in Vegas...
  22. Wow the VF-11B really looks great! really want to pick up one now
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