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Everything posted by honkhet

  1. hi man, i wish i could help but i dont really get what you're saying, could u show some pics of the problem ur facing?
  2. ya just one month here's some pics i took today after i got home from work i have just finally finished applying waterslides for my mikhail super parts and sprayed top coat, i think thats as far as i can go already, i'm very very tired i hav to save my stamina for armored ozma here's one pic of luca's gerwalk mode and lastly, another alto robot mode pose man, armored ozma just cant come soon enough
  3. that is an awesome pic man! WOW awesome launch arm too! really heartening to see so many awesome stuff around here
  4. thanks bro man i am dying for that armored ozma right now
  5. the sunlight creeps into my room man, its inevitable
  6. agreed to that still, i love my VF-1J i've seen one of my friends vf-0s (the toy is ard 3 years old already) it yellowed pretty badly and was the worst i seen bear in mind, i'm in malaysia, out of 365 days a year, we get 366 days of sun :S
  7. i'm 1/1 malaysian staying in penang island there's alot of sun in malaysia, thats why my 1/60 vf-1j ver2 is yellowing at an alarming rate time to do my first weathering job
  8. man, i hope the crotch lock is fixed, cos the full armor is gonna be even heavier than the super pack
  9. lol what the hell happenned to your 1S???
  10. also, for my hikaru TV vf-1j, the pure white is starting to yellow and i am one of those who prefer the war machine weathered look. so i dont think removing the "pure" white as a waste. rather, its a necessity
  11. this is incredible! keep it up
  12. absolutely cool work man! what did u use? i wanna try!
  13. YEAH! never seen cathy in that kind of light before! damn should hav also bought that ozma super parts bundle pack, that also came with a sexy cathy
  14. things just cant stop getting better for the model kit line! my oh my, i think i will get both i guess that means no more yamato 1/60 vf-1 ver 2 purchases from me anymore for a very long time, though i do love that line too just as much
  15. doesnt bother me at all. i prefer it this way, non-removable FTW
  16. haha ok man ya although i admit i bash the DX quite alot, i might also get the reissue alto DX even from photos posted around here, its darn easy to tell who has the 1st issue Alto and who has the 2nd issue, although it was js a small fix, the diff is unmistakeable
  17. wow man! great work going on there
  18. GO FOR IT BRO! this is going to be AWESOME!!!
  19. nice display arrangement dude
  20. oh man! you got that darn right! now i too will never be able to look at the defender the same way again
  21. yup, and thanks man
  22. need more proof that i play with my model kits alot? and i am not scared, AT ALL sorry for the pic spam, but i figured if i wanted to prove a point, i might as well go all the way these are all my own photos --- time out Do you have any idea, how strong my wing joints are from this photo? one last one to prove how strong michel's elbow joint is:
  23. well, here it is, even with super parts, no problem.
  24. this topic has been beaten to death. i just want to add my 2 cents and get the hell out of here. For me, the DX has its good and bad, but it is no way, absolutely not worth its price. the 1/72 vf-25 model kit, how good it is depends on you yourself. if you did a half-ass job, u get a half-ass model. it is not the model kit's fault at all. if you did an awesome job, u might get something that is better than the DX. by awesome job, i do not mean awesome paint job, but an awesome build with good solid and tight joints. i play with my 1/72 vf-25 model kits all the time, no joints loosening at all. why? cos i took the lengths to tighten and strengthen all the joints. this gerwalk pose with super parts says it all. i dont think anyone here except for me has shown their 1/72 vf-25 model with super parts in gerwalk standing by itself, with the nose in dirt ass in air A stance. if they can, then i am happy for them cos they did a good job.
  25. no, of course i dont like it! js trying to stay positive. no i dont smoke, at all. period. why anyone smokes is totally beyond my understanding. but, i live in malaysia which has a tropical climate. sunlight is plenty. and i dont have a room which blocks out so much sunlight a vampire could survive in there and i dont think i'll enjoy keeping my collection in a dark closet and like junkie said, we all should check out the fountain of youth thread. yes, a very influential person on these forums (guess who) did cough out about GBP coming at the end of the year, and that is as good as a confirmation.
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