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Everything posted by honkhet

  1. Kaki DYRL 1S??? that is an atrocity
  2. i was looking for where this thread was! thanks for bringing it back gen chaos! and yeah yamato WHERE IS OUR TV KAKI 1A??? the wait is overwhelming! must have him in my hands ASAP
  3. i want kaki TV 1A so much
  4. hey man completing a 1/72 vf-25 kit gives satisfaction like no other! now on to the next one with you mate! by the way is that a gundam unicorn beside it? what scale is it?
  5. May 21st has come! we should be seeing CF 1J, max dyrl 1A, kaki TV 1A and maybe kaki dyrl 1A out by now!!! *EDIT* they all got pushed to June release, my bad
  6. TV 1A max just doesnt work for me in jet mode the blue just looks awkward at the places that they are in jet mode robot & gerwalk mode is OK... but i'll prefer TV 1A kakizaki anytime his yellowish brown (?) matches much better with the plain white than max's blue
  7. believe me these toys are evil when vf-1s max was up for preorder i was saying "nah, i don't see any point getting it" i finally made an excel s-s to keep track of toy lines, toy releases that i am interested in or slash them if i am not interested: ones ticked are those i have, and others with notes to remind me why i should/shouldn't get them hope this is gonna work for me...
  8. save those TV FPs for the 1J or 1A CFs... that i am sure will match up nicely as far as vermillion squad are concerned, IMO they are all better off without FPs...
  9. alrite guys, points taken agreed with SDK too that SV-51 and YF-21 are exponentially more complex designs hope the shoulder issue with the 1/60 ver2 vf-1 will be ended with this releases onwards...
  10. man, that i can comprehend. ...anyway, nope no problems with the Max so far or my 1J hikaru for that matter
  11. add my vote too for matte finish
  12. thanks man... shoulder hinge? no problem at all my Roy has both shoulder hinges cracked, i just put super glue on it, and never bothered me since. honestly i could never comprehend what all the fuss on shoulder hinge was about...
  13. probably, the only reason why this thread suddenly became into a yamato vs bandai thread, is because of the lack of news coming from the DX line ok dudes, both are good in their own way and both have solid fan bases let's just leave the arguements where they are right now hopefully some good DX news will come soon
  14. thats right pete vf-25 definitely hasnt been done justice but for now, 1/72 model kit is as close to justice as we can get
  15. my gf's birthday is just around the corner so i only have the budget for one and here was the choice i made today
  16. sorry man, cant help you with that, i have the TV super parts but... i broke down and bought the max DYRL vf-1s today
  17. all these pics are making me mad with jealousy! that's it! i'm gonna purchase another yamato vf-1 after work today in fact, i am leaving office now i still havent decided which one to buy... VF-1D? max VF-1S? hikaru VF-1S? TV max VF-1A? arrghh i am having a headache now
  18. totally agree with geepogi and thankheaven its the main reason why i dont have a yf-19 now i used to have a 25th anniv yf-19 but i sold it off the new repaints arent doing anything for me either
  19. DYRL Max 1A DYRL Kakizaki 1A SDF CF 1J all pushed from May to June release on HLJ T_T May is a dry month for Macross
  20. i do ebay i also sell TF toys to buy macross toys. what to do, TF does have a much much much wider fanbase. my TF collection is down to one final henkei classics grimlock, which my girlfriend refused to let me sell
  21. i wish yamato yf-19 jet mode was like the hasegawa 1/72 yf-19 model, is really beautiful
  22. its already proven that the new isamu (from vf-11B) sculpt fits way better in the yf-19
  23. hopefully! i actually prefer klan to be wearing a helmet...
  24. Agent-GHQ FTW!!!
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