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Everything posted by Westlo

  1. Escaflowne, Macross Plus and Brain Powered are my "holy trinity" of Kanno works. I watched the first 14 episodes and listened to the first OST for DTB, was my biggest disappointment of last year in terms of anime music. The only track I really liked wasn't even on the OST :\ I've heard the music gets better in the second half of the show, I just haven't got around to watching it yet. But even if the second half really picks up musically it's kinda pointless with no 2nd ost coming out :\ No 2nd ost for Taku Iwasaki's Kekkaishi score as well wtb Gen Shishio's theme....
  2. Q-R rip of the OST on Tokyo Toshokan now.
  3. After a lot of listening in the last 24 hours I think the last two leaked songs are the best from both artists so far. Welcome to my fan club is seriously amazing and epic sounding.. would've made an incredible op and I love the chorus. Aimo~Tori no Hito is just great, easily my fav Ranka Lee song thus far, the part from 1:43 onwards is just classic Kanno. There was like 10 differnet groups who did Diamond Crevesse/Don't Be Late so I don't think you have much to worry about lol. I'm sure LonE will have their flac encodes up first or near the first anyway.
  4. Listened to it about 5 times on your website, waiting for your PM so I can get an mp3 Anyway yeah some of the samples are rehashed from the amazing Aquarion OP but it works well, really well. Hmm ranking the Sheryl songs on the OST.. Don't Be Late Diamond Crevesse Welcome to My Fan Club's Night! Infinity What bout my star. And I really like what bout my star... Also the new version of Aimo imo is much better than the original from that sample, finally a great Ranka song that isn't a cover of Minmei or Sheryl!
  5. I don't know why people are arguing about the popularity of Gundam shows, I mean c'mon there's no correlation between popularity and quality. Also think of the name of the magazine... "Newtype". Gundam 00 also just finished up 9-10 weeks ago and has the second half on the way in October so of course it's still going to be in the forefront of peoples minds. Now whether Gundam 00 will be able to hang around for years after it finishes airing like SEED, Eva and Geass (was still dominating polls well after the first series ended) have done is another question. Will it be out of site = out of mind for 00? It wouldn't surprise me if SEED is still polling well in 2011 and 00 is nowhere to be seen. Also Frontier just started 9 weeks ago... this June issue was printed.. um 3-4 weeks ago? So these positions are based on what... the first 4 episodes? First 5? Sheryl should push for top 5 in the next mag especially after episodes 5-8. Frontier should leap frog 00 too, but it ain't touching Code Geass, just like Sheryl isn't going to go past C.C and Kallen. Code Geass, Lelouch, C.C and Kallen have had a stranglehold on these Newtype polls for the last 1.5 years. Also for whoever was surprised at Eva being there the first rebuild movie sold 219k in it's first week a few weeks ago...
  6. It does say Deculture edit though so I'm only expecting a tv size version of it, I'm betting the full lenght version will be on a 3rd or 4th OST that would be similar to Macross Plus For Fans Only. Interstellar Flight from what I've heard is the weakest of the singles.. but it has a lot of stuff coming with it, Neko Nikki (Cat Diary), DYRL, and My Boyfriend is a Pilot.
  7. Sucks that we get a one week break but I guess it gives me a chance to catch up some other Spring shows as well as get through some more backlog. Will be spending less time forum surfing with no episode that week lol... Anyway I found the current top 50 Oricon chart singles for this year on www.jpopmusic.com, both Frontier singles are placed in the top 50. 42 *,*75,026 *12,630 Don't be late/Diamond Crevesse starring May'n 08/05/08 44 *,*72,024 **6,350 Triangler 08/04/23 Don't Be Late is still hanging around the 8-15 mark on the daily charts, guess it will finish up at around 90-95k while Triangler finishes at around 80k. Megumi/Ranka Lee's Interstellar Flight single has quite a bit to live up to.
  8. Chihiro subbed episode 9 making this the 7th different group release for Frontier. Though Gattai dropped it and who knows how long GG and Chihiro will stick with it. EDIT - Beaten to it. Btw it wasn't Chihiro who did troll subs for Geass R2.. episode 5 was it?, someone just used there name, if it's on their website it's legit. I was in their irc channel when that troll torrent came out.
  9. Pfft we don't need a I love Sheryl thread, this whole forum is a Sheryl love fest!
  10. If word of mouth affects ratings increase than episode 7 of Golgo 13 must've been pretty bad. *1.6% (*4.1%) 05/24 (Sat) *1:23am-*1:53am TV Tokyo Golgo 13 2.5% drop is massive for a late night show... anyway since everyone loves to compare the two.. here's the high, low, avg for Frontier and Geass, just for fun I'll throw in To Love Ru. Macross Frontier High: 3.0% (Episode Low: 1.1% (Episode 1) Avg: 2.17% Code Geass R2 High: 3.0% (Episode 1) Low: 1.4% (Episode 4) Avg: 2.23% To Love Ru High: 2.9% (Episode 3) Low: 2.0% (Episode 5) Avg: 2.52% If the first episode didn't have such a low rating (thanks to Deculture being available for 3 months) it would more than likely have a higher avg rating than Geass... they should've just kept Geass in a late night slot....
  11. High school hijinks of Sheryl = highest ratings so far. *3.0% (*1.8%) 05/24 (Sat) *1:55am-*2:25am TBS Macross FRONTIER Episode 8: 3.0% Episode 7: 1.8% Episode 6: 2.0% Episode 5: 1.9% Episode 4: 2.6% Episode 3: 2.3% Episode 2: 2.7% Episode 1: 1.1% *5.7% (*5.8%) 05/22 (Thu) *7:30pm-*7:57pm TV Tokyo NARUTO Shippuuden *5.1% (*4.9%) 05/24 (Sat) *6:00pm-*6:25pm NHK-ETV Anime Major *4.1% (*4.3%) 05/24 (Sat) *9:00am-*9:30am TV Tokyo BLUE DRAGON Tenkai no Shichiryuu [bLUE DRAGON: The Seven Sky Dragons] *4.1% (*3.4%) 05/22 (Thu) *6:00pm-*6:30pm TV Tokyo Gintama *3.9% (*4.1%) 05/24 (Sat) *8:30am-*9:00am TV Tokyo Oha Coliseum *3.8% (*4.2%) 05/25 (Sun) *7:00am-*7:30am TV Asahi Kodai Ouja Kyouryuu King D Kids Adventure Yokuryuu Densetsu [Dinosaur King: Legend of the Pterosaurs] *3.8% (*3.7%) 05/23 (Fri) 12:55am-*1:25am Fuji TV Toshokan Senjou [Library War] *3.7% (*2.3%) 05/23 (Fri) *1:25am-*1:55am TBS xxxHOLiC Kei *3.6% (*4.4%) 05/24 (Sat) 10:00am-10:30am TV Tokyo Keroro Gunsou [sergeant Keroro] *3.6% (*3.2%) 05/21 (Wed) *7:26pm-*7:55pm TV Tokyo BLEACH *3.5% (*3.2%) 05/25 (Sun) *9:30am-10:00am TV Tokyo Onegai My Melody Kirara! *3.4% (*4.4%) 05/24 (Sat) 11:20am-11:45am TV Asahi ATASHIn'CHI *3.4% (*3.4%) 05/24 (Sat) *9:30am-10:00am TV Tokyo Shugo Chara! *3.3% (*2.6%) 05/25 (Sun) 10:00am-10:30am TV Tokyo Zettai Karen Children *3.3% (**.*%) 05/24 (Sat) *6:25pm-*6:50pm NHK-ETV Dennou Coil (Rerun) *3.2% (**.*%) 05/25 (Sun) *9:00am-*9:30am TV Tokyo Pururun! Shizuku-chan Aha! *3.0% (*1.8%) 05/24 (Sat) *1:55am-*2:25am TBS Macross FRONTIER *2.9% (*1.6%) 05/24 (Sat) *2:25am-*2:55am TBS Itazura na Kiss *2.8% (*2.4%) 05/23 (Fri) *1:55am-*2:25am TBS To LOVE Ru -Trouble- *2.7% (*2.7%) 05/23 (Fri) *4:30pm-*5:00pm NTV Soreike! Anpanman *2.5% (*2.8%) 05/19 (Mon) *6:00pm-*6:30pm TV Tokyo Soul Eater *2.4% (*2.6%) 05/23 (Fri) *6:00pm-*6:30pm TV Tokyo Kirarin Revolution *2.2% (*2.6%) 05/25 (Sun) *6:30am-*7:00am TV Asahi Hatara Kids My Ham Gumi *2.2% (*1.6%) 05/26 (Mon) *1:30am-*2:00am TV Tokyo Nabari no Ou -NABARI- *2.0% (*3.2%) 05/25 (Sun) *8:30am-*9:00am TV Tokyo Net Ghost PIPOPA *2.0% (*1.9%) 05/25 (Sun) *5:00pm-*5:30pm TBS Code Geass Hangyaku no Lelouch R2 *2.0% (**.*%) 05/20 (Tue) *1:00am-*1:30am TV Tokyo Vampire Knight
  12. Hmm maybe they go back to folmo and sing the song together in an upcoming episode....
  13. VFTF1 I completely disagree with you that Myung choose Guld in the traditional sense of a love triangle "winner", sure she slept with him but their mature people it happens and it was a spur of the moment thing. He just saved her life and she had a lot going on meeting up with both Isamu and Guld again at the same time. Isamu could've mentally destroyed Guld at any time if he had revealed what really happened as well... Sharon knew who Myung loved more and in that sense she did choose a winner before Guld died. Or did you mean she choose Guld earlier?
  14. Actually I've read that Kanno sings demo versions of songs and sends/shows them to the actual singer as a way of showing how she wants that track done. I think Steve Conte mentioned that in an interview.
  15. Same here, I'm hoping she's not connected to that...why can't she just be an extremely talented hard working girl and not be something "special".. sigh...
  16. Yes it's bullshit at this stage and 99.9999999999% chance of it staying as bullshit.
  17. It's the non stage performance of Infinity so of course there's no ranka since it's Sheryl's song. But Sheryl being on Ranka's version of What bout my star @ folmo makes no sense... since she was just in the crowd watching with Alto.
  18. Betting it will show up on the Frontier equivalent of The Vision of Escaflowne: Lovers Only and Macross Plus For Fans Only. OST II should be bgm/insert songs from the second half as well as the new OP?ED if they have new ones. that was clearly fanart lol, no way Ranka poses like that just doesn't suit her image/character period and she's rode Sheryl's coattails enough as it is already.
  19. What the hell is Sheryl doing on Ranka's Formo version of her song?
  20. I just downloaded that and that's the one, Kanno's isn't a copy (like Wolf's Rain Cloud 9 :\) but it's clearly influenced. *goes to listen to He's a Pirate for 1 hour straight*
  21. No one knows the name of bgms until they osts are released, we only know the name of inserts because it's in the ED credits.
  22. I also don't have the Pirates OST but to me it seems to be the main theme of the show, it was the track that gets played when we first see Jack arriving at the dock in his sinking boat. Yeah that's why I like that version as well, so Sharon Apple esque.
  23. GG has released the sub for episode 8.
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