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Everything posted by Westlo

  1. A poster from Ykfan posted up some Kanno OST figures on the gabrielarobin site, looks like these were Kanno's best selling OST for the release week. 14 COWBOY BEBOP Knockin’on heaven’s dor O.S.T FUTURE BULES 08/29 24200 20 COWBOY BEBOP originalsoundtrack3 BLUE 05/01 17080 Now Frontier did 10,304 day 1, 9,235 day 2 and on day 3 she's sold 5132 and kept the #3 ranking for that day. So she just about outdid her previous best first week today in just 3 days.
  2. The thing is with Gundam SEED the big battle episodes got high ratings and the ones after dropped, I think most people watching these shows so late at night know what's going to be in the episode too... I mean if I'm going to stay up to 2am to watch something I'll definitely look up what's going to be in it. Also going by this theory than episode 4 caused a rating drop that took until episode 8 to recover and episode 4 was a great mix of everything.
  3. Japan doesn't care for Michael and Klan. *1.0% (*3.0%) 05/31 (Sat) *1:55am-*2:25am TBS Macross FRONTIER Though looking over the ratings list a lot of shows are down 2-1%. *4.8% (*7.4%) 06/01 (Sun) *8:30am-*9:00am TV Asahi Yes! Pretty Cure 5 Go Go! *3.8% (*5.1%) 05/31 (Sat) *6:00pm-*6:25pm NHK-ETV Anime Major *2.8% (*3.2%) 06/01 (Sun) *9:00am-*9:30am TV Tokyo Pururun! Shizuku-chan Aha! *2.4% (*3.5%) 06/01 (Sun) *9:30am-10:00am TV Tokyo Onegai My Melody Kirara! *2.3% (*3.3%) 06/01 (Sun) 10:00am-10:30am TV Tokyo TV Tokyo Zettai Karen Children *2.2% (*2.8%) 05/30 (Fri) *1:55am-*2:25am TBS To LOVE Ru -Trouble- *1.9% (*2.7%) 05/27 (Tue) *6:00pm-*6:30pm TV Tokyo D.Gray-man *1.8% (*2.0%) 05/27 (Tue) *1:00am-*1:30am TV Tokyo Vampire Knight *1.7% (*2.3%) 05/28 (Wed) *6:00pm-*6:30pm TV Tokyo Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's *1.6% (*2.2%) 06/02 (Mon) *2:00am-*2:30am TV Tokyo Nabari no Ou -NABARI- *1.3% (*2.9%) 05/31 (Sat) *2:25am-*2:55am TBS Itazura na Kiss *1.3% (*1.7%) 05/30 (Fri) *2:15am-*2:45am TV Tokyo Soul Eater Late Show *1.2% (*1.7%) 06/02 (Mon) *2:30am-*3:00am TV Tokyo Neo Angelique Abyss *1.2% (*2.0%) 05/27 (Tue) *2:00am-*2:30am TV Tokyo Monochrome Factor *1.0% (*3.0%) 05/31 (Sat) *1:55am-*2:25am TBS Macross FRONTIER
  4. My guess is that Alto is with (or closer) Ranka at the time the song is premiered and the lyrics remind him of the events that took place star date and everything else about Sheryl.
  5. Nice 4 days away, hopefully the spoilers for 11-13 are interesting. Also hoping for Sheryl, Ranka, Hime and Frontier to rank higher in the polls.
  6. Oh yeah 2nd day sales for the OST stay pretty close to the first days which is a good sign. Day 2 #3 9235 copies sold. May'n single has been #26 and #24 on the daily charts the last two days... has slipped a lot but that should be expected when both her songs are on the OST.
  7. But a lot of people here like myself watch the raw with no knowledge of Japanese, so these people really shouldn't mind a speed sub group. heck I watch every Frontier episode about 2-3 times anyway so I don't mind a half assed sub.
  8. Chihiro are a true speed sub group.. their founder said something like this on Suki.. the reason she made this group was because she got sick of seeing speed subbing groups going, "translation done just waiting on karaoke!".
  9. Whens the next newtype magazine go on sale? Kinda hanging for more detailed spoilers since i read those one liners for 11-13 already.. and trying to resist reading spoilers is going to be hard with the one breaks coming after 10 and than 11 :\
  10. You do know that P.Diddy pays the original artists or copyright holders when his "hitmen" (beat makers) sample stuff? And the original samples are mentioned in the booklets?
  11. *looks at file size* *keeps waiting*
  12. Those 3 vids are like less than 1% of her total work....
  13. When I first read that a month or so ago the first thing that popped into my head was.. they must have "borrowed" that melody and arrangement from someone else lol. Either way my point stands, there's nothing on the Frontier OST that even comes close to Cyberbird/Batter Sea or Wolf's Rain "Cloud 9". I'm obviously a massive Kanno fan and hearing Cyberbird/Batter Sea and Cloud 9's original was disappointing, but Frontier OST 1 has nothing like those 2. For Frontier Kanno may have been inspired or "borrowed" from Williams and Zimmer but it's not like they haven't done the same with Wagner and others.
  14. I'm curious about that.. I mean Find out shortly anyway...
  15. The start of Infinity has a similar sound to the start of Kimi wa Boku no Niteiru (Gundam SEED DESTINY ED 4), that's it. Very different songs after that and the start just has a similar sound, the melody is different, I listened to Kimi wa a lot back in the day since I'm a big fan of Kajuira/See Saw. And yes Kanno clearly patterned herself after John Williams and Hans Zimmer works for Frontier (not that there's anything wrong with that...), the closest she got to ripping them off was Big Boys though. She's a lot closer to plagiarism on those GITS soundtracks... Cyberbird compared to Hooverphonic's Blue Wonder for instance...
  16. It's on their.. but they like combined 3 bgms (Take Off, Ranka flashback not on OST and The Target) for that part of the show.
  17. Yeah Kawamori lost the plot with Arjuna but Kanno's score is superb for it. Earth Resonance and Awakening are some highlights.
  18. I like the folmo version better too, I rank it way higher than Sheryls... but it's more to do with the vastly superior arrangement which suited Megumi's voice too a tee.
  19. 3rd time I'm going to say this in the thread... lol Macross Frontier = 9 Volumes Volume 1 = Episode 1 32 Minute version + Deculture version Volume 2-9 = 3 Episodes 8x3 = 24 + 1 = 25! Macross Frontier = 25 Episodes! Things can change, we assumed Kimikiss Pure Rogue was 25 episodes but it ended up being 24 + 1 DVD only episode.. but we got the episode count right on the dvds anyway... so Frontier could be 24 episodes + a dvd only episode... As for a second season.. it's possible... the current pace of the first 9 episodes as well as the spoilers up to 13 isn't really touching the story issues yet.. Clannad sprang a second season announcement on the end of its last episode.. though everyone who played the game knew there was plenty of story to go... in the after school phase. I wouldn't be surprised if we ended up with a second season, 25 episodes would make this the shortest Macross tv series by 11 episodes.. if a lot of stuff is nowhere near being resolved at around 20/21 than I'll put my money on a second season.. after a timeskip.
  20. Well the May'n and Megumi situation kinda mirrors Sheryl and Ranka... except May'n commercially flopped and she isn't Megumi's "idol" lol. But May'n won her talent search (chosen out of 35k people) in 2005 and Megumi won the Macross talent search in 07, so May'n has a 2 year head start (which seems to be the head start Sheryl has over Ranka since it looks like 2057 was Sheryl's break out year). So she's more experienced, already released a few singles. Anyway aren't these her two singles from back in the day? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VonpBW53YfU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgNcv2eao7c...feature=related
  21. Favs... Top 5 Vocal Tracks imo are Welcome to my fanclubs night! Don't Be Late Aimo ~ Tori no Hito What bout my star @ folmo Diamond Crevesse Top 5 BGM Tracks imo are The Target (This is "the" battle theme of the series) Tally Ho (Hasn't been used yet, feels like it's the Frontier version of M+'s Dogfight) Take Off (Was played when Alto launched in his ex-gear in episode 1 and when he attacked the Varja at the start of 2) Innocent Green (When Sheryl kisses Alto on the cheek in episode 5, has a lot left that hasn't been played.. I hope this is the Sheryl and Alto "romance" theme") Vital Force (Hasn't been played, reminds me of another M+ bgm)
  22. This weeks sales *13 **7,645 starring May'n So now it's up to 82.5k, should definitely break 90k but probably fall short of the 100k mark. Wonder how well the album will sell...
  23. I think most of those tracks people have heard already missing from this ost will be on a 3rd ost. The 2nd ost should be for 2nd half insert songs and bgm. 3rd should be a few tracks from the end as well as stuff that was missed in the first 2. And a 4th best of cd (like M+ For Fans Only) with some different versions of other songs.. like say Infinity with Ranka Lee on it.
  24. Take off and The Target are awesome bgm pieces.
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