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Everything posted by B-52 GUNNER
I used to play this game back in 1998-99 called BATTLEZONE. It was a remake of the 1981 Arcade game of the same name. I recently found out that there are new servers up and running for online play. B-52 GUNNER BATTLEZONE for the SONY PSP Petition
People say it took too long for the National Guard to get in there. For one, there isn't a HUGE warehouse full of preloaded semi trailers full of food and supplies. Also, the National Guard isn't just sitting there in barracks waiting for a disaster. They had to get the people mobilized and then load a multitude of Semi trailers full of supplies and then make it through tons of debris to get to the stricken areas. I feel they got in there in an appropriate amount of time.
Take tons of detail pics of the SUPER HORNET. I'm sure there will be a Academy 1/32 scale kit coming out soon.
This is probably old news but I thought I would at least post an update on the release of the US 2.00 update. Although the 2.00 update was scheduled for the 12th it has now been postponed till the week of the 15th. So I guess there are going to be 1000's of PSP owners waiting on the US Playstation web site or checking their Network update all week long. Why people don't just update to the Japan release if they are that impatient is beyond me. Scot
I've sat in the one my friend had and it's tight on the sides but has plenty of leg room. I will give it this, it's a lot better than the toys, or the Ertl kits.. but still.. you realize if you sat down in that thing, your feet would probably come out the torp tubes. Plus I love the way they added that hydraulic ram to raise the canopy.. right in the middle of the window. 316775[/snapback]
Lucas had a company in Germany make them for the THX release of Star Wars, so I would say that he gave the thumbs up on building them after he saw the prototype. As for the Ausi one. I think it's in Sidney in a Private Collection. I helped pack it in a shipping container and it was a B*t*h. After we packed it a exterminator had to come and bomb it. He said that if the first person to open it didn't have a resparator on they would either die or get cancer. Heck for all I know it may still be on the ship headed over there because it had to go through the Panama Canal.
My Buddy Ron had one that he bought for $13,200 and sold it to a guy in Australia for $24,000. It's more like 90% Scale 35 feet long and about 2400 lbs They only made 9 but one was lost in a accident. The one you saw was at CIII last April. Scot
He said eraser turds Actually, the pen was freely developed by an independent company. And was developed to solve major problems with penccil shavings and eraser turds in a 0G environment. Rather than staying in teh sharpener, or falling politely to the floor, they drift through the air, until they A. are inhaled, B. get stuck in someone's sye, or C. drift into electrical parts and cause a short. That's why Russia and NASA BOTH bought space pens once they were available. The average item often doesn't work in space. Except only one fork is properly equipped to keep the spagetthi from floating off it between your plate and mouth. For that matter, only one plate is properly equipped to keep spagetthi on it. ... Actually, I think spaghetti in and of itself is not available in space. And underthinking it results in a lot of problems because you neglect to consider that things don't alway swork the same once you remove gravity. Has your GameBoy undergone a decade of testing to ensure long-term reliability in extreme environments including, but not limited to, rapid temperature shifts and irradiation? Is your home theater system quadruple-redundant so that if there's a catastrophic failure it continues to function normally? Is EITHER device something you would trust with your life? If you cannot answer yes to all three of the above, than the shuttle computer is superior to whatever it's being compared to for the task at hand. Furthermore, the shuttle computer has more than enough power to do EVERYTHING IT NEEDS TO DO. You do not upgrade a computer merely because you can. You upgrade because you NEED MORE POWER THAN YOU HAVE. Could they be running quad dual-core Opterons with the latest and greatest 64-bit OS in the shuttle? Sure. Would they use even a fraction of the available power? Not a chance. Are the odds good that the system could fail during a mission, leaving the crew up the proverbial creek? You bet your ass they are. 316087[/snapback]
The sad thing about the Enterprise is that NASA used parts of its wings leading edge to test the foam theory. Besides, they would have to disassemble it and rebuild it in order for it to be flight worthy. It's been sitting on the ground WAY TOO LONG. Also; Rockwell International and McDonald Douglas were bought by Boeing and Fairchild Republic went belly up. Who knows how many other companies are gone that were involved in the shuttle program.
Who is the guy who makes modified photos in this group. He needs to turn a photo of the Shuttle into a bomber. If you absolutely, positively have to bomb a country from orbit NASA is for you.
You do know how inflation works, right? 316025[/snapback] Yes I do, by printing more money it causes inflation. My point was that there isn't a bank account that the govt. uses. They can set the amount the dollar is worth, make more money if need be, and if they so choose can forgive debt that other countries owe us. There was an individual on the radio talking about what the national debt is and also mentioned how much time it takes for the govt. to spend a given amount of money. Let's say the govt. was $10,000,000,000 over budget. It takes less than a day for the govt. to spend that much money. My point is mainly that we have the ability as a nation to do what ever we want. Money isn't a issue if the govt. is serious about a goal.
I like how Duce and a half's work. They run on Alcohol, Propane, gasoline, diesel fuel, and kerosene The only bad thing about alcohol is that it causes rust.
Nighthawk, Good comeback, I enjoyed your view point. Yes I am a Republican but no, I was basing my point on my years of both being a Military Brat and a NASA enthusiast. Like I said in my original post about this: Sorry Nighthawk, this was not directed at you, just the bleeping BEAN COUNTERS!!!! No matter what side of the isle they are on. We can have a Strong Military and Space Program as well as have all these special interests. It's all Public Perception (With a little Political spin) that keeps things like this from advancing. I wish that the public would realize that space exploration isn't safe and the astronauts know this. Otherwise we wouldn't have a space program because no one would take the risk. Space exploration should not be based on Public Opinion, We should just do it. Scot PS. No offense taken
Wow! I just got my first wi-fi router and this PSP is blazing fast. I'm posting this from it right now.
WOW, I wasn't the only one who thought about this. I haven't received a reply yet but this is the e-mail I sent to the public inquiries office at NASA. 5/29/2005 3:46am To: 'public-inquiries@hq.nasa.gov' To whom it may concern, While witnessing the launch and following reports that the foam insulation on the external tank still detaches I had a thought. At the beginning of the Shuttle Program the first few launches had an External Tank which was painted white. In order to save weight and monetary resources this practice was abandoned. Did the foam from the external tank come off on those first flights or could the paint that was applied to the External Tank have acted as a sealant which could have prevented the foam from being torn from the tank? Sincerely, Scot Washburn
I think they updated the wi-fi to accept a newer type, WPA-PSK (TKIP) as well as WEP.
I like the Theme selection and the ability to add wallpaper. I really like how you can send photos between PSP's as well. Scot
They should have added Afghanistan and Iraq as well as Iran and the ability to fly C.A.P. missions over the USA
I would have thought that the next Sim would be at least FALCON 4.1 or 5.0