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Everything posted by B-52 GUNNER

  1. One of the members on the Original WALL-E Builders Club on Yahoo rendered the most accurate WALL-E I have ever seen but while checking out his other works I found this BAD BOY!! VF-1S 3D Sudio model Don't forget to check out all the images listed using this render. Scot
  2. I want to see a Prometheus to match. Scot
  3. B-52 GUNNER - Thank you as well for the compliment! I'll check out that site, I've never heard of them before. By the way, were you actually a B-52 gunner before the "pepper shot" conversions? No, I use B-52 Gunner as my user name to honor my father who flew on D, F, G, and H model B-52's for 12 years during the 60's and 70's. I guess I'm more of a Son of a Gun...er. He did teach me how to make some really cool plaques though. This is the plaque of the B-52 Tail Gunner.
  4. WALL-E doesn't have enough room inside for his arms, head and tracks to retract into his body. CGI is a wonderful thing. The WALL-E Builders Club has started to post drawings so that whoever wants to build their own WALL-E will be able to do so.
  5. Mechtech, You need to post this build in the Studio Scale area of www.therpf.com I'm sure they would be as impressed as we are here. Keep up the great work. Scot
  6. As you add items to the structure do you check how it is resting in the water? The more you add the more water it will displace. Scot
  7. Correction, I can't seem to get the photos to work
  8. Funny how this thread degraded into ugly fish.
  9. Here is a photo of what one of the members of the WALL-E Builders Yahoo Club has done so far. We hope to have one rolling by the premier date.
  10. Your welcome. The WALL-E Builders Club was created after a thread on the R2 Builders Group on Yahoo grew so large that people wanted a group for just WALL-E Builders. I feel the movie is going to be very popular.
  11. I don't think anyone has posted yet about the new PIXAR film WALL-E yet so here it is. Official WALL-E site The Original WALL-E Builders Club
  12. If anyone has MikeRB's contact info I need him to either contact me here on this thread or by going to this link and joining the group. WALL-E Builders Group Mike, Could you please contact me? Scot PS. If any of you guys want to join as well feel free.
  13. I hope this doesn't end up like the 1/32 Alpha Fighter build. We haven't seen any photos of further progress in a while. Update please.
  14. I don't know if this has been posted here yet. I tried to do a search and found nothing. There is a Blogger who goes by the name Dissident Frogman who wants truth in the news. His rant is with the French AFP. Funny! PS Video contains a couple profain words.
  15. I have an old Matchbox Alpha Fighter from that "R Word" show back in the 80's. I has been partially painted to look more like the show and is missing the little figure and the gun. It does have it's original box but the plastic is torn. Would anyone know if this is worth anything? Scot
  16. Too Political... Russia needs to know they are not a threat anymore.
  17. I wish I knew how to do that when I was a kid. We played war all the time and it would have been cool to film it and add effects.
  18. I did a search and didn't find anyone posting this yet. I found this on the RPF and had to share it with you guys. Just goes to show what you can do with the right FX equipment. DIECAST FILMS
  19. This thread has been buried for a while so maybe it's time for it to rear it's head again. EXO, Any news if we can call this dead for sure and we can file a post morum on this thread? I'd hate to think Mike is not going to finish it. Scot
  20. I hope they do more of these kits. RC2 also owns AMT/ERTL; I would hate it if the decided to scrap any new kits and just rerelease the old AMT Star Trek kits because they already have the molds for them. Polarlights is the best.
  21. I noticed that Polarlights and Playingmantis are no longer on-line. It looks like RC2 shut them down. Does anyone know what happened exactly? All I can find is Johnny Lighting and it looks more like ERTL. I was hoping for more 1/350 scale Star Trek ships. (TOS Enterprise, Romulan War Bird, etc.) My daughter was hoping for more Charlie Brown figures as well. Scot
  22. Has anyone seen this yet?
  23. I saw one at a Con once that ran over $2000.
  24. I didn't know if I should post this in the BATTLESTAR GALACTICA thread or anywhere else so I thought I would make a new thread to show an interesting item I found on Ebay. A full CYLON costume CYLON
  25. Here is one of the photos so that everyone can see what the blaster looks like.
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