I'am searching for a movie I saw as a kid, but cant remember the name, I have always wanted to see this again.. yesterday my friend told me about this macross series, that I never heard about before (i think) and I saw some clips from it on youtube, it looks exactly as I remember this movie from my younger days. I tried to explain the storyline and my memories from the movie to him, but he couldnt help me out to find it ( it was atleast 15 years ago I saw this )
So I'am now turning to the experts for help to find this movie.. the strongest of my memories is that it was only females in it (except 1 boy/guy that was born by one of this women), I remember they were on a spaceship, well, were the most of the movie took place, they fought against other females. I think this was this "war" going on or something.. and the movie ends with everyone dies, except this boy and one of the crew from this spaceship.
So I'am asking does this ring any bell for someone? Maybe its not even macross, but its, animated exactly like it. I hope someone could help me with this, cuz I really would like to see it once more...
I'am sorry for my english, I'am from sweden ^^
Thanks in advance / Darko