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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. I think Ranka did tie up loose ends, after all, I think that note by Nanase's bedside was from her so if she had time to say goodbye to her in a note, Ranka must have had time to at least leave something for her brother. Give Ranka a break guys, I'm a huge Sheryl fan myself and I saw nothing wrong with this episode. It was actually a good one for Ranka to devellop herself comsidering the last episode's debacle. She's finally doing things on her own and wants to help in the best way she can even if she's scared shitless about her memories coming back. Plus she finally told Alto how she felt. I had a feeling she'd be the first to tell him and even if she left right after, it doesn't mean she won't end up with Alto. I'm not saying I'm cheering for them to get together, I'm just being realistic. Kawamori could throw anything at us at this point. Aoi no Eeteru was a great song, shows the growth in Ranka's singing and was very emotinal. On a side note, did Sheryl hear what was going on through her earring and is she living at the Saotome household now?
  2. I totally agree with you here. That could be exactly why Alto is running in the preview and it makes sense plot wise with all that Ozma knows is happening, he will want to protect Ranka from Leon and co.
  3. I agree with you as well about Sheryl. As much as I love her, she has so many deathflags flying around her pretty head that's I think she's going to buy the farm however gracefully and gloriously she does it. Let's hold out for our AltoxSheryl ending even if I think it looks like Alto running after Ranka next ep. Norther Cross FTW!!! Belt it out Sheryl-sama, even if it might kill you!
  4. Sheryl's latest blog entry is intriging considering we just learned that her earings are indeed conected to Mao Nome and the Nome family. Her hearing the voices of living things is not so odd anymore. I mean, Sara was able to 'communicate, hear and see' the voices of nature and of course her Kaduns (go I miss Sara) so if Sheryl is indeed related to the Nome's this may be a huge devellopment about her that Grace never took the time to delve into as she was too busy trying to disect the Vajra and plot away. Even if Sheryl may not be able to communicate with the Vajra, she seems to be very much in harmony with nature and her surroundings, able to hear nature around her. I mean she noticed right away somthing was interfering with her recording session even if recording studios are usually sound proofed and all. Frontier is an organic colony compared to Galazy and it's technological aspects so Frontier must have been driving her nuts until she relented and let them sing with her. I think a blade of grass would cower before a determined Sheryl lol. Gambatte Sheryl-sama!
  5. All right people long spoiler post, get ready.
  6. I've also just finished the lunar subs and I must say I was pleased with the episode. Lot's of cute scenes of Ranka and Brera. I really liked Ranka's new song, Anata no Oto, it's a real Ranka song. Pure and cute. Another Alto and Sheryl tiff. Cathy and Ozma acting like a dating couple was somewhat painful put sweet. Some Mikhail and Klan even if it was repayment for the info on the pills, I'll take whatever I can get with those two. Along with some revelations and suspicions uncovered it was good. And Alto can finally make his mind up cause it's about time he did. At this point I love both girls even if I'm a bigger Sheryl fan. I still love Ranka's character and I'm feeling she'll end up winning the triangle. With the amount of SherylxAlto we've been getting I expect it. She'll grow in personality in the next few episodes and nab him with her moeness. I mean Sheryl has a few death flags flying and even if I don't think they'll kill her and that's she'll live, Alto showed that he's inspired by Sheryl, which doesn't guarantee him loving her. He's known Ranka's feeling's since that whole kiss affair back during the movie shoot of Zero even if he ignored it till now he knew. He told Sheryl that for Ranka it was more than just a kiss. He's been faced with the option of protecting Ranka over and over and he's been trying harder and harder every time since that day he couldn't say it to her when he didn't have the power to protect. He's been avoiding her feelings like he does with everything else. He has no idea about Sheryl loving him and if she get's her way he'll never know since she thinks she's dying. At this point, I'd honestly be really surprised if he ends up with Sheryl, even if I would like that ending myself. I'm guessing she is going to push Alto away again to spare him from feeling guilty and from knowing the full extent about her illness and at the same time push him towards Ranka acting like the big sister who mediates. Who know she might have told him but what will Alto be able to do about it at this point? Who knows, I might be surprised tomorrow. Macross always loves suprising us. Ranka makes me want to see her pure feelings returned even if there are all these hurdles in the way, find out about her past, lead the Vajra against Grace and her cohorts plans and still keep her cuteness despite all the destruction going on around her. Sheryl makes me want to see her get her fire back and fight till her last breath (hopefully not her last) and give Grace a beat down via song for trying to get her hands on her protogé and telling her this was the end of her and still get the hime. This is all speculation on my part but all in all, Alto really needed that kick in the ass from Mikhail, he needs to stop sitting on his lazy ass and get moving and chose. Before Ai-kun eats him that is.
  7. I'm not sure if this belongs in this thread but here goes. That's all the news I have to report.
  8. That's right Sheryl, keep your spirits up! Even if things look down right now with the whole death thing, you can beat that, Anata wa Sheryl Nome yo!
  9. I think he was belting out his rendition of Ninjin loves you yeah! Long live Bobby, the true Queen! I've watched the episode yet I'm delaying any comments until the subs come out.
  10. I LOVE LION!! Both their voices messhed really well. It was soo good! You will survive girls!! Gambarre!
  11. Just finished watching the raw!! Prepared to be spoiled.
  12. My all time favs for this show are Diamond Cravasse and Seikan Hiou but after listening to Northern Cross and knowing that there is a new op coming with both Sheryl and Ranka singing it is forcing me to possibly reconsider. I didn't like Northern Cross at first but now I just can't stop looping the song. It's beautifull. May'n has depth. What can i say. Now I sit and wait for Lion.
  13. I liked this episode even with the rehashed scenes. We get to see Ranka's full effect on the vajra in a battle and get some more insight on the different players in this fabricated war. I'm really liking Ranka's devellopment even though i still like Sheryl a bit more. She wants to fight and support her friends but even she doesn't like how things are being planned out for her yet she keeps going for the sake of her loved ones. She has grabbed herself another fan (you may rejoice Ranka-fan's! But Queen Sheryl still holds the number one place. I love them both.) Finally Alto notices that Sheryl's earring is the same as Bilier(sp?) ring. Wonder what he will do about that. And Michael! Why haven't you reported those witch pills! How hard did you hit your head! Someone has to stop Grace! Seems like Ozma has ordered himself a pinapple salad next week. I can see it now, Ranka makes the recipe for her beloved brother filling it with all her memories and love she holds for him as he promises to make it to her concert...Someone should have told Ranka-chan the dangers of such actions. Can't wait to see their past, overall really good episode.
  14. Wow. Big WTF's going in the episode for me. I mean you watch it your like what the hell just happened. I don't know what to expect next honestly. Still a great episode, loved it. Now time to sit back as the triangle becomes a Zentradi Octogon lol. 1, 2, Deculture!
  15. Is Sheryl Nome related to any of the Nome's in Macross Zero? That might explain the french on the mirror but I hightly doubt it. This Macross seems to be theeming with culture.
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