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Valkryie 13

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    Valkryie 13
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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. dude.... if I may give suggestion... Depending on your collecting motives, whether you gonna colect them all or just collect several of them. IMHO, you might want to collect them all they're beautiful. I had 24 of them (multiple copies on each figure) and can't get enough. If you plan to collect them all, from bronze saint .. it's kinda pricey right now... however if you want to start from the gold cloth then it should be easier for your wallet Leo is being re -released and Aquarius and virgo should re - released soon. Sagittarius and Capricorn are in abundant supply... If you plan to collect just a few, I suggest you pick up aquarius, sagittarius, and capricorn, of course this is based on my preferences. When you buy myth cloth you might want to pay attention on the panel lining... we'll since it was hand painted (the panel lining), spills were quite often. About the release date, I am pretty sure in January will Radhamantis, February will be Libra and March will be Pegasus final. An April, the release of Deathmask Cancer was being rumoured happy collecting
  2. Ah the Libra is a little beautyyy but for now it can wait.... i am eagerly awaiting my capricorn
  3. That's funny....We'll i better check mine tonight .. hope nothing happen though such a pity for a beautiful toys if that happen.... I know with the old bandai, discoloration does happen, and even faster for those who live in tropical and humid area like me Anybody else got the same issue?
  4. I don't have that problem so far.... my friend doesn't have it too ... IMHO ,it probably not because rubbber and plastic stick together, more to the way they displaying it .... I keep my myth clothes away from direct sunlight and all sort of lighting
  5. Yeah.. i was thinking like that too .... I was hoping that bandai make a complete run of gold cloth before they design any other ...... well, i guess i have to wait until next year to have a complete gold cloth If they want to issue another variant of seiya .. i really hope they issue the bronze 1st cloth, the one with full helmet...
  6. Agree with that Can't wait for Aries ... one of my fav gold saint....
  7. One of the French SS site stated that for april release will be the Deathmask CANCER .... Hmmm.... can't wait for that
  8. OMG!!!! you must've have tons of money that's an awesome collection man good on you mate
  9. I guess it's look like the one seiya wear in last movie... overture... i read somewhere on the net, it was called god cloth.
  10. I agree.. especially when the 1/48 GBP was just over the horizon If I may make a suggestion, take Radamantis, Aquarius, Libra, Aries, Capricorn and Scorpion. If budget allow, collect the twelve gold saints, IMHO, they just so beautiful and full of die cast. Rumours also said, this saint seiya myth cloth will span for years to come ... when the marine saints come out.. there are plenty beautiful myth cloth to collect
  11. I believe around 7.5 inches
  12. Just found this thread glad to found other saint seiya fans among macrossworlders ..... I love the libra, can't wait to get three myself (i've been buying three copies for every release so far) .... i really hope they include the "shortie" dohko figure.
  13. OMG!!!!! 1/48 GBP!!! My heart is pounding... My hands are shaking.... ME WANT TWO!!!!! uhmmm hopefully kensei, godzilla, and sithlord spare me some
  14. Valkryie 13

    2 seater 1/48s

    Yamato Come on, don't be shy.... Just make those 1/48 2 seaters, I'll buy every version..
  15. 4 x 1/48 1 x 1/60 1 x 1/72
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