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Blue Meanie

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Everything posted by Blue Meanie

  1. 31a showed up today. Keep your head up if your still waiting.
  2. At least they are coming through in the end, what a bizarre release.
  3. Mine shipped out too. Just hit New York. Meant to post but got distracted. They are coming through it looks like. Crazy, I'd love to know the true story of what happened.
  4. LoL, mine has been prep in progress for weeks. It is to silence the emails. It means nothing unfortunately.
  5. Well, this gives me hope. I would rather wait a long time than get denied one. It seems they are following through at least.
  6. Same. It is going to be my last purchase for a while, so I am willing to wait.
  7. Let us know if you do, and let them know the damage to their reputation that is occurring.
  8. I am holding out too, I was just saying if it becomes obvious they are going to burn us that we stay organized at least.
  9. Well, that sucks. I don't own any credit cards, and I always use my bank account. How do the bank funds help getting back the cheddar?
  10. If in the end we do get burned, we all have to be organized about the timing and wording and can file paypal claims at the same time about being SCAMMED on a pre-order. Even being protection expired, paypal under those circumstances should find in our favor and likely lock their account. If we all do it at different times and haphazardly file, likely we will all be ordering one last thing with credit from NY before removing them from my store list.
  11. At this point I don't think they are going to receive them and they are not keeping my $250. On the 27th I'm going to file and I will cut ties with NY indefinitely. Probably going to take another long break over the Macross frustrations. The YF-30 got me back into Macross and I picked up a few pieces I missed over the years, but I'm pretty sure I'm in store for another 5 year break. This is the most frustrating collecting hobby ever.
  12. Nippon-Yasan Received: wm cheng, murphy, derex3592 Not Yet: no3Ljm, Kinzoku, spacemanoeuvres (x2), funkymonkeyjavajunky, Boobytrap, Tallman (x2), Sanity is Optional, ChaoticYeti, Guyffon, neoexcaliber (x7), rdrunner, raziel03, CharlesXavier (x2), ridgebacks, petrov27, sh9000, Blue Meanie Refunded: Vortech, psychodynamix (x2, closed my account as well) Anime Export Received: Vortech (x3), neoexcaliber (x3), seti88 Not Yet: Random Ebay Seller Received: Not Yet: Sanity is Optional
  13. I will never return to them to do business. Regardless of the outcome.
  14. Ah, I came to that realization a while ago. I make little effort for Bandai items because of the crap. They keep getting me with the occasional macross Valk because they are pretty much the only game in town. But I stopped fighting for everything else. I gave up Soul of Chogokin and stick with Fewture and Sentinel, dumped their DBZ toys and started collecting Banpresto. Not worth late night preorder battles and this NY crap were going through here.
  15. I agree its worrisome, but we aren't talking about a risky ebay item, its nippon-yasan, and they can suck but haven't ripped people off. They are the Seinfeld Soup chef of the collector world.
  16. No one should be panicking yet, I waited 2 weeks for the YF-30 from them. Not much past that now.
  17. It would also be a reason why they would threaten to pull everything if you cancel/paypal. Better to keep the money in hand, get the remaining 100 Valks, even if they eat $100 each its better than losing all the preorder $$$
  18. my big worry is NY isn't solvent enough to refund $27,000 if just 100 of us got shorted by Bandai. some companies are just treading water
  19. I suggest if it comes down to it, and we are forced to start to file PayPal claims we do it all on the same day and the same time. But, Im willing to wait a week or two more.
  20. I can't imagine. They would be taking their reputation, reliable (yet are the slowest), and lighting it on FIRE.
  21. Its starting to get a little ridiculous. Might need to start looking elsewhere for my pre-orders.
  22. LOL. Exactly. My macross collection consists MOSTLY of realistic, or the more realistic paint schemes. I have lots of A's, Greys and beige.
  23. I think people are jumping the gun a little. Only one person has had a fulfillment issue so far I believe. Everyone else is still in the N-Y waiting game.
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