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Blue Meanie

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Everything posted by Blue Meanie

  1. Missed again. Miss every time now. I wonder how much money Bandai leaves on the table? I haven't bought a single Bandai Item since this Preorder BS Started. I Quit collecting their DBZ figures, I quit Metal Gundam, I quit the Samurai Star Wars line. They have become my banned company.
  2. This made me spit out my drink.
  3. Are they planning on releasing armors for other 31's? That is one of the two that I don't own.
  4. insult to injury. I will never order from them again. They had the Getter Devolution upgrade parts I needed. I would rather never own them. Too much scalper in this store.
  5. It's the arcade 1up, 2/3rds size cabinet. It's an all wood mini cabinet. They originally listed for 399, then dropped to 299 at walmart. Black Friday had em at 250 so I caved. It is the original arcade game, most of the other mini games of galaga are Nintendo ports. It feels like a legit cabinet when you are playing. Great stick and buttons, no light box at the top. Cake to assemble and doesnt eat up a lot of room. I might get the Ms Pac Man when released. I wouldn't recommend the street fighter cabinet. As awesome as it seems, standing shoulder to shoulder at the small cabinet wont work well.
  6. Picked this up on Black Friday. Love me some Galaga.
  7. As would I. VF-11 was a Valk released during "the dark times" for me. So I missed it. Would love a Bandai 21/22 more than any potential toy release I can think of.
  8. I'll send the cash to you right now and you can keep the order and send it to me!! LOL. Seriously though they seem to be coming through even though the wait sucks. I'd take delayed fulfillment over disappointment
  9. The Advance does not have the holes in the arm to attach the cannon much to my dismay.
  10. So how do we go about getting more missle pylons for the extra missiles? Is there a shapeways seller that makes them?
  11. I have a few of those, I sold my sealed original Galvatron, scourge and cyclones when the KOs came out. The KOs are crap, but whatever.
  12. Then Amazon Japan is the gold standard, lol. Polar opposite of Amazon US. Thanks, that's my decepticons shelf of my favorites that I kept.
  13. My Amazon Japan seller sent my yf-19 and they win the award for the greatest packaging for shipment ever. They shrink wrapped it with a board on the bottom, put a cardboard spacer glued to the 4 corners then glued the shinkwrapped 19 to those. It had 3 inches of space on each side and stayed secure dead center in the box. I tried to get it out shinkwrapped just to see how good it was in there and I couldn't physically yank the 19 out. Ive ordered a lot of toys but this is the best ever. This is a fellow fan who packed this. How I tried to get it out upside down.
  14. Finally got my hands on a 171 and a 29 Ozma thanks to derex3592. These were sorely missing in my old collection from the drought years.
  15. Haven't looked at my VF19 in a while but it looks like the arms are too high and not tucked into the slots for the forearm bumps in the legs. There should be no space between the arms and legs.
  16. you can still get them from $270-300 shipped on amazon japan. Definitely avoid mandarake/jungle at that price.
  17. So, I caved like a weakling and bought a 19 off amazon at the inflated price. I got a $100 gift card from my boss for being awesome and immediately ordered one. lol. I wanted those missles pretty bad.
  18. They lit the macross fan Bridge on fire, better come in non-scalper to get me to even consider buying from them again. I'd rather amazon even though they screwed me over.
  19. Well, Amazon just canceled my order, they said they overestimated inventory. No yf-19 for me.
  20. So while waiting for Amazon to ship my Bandai YF, I put my Arcadia in permanent plane mode on the stand with some missiles. I have the 19 Advanced next to it. The more I look at them the more I like the anime proportioned Arcadia plane mode more. So if I keep it in plane mode I would have 2 battroid Bandai's.....Maybe I should cancel. I don't want another NY 31A situation, I could get some of the ones I am missing like a VF-25 with Armor....... THIS HOBBY IS MENTAL TORTURE!
  21. Was it fulfilled by Amazon or a 3rd party vendor. They were only $242 from Amazon.
  22. Mine changed to "we'll notify you when available" and the amazon pre-charge dropped off my card.
  23. My Amazon Japan order went from shipping on the 23rd, to delivery date pending, and I suddenly have the option to cancel. Wonder if Amazon burned me.
  24. I lucked out earlier and got one one Amazon for $242 shipped. Good news is it replaces the one my friend's son destroyed, bad news it was my money to finally score a 30th yf-29. But....in an wait longer I guess.
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