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Everything posted by Otaku-Smeghead

  1. Yeah I just saw the Trailer for the movie in theaters and Any one who was at comic con saw the same trailer nothing new here
  2. Its Mainly Clasical with some chick singing kinda like Lord of the rings. mostly instrumental Im not sure of they will change the music for Sci-fi so we will see.
  3. www.suprnova.org Did you try and go in today?? I did and was told that Nova no longer has Torrents =(
  4. exo are you talking about Torrents cause I just found out that Suprnova.org is DEAD no more torrents from them. So where are you getting the Eps?
  5. 0083 was my first exposuer to Gundam back in 94 as a Fan Sub then I got the Ligit VHS Subed versions then the DVD's Im watching Z Gundam now (just got the set for X-Mas) its not bad but Im wondering why it takes 20 something eps to mention the Z Gundam I also like G Gundam even though thats Side Story never saw V though I want to
  6. A Squid?? Like we need any more of those kidding dude as a Fellow member of the Armed Services congrats with Basic. Im In the Army and we have are own pranks to pull as well. If any one asks for Chem light batteries (the kind you break and shake =) ) tell them to go to hell and also Grid Squares thats a Map term
  7. I Was going to kick your butt Nick untill i read the complete thread It lookes like a real Famicom. so its just a Mini Disc Caddy right?? not a Player??
  8. Yeah its next Sunday the 9th
  9. Yes Ladies and germs 24 Season 4 gives us 2 count em 2 days of 2 hour goodness the First 4 hours over the course of 2 days and no repeats of hiatus till the Finale =)
  10. Supposedly Mine Shipped out from Right Stuff Yesterday. I hope to get it tomorow or Friday
  11. Thanks for the Info Guys Im Stuck out here in the Ca Desert for a Year with the Army and I need an Anime Fix. I already watched 0083 like 5 times already. PS ZZ Gundam (Gundam does Goofy???) I dont get it
  12. Did the Release date for this set get pushed back AGAIN?? or is it on target for the 14 of December? (Im thinking of getting it for X-Mas)
  13. Yeah this game was at E3 and there was a HUGE Line to play. Plus they had Booth Babes posing for pictures =)
  14. New Film footage for the FF Movie with FX Added. THoughts?> http://www7.jmazone.de/?file=media.php&pag...e78c7fb344f1dbc Its a Zip file Download then unzip
  15. Well Mcgan WAS offcial since Mcoy regen'd in the movie right?
  16. I really dont know and Im a big time Dr Who Fan I'll have to research this. My Favorites have been in no order. 5th 7th 4th 3rd Aprently this will be the 9th Doctor. Who on DVD Is great Im luck to have a region 2 DVD player so I can order Who DVD's from UK
  17. Nick you didnt see her live at Comic Con she looks for for Sue Storm. And Johnny is about your age. The Thing DOES need work though I'll give you that
  18. Yeah the Costumes are what I remember most about Dr Who
  19. any one have info on the new Capcom game?? fighting evolutions?
  20. Me and Solscud saw it last night. It wasnt bloody violent like Hell Raiser. But it was Creepy as HELL and I dont scare that eaisly. heh Nick looked like he was shaken up but I didnt notice that much. Geller was suprisingly good in her role. and Ted Rami is a Costar as always in his Big Brothers Films
  21. Yeah When Nick first got the Watch we were in HK and My Relatives were all singing Bad Chinese Kareoke on a tv so guess what we did heh
  22. Two Words... Battle Toads!!!!!
  23. Dude I aleady mentioned that
  24. My God! I despise most of the things you've mentioned! My list, in no order of priority: Macross 7 (I could rant, but...) Pokemon (Not as bad as the one below) Yu-g-oh (Ugh) Care Bears Jem Transformers (post movie) Sailor Moon (Short skirts can't save everything) Smurfs (anyone remember the Smurfs rap song from the late 80's?) He Man (The toys were cool, but the cartoon was strange. The animation was too stiff) King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table (?) (The one where it was a football team that somehow switched with the real Arthur and his Knights. I had as a kid a good idea on what a knight should look like and fight. This wasn't it) I'm sure I'm missing more that I hated as a kid, but these are the ones I can spew out right now. Careful with that quote there King Aurthur and the Knughts was one of Solscuds FAVORITE Shows as a wee trouble maker wouldnt want to bring his wrath here down on us poor schlubs
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