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Everything posted by Otaku-Smeghead

  1. is ti just me or does the Belt look cheesy with that S there??
  2. I'm guessing when he says "parodies the Matrix" he means that they use that 360 degree camera shot and I believe the director of matrix had a small hand in this movie as well. Uh I think you mean the Stunt Cordinator NOT the Director? Yen Woo Ping is a Big time Martial Arts Instructor for HK and Hollywood. http://imdb.com/name/nm0950759/
  3. Dumb question but is the US release dubed in English?? or is it Cantonese with Subs?
  4. It you guys notice the Pages that made up the Play Book were Laminated it wouldnt have gone up in smoke all that easily maybe the Control board would have been smashed but thats neither here nor there.
  5. I still think that Hugh Grant would have made a PREFERCT ford Prefefct I have nothing against Mos Def and liked him in the Itlian Job but he just doesnt seem like a good match for Ford. But I'll just have to waut and see I guess there was a review on AICN that was BAD like the writer didnt like how most of the Snappy dialog from the books have been cut out.
  6. Some related news Boys and Ghouls.... The New Season of Family Guy has Keifer Sutherland guest Staring lending his voice acrding to Tvtome.com AND SPOIILERS!! Acroding to Aintitcoolnews Chase (the One handed Wonder) returns
  7. Dudes check this http://shop.lego.com/product.asp?p=10143
  8. Sup Guys I was watching this weeks episode with a Bunch of other Soldiers who were 24 Fans it was great. And they all said the same things Exo did like the FBI Bimbo with no partner. BTW exo you forgot to mention the Dudes Sister when Jack was talking to the Pilot. 10:50 pm... Sir we have your sister listen to your Heart.. dont do this ( Jack is plukcing at the Guys Heart strings) (The Pilot) LA-LA-LA Im not listening.... Im not... oh lookie a Nice shiny plane I think I'll make it go BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Having just watched the Entire series over the weekend (Big ups to Exo for the Hook Up) HOLY FRACK I didnt think Starbuck was that much of a hottie but DAMN... and looks like she has feelings for Apollo.....nothing worse then a chick in bed with you but she's thinking of some one else. That Finale!! WOW I think its a Dream Sequence. and Baltar.... you think its Boomers Kid they are talking about?
  10. Does any one know if the Art of Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sisth comes with a Built in version of the screen play? I picked up a copy of The Art of Clones in the UK and it had a Screen play for Ep II Im in the US and am Wondering the same (Im in the middle of No where weith no car and no Barnes and Nobel) Any help will be appreciated tanks
  11. Okay this is not a spoiler but a FACT David Palmer returns to 24 soon. So this is a What if now. Air Force One is Blown to holy heck and David resumes the throne???
  12. Some more Bad Movies that I LOVE Hudson Hawk: Say what you will about this film but this is one of my all time top ten IT DOESNT HAVE TO MAKE SENSE!! its great fro what it is. Big Trouble in Little China: It didnt do well at the Box Office but I love this movie Hong Kong Action Done right by the White Man (Plus I can understand AND translate all the Cantonese in this movie heh )
  13. Does any one know if the Art of Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sisth comes with a Built in version of the shooting Script? I picked up a copy of The Art of Clones in the UK and it had a Script for Ep II Im in the US and am Wondering the same (Im in the middle of No where weith no car and no Barnes and Nobel) Any help will be appreciated tanks
  14. Mcoy and Davidson were my first intro to the Doctor and therefore great =) One thing I dont get I know this is suposed to be the ninth Dr but is this series a Continuation from the orginal tv or a Remake? Example did they mention the Auton Invasion of the 70's from Spear Head from Space (The first 3rd dr story)?? or is this the first time the Auton hav invaded earth??? How many eps will this series comprise and how long was each ep??
  15. Any Fans of the series here? the cable has been on the frits where I am and I have no constent Net connection if any one has copis of the curent Season finales for SG and SGA the Two parts finales I would be deeply greatful thanks
  16. Scud Save me a Shirt in Absentia pls ??
  17. http://www.sideshowtoy.com/cgi-bin/category.cgi?&item=73141
  18. http://www.darkhorizons.com/news05/050318a.php 3D?? hmmmm
  19. NOT A SPOILER: How much do you guys want to bet that Air Force One will be hijacked?!?!/
  20. How Much do you want to bet that Sarah(Lana) will return as an evil bitch Next season?? I was framed and I want a Pay raise Blah Blah Blah Me Me Me (As Solscud would put it ) Yeah Jack Sniping that guy in the back of the Head was cool. its something Jason Vorhse would have done . Those Summiries are great Exo keep em coming
  21. I have the region 2 version of Dune Extended and to say that copy is Meh is an UNderstatement. Its nothing more than a VCD or VCR Version transefered to DVD. The only saving Grace is a cool color booklet that comes with it . I cant wait for the US release
  22. You guys remember the 3hr version of Dune from the 80's on TV?? well its finally copming to DVD http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detai...384143?v=glance
  23. Dudes what about Philp Michael Thomas??? Fu&*er hast done $hit since Vice http://imdb.com/name/nm0859365/
  24. If you don't mind strange british humor I'd also recommend Red Dwarf. One of those great smart dumb series. Preach ON Gobot Fool !!! I am a commited Smeghead one of the funniest shows out there
  25. Dude They Live Rocked!!!! what are you smoking!?!? Solairs SUCKED and that Red Mars Movie with Val Klmar
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