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Everything posted by Otaku-Smeghead

  1. All I can say is they Gave Cally 30 days in the Brig for Shooting Boomer I hope we see her soon We should get a pool going on who is or is not a Cylon.. Since Baltar isnt Telling any and every one is Human as far as he is concerned... My Money is on Ellen Tigh something is seriously Wringing that Witch's tit and one else have a Guess?? I should make a new Book.. Spot the Cylon( Where's Waldo) Six in sweats... WOW
  2. DUDES.... I was watching a repeat of SNL last night with Paris Hilton hosting... there was a Skit with Phone Sex Operators as Nerds... Trekkies D&D Players Star Wars Fans Tolkien Fans etc.. and they would have Phone Sex with these types of guys.. so at the end of the sketch.. Paris comes out with a Brown Felt Hat and scarf and even before she said anything Im thinking wait a sec here... I didnt catch all of what she said but it was like.. Im a Bad Dalek do you want to exterminate me baby???.... I was like D...U...D.....E.....
  3. I wonder if they will have an Imperious Leader in the Show.. I was re watching the Mini this weekend and I saw all kinds fo stuff I didnt notice before.. like.. The 70's Cylons and Base Star on display the Galatica Theme from the 70's during the Cermoney and Jolly the Fat dude with the stache in Name only whrn the OG C.A.G bought it......
  4. The Comics have been reprinted.. They were orginally done by Marvel after the Adaptation of Bougus Journey(STATION!!!!) The Creator of Milk and Cheese Evan Dorkin(SP??) drew them.. The entire run of the Series is in two Most Exclent Volumes through your local Comic Shop Dudes
  5. So here's a good question how the FRACK did they get out of the cave?
  6. It Seems that CTU will be invaded by Hobbits for day 5 Sean Samwise Gamgee Austin will be part of the cast for next year Aintitcoolnews.com
  7. Thats what i was talking about the Time LIfe Best of Muppets DVD's that came out a few years ago I waited for the Box Set my Self... I hope they dont cut the remaining seaaons Only the one that just came out a week ago. (The box covered with green simulated frog fur) There are affidavits of different versions on Amazon's customer reviews if you don't believe me. Once I found out I also checked my dvds. Indeed the skits and songs were missing. Click on View all customer reviews 321658[/snapback] It's two different releases, not two versions of the same release. The Complete Season One sets are all edited. The previously released Best Of discs had some of the material that's not in the Complete set. 321679[/snapback]
  8. Are you talking about the Time Life Muppet Show DVD's or are you talking about the ones that just came out like 1 week ago as having two different versions? No, there is no visible difference on the box. They really should put a sticker on it saying edited or something. You can get lucky I suppose or go hunting for the first generation on eBay. As far as what's missing on the DVD: There are 6 songs & 2 news skits that are missing. The missing songs are: "Stormy Weather" (Joel Grey Episode) Sung by Wayne and Wanda "Gone With The Wind" (Jim Nabors Episode) Sung by Jim Nabors "The Danceros" (Jim Nabors Episode) Sung by The Danceros; also cut backstage and intro "All Of Me" (Paul Williams Episode) Sung by Two Monsters; also cut intro "Old Fashioned Way" (Charles Aznavour) Sung by Charles Aznavour with Mildred; also cut intro "You've Got A Friend" (Vincent Price Episode) Sung by Vincent Price, Uncle Deadly and a chorus of Muppet Monsters; also cut intro Also, the original pitch reel is missing in a final scene with Kermit. Kermit is standing infront of a CBS logo. He looks out and says " What the hell was that ? " 321645[/snapback]
  9. Here's one from last years Kamen Rider Series http://www.dab.hi-ho.ne.jp/mihoco/cafe/aicon01/ that addy has some cool Tokusatsu (Live Action) Icons the ones with the ex prefix are animated
  10. Dudes check this out. This was from the Special Features on the cats DVD. When Geeks go down hill
  11. Yeah I got it but it seems that the Episode order on the DVD's doest jive with what Im seeing online... I never got to watch TV on School days as a Kid and I was in the Army and in High School to catch the "peats"on Toon network so Im glad I got this series the only thing Bad is Seeing Will Whaeton Singing the Thunder Cats theme boy has he aged Badly.....
  12. Kermit and the Gang on DVD Complete none of this Time Life Best of Crapfest.. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detai...g=UTF8&v=glance
  13. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detai...=books&n=507846
  14. Euro Trip Big Trouble in Little China: It didnt do well at the Box Office but I love this movie Hong Kong Action Done right by the White Man (Plus I can understand AND translate all the Cantonese in this movie heh and Hudson Hawk it bombed at the box office but so What IT DOESNT HAVE TO MAKE SENSE one of my top ten favorites
  15. Dude they do REPEAT after the first showing there is an encore presentation right after the first run of BSg and dont fool any one here into think you go out Firday nights we know better
  16. All I can say is GO CALLIGH!!! what if Boomer was lying about the number of Cylons present in the fleet?? not to mention asking who they were Baltar should have asked her where they were in the Fleet....... Dudes what if Rosylin is a Toster????
  17. Indeed this show and the Brit Comedy Red Dwarf got me through my formative years IE High School. While Mom and Dad were at the Gym or Famrers Market on Saturday Mornings in LA. I would Water Mom's equivelent of the Rain Forest like 30 odd plants Im not kidding Solscud can vouch. then heat up some Price Club Taquitos and watch Who and Dwarf Back to back
  18. I just got a Master replicas Anakin Blue Saber from Comic Con I just love it. I got a few jokes from some fellow Army Soldiers untill I turned it on =)
  19. You might as well wait till the Fall when the Beeb will release the ENTIRE season and not some ittty bitty sh*t the whole complete season will be ina Tardis Gift Box come September or December 05. and it DOES state in the Dr who store Web that V 1and 2 are PAL which means you are SOL
  20. All I know is that Calligh is a Hottie
  21. So they are making a new Kamen Rider Movie INSTEAD of a New tv series?
  22. So this is Toei's next project after Kamen Rider Hibiki?? Isnt this kinda early for them to announce a New show. There not even half way through the current season right?
  23. From the Makers of Darth Tater http://store.yahoo.com/wizarduniverse/hs02347.html
  24. SolScud has the cockpit. MW5 is over bring on AX and COMIC CON!!!!!
  25. It sounds like a great Con too bad I wasnt there and Im out Serving my country in the middle of No where!! . Well Im glad you guys had fun. Hey Memo are you planing any kind of BBQ for Anime Expo? if so let me know dude I'll help with the Salsa (MW04 inside joke)
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