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Everything posted by Otaku-Smeghead

  1. Grham the actor who plays Imhotep is the main Bad Guy in seaon 4 we just call him that cause thats what we know him from
  2. Thats kinda funny talk seeing as how you guys got the DVD for season 4 way before we did. God Bless Region free players
  3. If I remember right, that was the very first episode. I really like the show the first season, though it went down hill after that. BTW, who did Adrian Paul play on the show? I remember the guy who was one of Arnold's commandos in Predator being the military guy who was involved in the counter alien opeartion... he ended up being controlled by them and ended up blowing his brains out. 341636[/snapback] Duncan Mcloud played The Replacement for That Predator dude after he was killed of. Adrian was in season 2
  4. Dude this show rocked when I was a Wee Smeg. It was Dark and Gorry as hell. Dismemberment and Mutaliations.... The Second season sucked I agree.. Im kind pissed cause I bought a Boot legg copy of Season 1 from Comic Con then this comes out on DVD a few months later
  5. so does any one have any ideas on my question. How can you tell if a PSP can play NES rom games by simply looking at the box??
  6. no he is asking how can one tell which version a PSP whe they buy it? and without opening the box? I heard soemthing about the serial number 339853[/snapback] exactly how to tell with out opening the box and thoughts
  7. Dumb question But Im a newbie at this stuff. Solscud's PSP can play 8bit Nes Games BUT only because of the Kind of Firm Ware on his device... now the question becomes how can I tell what Firm ware is being used on the PSP without looking at it. I have a Bunch at the PX here at FT Bliss but I cant open them and power them up.. is there a way to check the Package itself for Firm ware details. Thanks
  8. Dude the SE version of Begins had Tank Man just Tankin Around The comic wasnt that bad just a reprint of The Stories that inspired the Movie
  9. hey Seven: You can do all that OR at the very last menu on that dvd is a Direct link to each feature on the DVD.. a by name listing if you will with out all that tedious mucking about in the Comic Menus which are a b1tch I agree.
  10. do I swim around in your koolaid.. no I think not. Im asking a serious question here.. no jokes 337490[/snapback] A serious question about a kids show with dudes in tights. 337563[/snapback] HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAA!!! 337634[/snapback] a 20 plus Year Fan following must be doing something right Arsehat 337708[/snapback] HAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA!!! I don't even know what this thread is about. I didn't even bother to read your first post, I just wanted to allow the collective membership to enjoy a little awesomeness from yours truly. 337716[/snapback] the world does not revolve around you shite head
  11. do I swim around in your koolaid.. no I think not. Im asking a serious question here.. no jokes 337490[/snapback] A serious question about a kids show with dudes in tights. 337563[/snapback] HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAA!!! 337634[/snapback] a 20 plus Year Fan following must be doing something right Arsehat
  12. The bitch of it is that I was a Wee Otaku then. It might have been a kamen rider show but the early rider pics from the 80's dont match whats in my head.. Its like the tootsie Pop Comercial.... The World will never know.
  13. do I swim around in your koolaid.. no I think not. Im asking a serious question here.. no jokes
  14. Thanks for your help guys... Im not exactly sure what the Hero was dressed like as I was 6-7 at the time and my cantonese was non exsistant except for hello good bye and YOUNG JOW CHOWFAN all I really remember is Lots of Black a Motor Bike and Monsters... and a floating head scared the crap outta me when I watched it....
  15. Hey Guys I askoing this question in the hopes that Shawn I mean Graham or any other HK residents can help me... Were any of you HK citizens living HK in the early 80's 82-86 I use to visit Hk a lot to see my Grandparents and assotrted relatives... I remember a Kids TV show called 4-3-0 Space Shuttle(Chuin Saw Gay in cantonese) what Ima sking is that show had live action Hosts (Steven Chow among them) and they would show Japanee Anime like doremon sub in cantonese one other show they had was a live action show It was kinda like Kamen (Masked rider) with guys on Bikes and a Kamen rider liek Hero and people getting blown up voilent as hell for Kids TV but it seemed really dark and scared the hell outta me when I was little I dont remmeber the name of the show or much of it since my chinese wasnt so good then any one old enough to remember this would be greatly appreciated
  16. Your opinions don't matter. Stop polluting the threads and go back to beating your child. Back to topic: I am dreading to watch it because the track record of game to movie conversions are really not that good. The only movie based off a video game that I truly enjoyed was Resident Evil. To me, the storyline was realistic enough to satisfy fans of the RE series like me. Since they are making HALO next. Any chance we see a Metal Gear movie? 336747[/snapback] Due while I agree about the resident evil series.. i still think Mortal Kombat 1 was a great translation to film MK II not so much
  17. The Dragonball series was the same way all the theatrical DBZ movies in Japan had Film comic-books anime cells with words attached basicly... in book form
  18. did you guys knw there was a Xiaolin soccer TV series for HK tv?? it was 40 eos and kinda cheesy I just discoevered it here in LA on Public Acess (its dubed in Mandarin ) http://store.edaymovie.com/ctv29503.html
  19. has any one seen this movie uet?? its pretty funny a little risque for family guy. and the ending isnt what you think. Solscud thinks the Thundercats joke is pretty damn funny but for me the Leathal Weapon moment was the best... and of course Ferris Buller
  20. Alex I happen to like AICN
  21. http://www.aintitcool.com/display.cgi?id=21423
  22. That Rocks I noticed over Labor Day Weekend A&E was doing a 2 day Marathon of Season 4 I guss FX isnt doing this any more
  23. Just got 24 on DVD region 2 looks great all over again
  24. Any one catch the premiere Monday?? encore preformance tonight so far it looks great I love that Tattoo and who doesnt love Origami??
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