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Everything posted by Otaku-Smeghead

  1. if you want to drink. Bring your own. lol. 356917[/snapback] There will be Sapporo, I have forseen this. 358884[/snapback] Sapporo is good Sappro is great Sappro is GOD. heh I remember MW2004 some one brought a few cases of Sapporo to the Con =)
  2. EXCELENT!!!! thanks man... Jack Bauer shows mercy and spares your life
  3. Does any one know where I can get the weekly promo's online? at the end of the ep they show a next week clip?? thats what Im looking for thanks
  4. for any one intrested the First three New eps are out on the Net Flash and Subtance Dead Recoking and Patriot Act The UK gets first viewing US should get them Late Spring early Summer
  5. http://www.notrly.com/jackbauer/index.php?topthirty this stuff was funny as hell
  6. I thought I asked this before but I guess not. What did you guys think of the Sci-Fi Chanel Version of Dune?
  7. Hopefully we'll see more summaries from Exo as the season goes on.
  8. Im taking a WAG here (Wild Arse Guess) But Tony said there wouldnt be an Autposy since they wantde him dead no questions asked. so I kinda figure they made up some bull$hit about Jack wanting to be cremated. and have a fake plot with a Head Stone the whole nine yards.
  9. As always I'll be looking fwd to Exo Recaps for the Following season
  10. http://comic-con.org 358805[/snapback] Thanks! 358843[/snapback] If you need an offcial head count Im down for MWC of course missed last years thanks to stupid uncle Sam
  11. http://comic-con.org
  12. Baltar still rules, but this episode was too serious for him... I like it when his lines are more comedic. 358357[/snapback] thought you didnt see this ep. "NO MORE MR NICE GIAUS"
  13. LOL, you and just about every chick... I have never dated a girl that didn't like that movie. I however thought it was a tad lame. Certainly watchable though. 357409[/snapback] Hey Agent Im curious have you ever Met Arnold in person? or saw him live?
  14. Dude are you insane!!!!! Peter David writing X-Factor was one of the best things about that book. Besides the fact that it had my favorite MAdrox the Multiple Man. I mean come on Peter David made Quicksilver seem cool FREAKIN QUICKSILVER!!!!!
  15. aintitcoolnews.com has a spoiler filled review for the X-Mas Special 353275[/snapback] So yeah I just saw the X-Mas special after grabing it off the net. (My PC must have Tardis Components as I was able to down load it in like 45 minutes. its a 60 minute ep 20 minutes longer than the Previous season (just for X-mas I think) its not bad David Tennet doesnt come in the picture till the last half of the ep but his Dr is different. More Animated than Peter Davidson #5 and a bit darker than Selvestyer Macoy #7. and an Homage to Empire Strikes Back as well. 9 Tardis's or is it Tardi?? out of 10. At the end there is a Preview of things to come with old Friends new friends and Old Enemys not the Daleks
  16. As Nick Said we basicly bought our selves presents. The New Toynami Voltron a few Justice League Figures. CSI and Miami Season 5 and 3 respectively. Sea Quest DSV tomorow. and some cash from our folks
  17. Well the Trip wasnt a total lost to me. I got a few Sentai refernce Books that I wanted since I came back from HK met some great people. yes you Agent 1 and got semi buzzed at the Bar with Solscud and the others (Viva La Snake Bites) I just cant find those in LA Bars I did meet the future Mrs EX-smeghead at JTAF but like always I didnt have the nerve to talk to her Big Ups to Golden-Boy and his GF for Acomedations. Next Stop on the Con Trip is E3 then AX Wizard World LA maybe and Comic Con
  18. aintitcoolnews.com has a spoiler filled review for the X-Mas Special
  19. I didnt pre-reg either I just got in at the last moment. I'll wait in line for Tix those who have Pre-reged just go on I'll catch up
  20. Has any one been to JTAF before?? Im wondering if there will be a Sentai presence there live action stuff like Kamen (Masked ) Rider and power ranger type stuff
  21. Solscud and I saw a press release screening for Kong this past Monday.. it was pretty good some of the scenes during the T-Rex sequence looked faked. like you KNEW he/she was in front of a green screen. Some of the skull island sceenes are way too intense for lil kids under 10. and I guess Kong dying would go over too well with the kiddies. But Kong as a whole was amazing. part CG part anamatronic I think I dont know for sure thats a WAG (wild ass guess) trivia did you guys know Andy Serkis was the VR Model for Kong like he was for Golum and he also has a live action role in Kong a pretty cool one to boot
  22. Yeah provided there is room I'll be with Exo Solscud and others
  23. X-men 3 Plug. Shohreh Aghdashloo Who played the terroist Mommy in Season4 of 24 is a cast member of X Cubed .... I mean x-3
  24. 2 things 1. The Beast WAS in X-Men 2 as a cameo human looking a sort of easter egg for comic geeks 2 Well baiscly In the Comics The Bast was Born looking human but unllike most mutants who's powers show up at puberity when he was born he had unusually large hands and feet. he could walk on his hands for hours and tie knotxs with his toes. He was a founding member of the X-men. Much laetr while working for Roxon Oil (Bad Guys) he treid to create a formula o cure mutations and tried it on him self. Which made him blue and furry. Also to note the Jacket he is wearing in that Pic looks a lot like the Costumes designs from Grant Morrison's run of X-men (comics) 3-4 years ago
  25. This was in todays paper
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