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Everything posted by Otaku-Smeghead

  1. Looks like you forgot someone Arse-Hat
  2. IM GONNA MISS THE FINALE LIVE =(!!!! Only the Daleks or in my case Uncle Sam Could pull me away from watching Doomsday. I have a way whereby I can watch live BBC from the US on my PC but I'll miss the live broadcast for Doomsday I'll have to Dl instead =(
  3. DUDES... First off the number of dvds to be released per year of the classic series will be going up to 10, from 6. That means 11 months there will be Who on dvd, including the new series boxset 2nd, they will now be doing cheaper less extra packed dvds as well as the current extra filled ones. However, they will still be fully restored by the ever great Doctor Who Restortaion Team, and will still have audio commentries, production subtitles and usually a documentry. The cheaper dvds will mainly be for stores that have little or no extras potential. Finally, some of the releases for later this year (UK dates, US will usually get them a while later) In October, The Sontaran Experiment, which will be the first of the cheaper less extra packed releases. This finshes of the connected trilogy of "The Ark in Space", this and "Genesis of the Daleks". In November, The Invasion, which is a classic 2nd Doctor Cybermen story. Interestingly, the 1st and 4th episodes of this story are missing due to the BBCs old policy of dumping old tv episodes, but for the dvd they have been animated (using the original soundtrack and camera directions) by Cosgrove Hall Films (who did the classic cartoon Dangermouse). Also in November, the new series series 2 boxset will be out, with 14 episodes and a whole load of extras over 6 discs. And the last of the announced titles is in January, and is a boxset of 3 stories called the "Return of the Master", with 2 Tom Baker stories and a Peter Davison one (which are all connected, and came after each other), the stories are The Keeper of Traken, Logopolis (Tom Baker's last story) and Castrovalva (Peter Davison's first story). Each of these will have the usual RT treatment, with commentaries, productuion subtitles and other extras. __________________ Best news I have heard all Year my Three favorite Who Stories all in one Box and Animated Segments for The Invasion.
  4. Oh Yeah I forgot John Cho and Kal Pen at a screening for Harold and Kumar at Comic Con few months before the MOvie release
  5. I met a few "famous" people Spoke to Kevin Smith at Comic Con a few Times David Hewlit (Star Gate Atlantis) and fellow Dr WHo Fan I too met The Pompus Ass that is Shatner... story for another time Arnold was at the Theater were I worked in HS for a press screaning of Eraser back in the day Leslie Nelson (naked gun) on a plane to Vancouver I have a Mutual friend who does Voice Overs for Disney. This Girl was a classmate of mine in HS she was on 24 during season 4 and is now in the cast of Windfall on NBC she was in Boomtown too. Singers wise I met Milissa Ethridge (hottie Mcscottie). oh yeah Dany Trejo (Desperado) I saw him in Santa Monica nice as hell in real life
  6. 405204[/snapback] no more POrn =-( they also did a huge porn release La Blue Girl anyone?
  7. Is it just me or is this season not as exciting as last season? More intruige than Action in my book but hey any day with Jack Bauer is a good day. Plus Curtis needs a Spinofff damit
  8. was last years 24 a 2 hr finale? I forget
  9. Yeah I asked my Dad (who is a 26 year Veteran of the Commercial Airline industry) and he said you could tune into the frequency that the eletronics use and mess that up but what Jack did works too
  10. Funny this thread comes up http://www.aintitcoolnews.com/display.cgi?id=23100 they had a screening in Texas a few weeks ago with a cast reunion. Pics of the Grown up cast are there too
  11. Like I said that was the TCI which ISNT a part of Season 1. I wonder if Sciffy will even broadcast TCI. Ratings dont look so good for the US Cast of Who
  12. How did this Tie in with season 1? TCI wasnt a part of Season 1 so what are you babling about?
  13. The new Series for Doctor Who starts in 4 minutes (Im watching a Live BBC feed on my pc from CA) Cant wait
  14. Heh I was in Mons which is an Hour away from Brussells for 2.5 years it was pretty cool London Kicks all kinda of arse but it is expensive
  15. Funny no one mentioned the Audio Drama's http://www.bigfinish.com for more info on the 8th Dr
  16. This Friday Saturday and Sunday 17-19 March 06 Im going with my brother and some buds any one else going?
  17. Any one going to see this ?
  18. Oh yeah, that Robocop is nearly creep me out. * his eyes open * * holds Tony's hand and gets up * * stabs Tony's chest hardly then fled * The Robocop is alive! Red Alert! 381377[/snapback] They are thinking of having part of next season take place outside the US like in England or some where else. for like 3-4 episodes as an example. Seems like an intresting concept hope they dont jump the shark. PS would you see 24 going on and continuing if Bauer buck the kicket (Speaking bassackward as my mom would say )
  19. For those of you like Exo amd myself who Dl the 24 eps be warned there are some Arse Hats there who create Bogus encodes to dl. also the site isitonyet.com seems to be going under HOWEVER http://feeds.feedburner.com/24Season5Promos this is a site that has the promos in mpg format I hope the First Lady doesnt Buy it she loooks like a Milf
  20. Thoughts on this weeks episode?? Is it me or was the whole Mall scene not all that exciting?? I did like Jack savign the kid though. Lyn is just like Erin Dryscol form last year family problems. thoughts opinions??
  21. As far as I know the idea at the moment is to schedule MW06 around Con time late July in between AX and Comi-Con. More news as it devlopes
  22. Forget all this crap Just Blame the Frogs thats what I do.. Damn Frenchies Tottaly Spies ISNT US Creation its French. "That Would be the French" CPT JAck Sparrow
  23. Dude Hammer I so tottally saw that coming a mile away. Spoilers for the Un washed..... uh unwatched Dude she isnt a citizen of this country. Worse thing that happans is she gets deported. At one moment I thought Jack was gonna give her a gun him self. and yeah that WAS John Macain making a cameo I remember reading about that. I think Kim and Chase broke up from what I read she is dating her shrink or some such
  24. OoooooOOoohhh...I hadn't seen that yet. Maybe, once we learn the reason(s) behind his paralysis, we can finally posit a reason for his recovery. Or it could just be magic, for all we know. 362471[/snapback] http://abc.go.com/fsp/index.html?channel=Lost new lost commercial
  25. All I have to say is WHERE ARE THE DAGGITS?? The world needs more monkey's Damit. oh yeah and that Caligh is a Hottie Mc Yum Yum
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