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Everything posted by Otaku-Smeghead

  1. How did you get Kan-gi as part of your signature???
  2. I was there also Dude how far down the line where you ?? I was like the 20th person in line so I didnt have to wait that long only bad part was My Buddy got something Personal Signed and I got a Cheesy Escape From Butcher Bay Poster signed
  3. Its Pet him and love him and name him GEORGE dont you watch cartoons?? In All seriousness Congrats Man... HK Is a great Place I spent quite a few summers there as a Wee Smeg..... CANTONESE ROCKS Gaw Be-Be Ho Lang.... (That Baby is very Pretty in Cantonese)
  4. where? I did a search but came up empty
  5. Im off to see it now I'll review when I get back
  6. I dont know if this has been mentioned But I know you guys must be music Fans... I just got finished watching the Blues Brothers again as a tribute... RIP Ray
  7. Come one the Trailer wasnt that BAd
  8. Gee I wonder who that is? (Sarcasam MOde)
  9. new version of crack Okay Im hooked MyMax is level 6 4565 points
  10. "Its Japanese" "How do you know??" "Cause I bought it Japan..." "Hi Im Bruce Wayne" Batman(The first film)
  11. Okay That trailer was SICK!!!! and 5 minutes very long for a Game trailer... All kinds of SD Giant robot goodness makes me wish I knew Japanese... Nick was saying this games predasesor was a Stratgy based game rather than a fighting game... any one know if this will be the same??
  12. how on earth did you post Kanji on the Boards??
  13. I got it to work it wouldnt work last time cause I was up late I guess.. But yeah Seing is believeing for that Clip he-he
  14. Hah! Those pics don't give justice to the actual ending sequence: "Girls in Trouble! Dekaranger" by Jasmine & Umeko with Dekaren Boys (Requires WinRAR to open) Password: spd2004 Thanks to cocoon at the Japan Hero Forums Dude do you have a hot link for that ?? I cant seem to DL it or is it that Fact that Im doing it at 1 in the morning '?
  15. doesnt Swat have a Web Site that you can check out or just Google SWAT
  16. Original Video Animation, it's basiclly a miniseries, higher quality animation because they dont have stretch their budget for a whole series, not as high quality animation as a movie, i know they tend to be more graphic, i dont know if they even air on japanese tv or if they are straight to DVD, might be late night tv in japan Actully The term OVA came out way before DVD hence the name in its Title orginal VIDEO Animation.. Case in point Mobile Suit Gundam 0083 The Video Stores would get like a New Episode released on VHS every other month for like a Year untill the series was complete.. I tend to think of OVA as Direct to Video Home Movies not a TV Series not a Theaterical release but something in between
  17. I wonder how many Chick this Guy can pull with a Pad like that.. read smallest meaning ZERO
  18. http://film.guardian.co.uk/features/page/0...1082823,00.html
  19. Is it just me or did they not Explain that James Potter was an Animagus in Goblet of Fire??? I dont have my copy of Azkaban in front of me....
  20. Just got back from the 10 40 showing.... I liked the Knight Bus but but I wish they did more with it.... What I DIDNT like was how they turned Hagrids Hut and the Whomping Willow all round Higildy Pigildy geographicy was all messed up.. Buck Beak rocked.. it was kind of a Shock to See the Kids look all grown up espically Harry and Malfoy (looks like a few Some ones have been visited by the Pewberty fairy) all in all it was good Garry Old Man was the Shiznit as always... 7 1/2 Broom Sticks outa 10
  21. Seing Soudwave Dance like a Bitch was kinda disturbing BUT I did DIG the Sound Trax
  22. Hell yes it is... I was fortunate to be living in Irvine where it was being screened at the Regal Art HOuse across from UCI... This is Campbell at his best... If you have FTP Acess I can send you my DVD Rip Copy....
  23. 36 I think Each Hard COver is 12 issues so do the math
  24. Havent you been paying attention? they all have evil Chick in the shows But seriously I just watched a Ninja Storm ep for the first time and I like how the US is trying to be faithful to its sentai roots the Bad Guys in Storm are not japanese obviously BUT they do employ the same costumes used in Herccianranger so thats kinda cool
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